
專輯:Hannah Montana - The Movie (Soundtrack)



Taylor Swift - Crazier [HD]


I'd never gone with the wind, just let it flow

我不願一味隨波逐流 僅是順其自然

Let it take me where it wants to go

任風自在飄揚 將我吹到它喜愛的所在

'Til you open the door, there's so much more

直至你敞開我的心扉 我才發現到原來

I'd never seen it before

這世上 還有好多我不曾領略的美好

I was tryin' to fly but I couldn't find wings

我試著乘風翱翔 可翅膀早已不知去向

But you came along and you changed everything

直至你出現 就此改寫我平凡的人生


You lift my feet off the ground

你將我的靈魂 捧得高高在上

You spin me around

我的視野 因你而遼闊

You make me crazier, crazier

你的愛 改變我對這世界的看法

Feels like I'm fallin' and I am lost in your eyes

每每我注視那對眼眸 便徹底迷失了自我

You make me crazier, crazier, crazier

我為你瘋狂 直至我如同花瓣落在你心頭


I've watched from a distance as you made life your own

我遠瞻你那非凡的生活步調 朝天空恣意地揮灑色彩

Every sky was your own kind of blue

每一片雲彩 都成了你專屬的形態

And I wanted to know how that would feel

而我是多麼想知道 你究竟是如何掌握人生

And you made it so real

經由你導覽下 緣由再透徹不過

You showed me somethin' that I couldn't see

你用你那飽含歷練的手 為我揭開面紗

You opened my eyes

每段際遇 都令我大開眼界

And you made me believe

對你的情感 更讓我深信不疑


You lift my feet off the ground

你將我的愛情 高高舉起

You spin me around

我的幸福 因你而偉大

You make me crazier, crazier

每當你這麼做 便令我心醉神迷 再不復返

Feels like I'm fallin' and I am lost in your eyes

就好像沉浸在你那深情眼眸 迷失了方向

You make me crazier, crazier, crazier, oh

我為你一人癡迷 墜入那片情海就此沉溺 噢


Baby, you showed me what livin' is for

親愛的 你讓我感受到生命的意義

I don't wanna hide anymore

而我說什麼也不願 再隱瞞對你的心意



You lift my feet off the ground

你將我的愛情 高高舉起

You spin me around

我為你傾倒 目眩神迷

You make me crazier, crazier

我那潔盈的心 只為你鍾情

Feels like I'm fallin' and I am lost in your eyes

就好像從天空墜落 而我就此墜入眼底星空

You make me crazier, crazier, crazier

我不再迷惘 只為你一人痴狂 愛得狂妄 

Crazier, crazier

為你鍾情 為你癡迷


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