
專輯:Plastic Hearts 塑膠心


Miley Cyrus - Edge of Midnight (Midnight Sky Remix) (Audio) ft. Stevie Nicks


Yeah, it's been a long night and the mirror's telling me to go home

渡過多少漫漫長夜 鏡中的我再三提醒自己該回家了

But it's been a long time since I felt this good on my own (Uh)

歷經多少風波磨難 我總算能稍微喘口氣了

Lotta years went by with my hands tied up in your ropes

好些年前的我 也曾被囚禁在你的牢籠

Forever and ever, no more (No more)

日復一日 年復一年 直至再也不自由


The midnight sky is the road I'm takin'

眼前的晚霞 是我唯一的信仰

Head high up in the clouds (Oh, oh)

抬頭挺胸 就此步入雲端 (噢)


I was born to run, I don't belong to anyone, oh no

天生就是脫韁野馬 從不是任何人胯下間的玩物

I don't need to be loved by you (By you)


Fire in my lungs, can't bite the devil on my tongue, oh no

怒火中燒 也阻止不了我滔滔不絕地羞辱你

I don't need to be loved by you


Just like the white winged dove

這份愛 就像沙灘上的白鷗 

Sings a song, sounds like she's singing

為你高歌一曲 振翅間傳來悅耳天籟

Ooh, baby, ooh, said, ooh


Just like the whitе winged dove


Sings a song, sounds like shе's singing

獻上輓歌一曲 哀戚叫聲間

Ooh, baby, ooh, said, ooh

彷彿對你說著 『安息吧

Loved by you






And the days go by like a strand in the wind

日子過得飛快 宛如輕煙消散在風中

In the web that is my own, I begin again

在作繭自縛的殼中 我終將破除迷惘

I sing to my friend, eh (Everything stopped)

『塵世間 再沒有什麼是重要的』

Nothing else mattered (Nothing else mattered)

我會這麼告訴友人 (再沒有)



The midnight sky is the road I'm takin'

這片午夜星空 是我唯一信仰

Head high up in the clouds (Oh, oh)

昂首闊步 就此平步雲端 (噢)


I was born to run, I don't belong to anyone, oh no

身為自我放逐的天生好手 我無法被人駕馭

I don't need to be loved by you (By you)


Fire in my lungs, can't bite the devil on my tongue, oh no

怒火中燒 也阻止不了我滔滔不絕地羞辱你

I don't need to be loved by you


See my lips on her mouth, everybody's talkin' now, baby

見我和她唇舌相接 不久便成為話題焦點 親愛的

Ooh, baby, ooh, said, ooh

你和我 已成前塵往事

Just like the white winged dove (Just like the white winged dove)


Sings a song, sounds like shе's singing

獻上輓歌一曲 哀戚叫聲間

Ooh, baby, ooh, said, ooh

彷彿對你說著 『安息吧 我的愛人』


Falling on, on the edge of

拼命衝刺 直到我跨越那條



I don't hide blurry eyes like you

我的視野 不再因你而模糊

Like you

就算有 也不為你


I was born to run, I don't belong to anyone, oh no

身為自我放逐的天生好手 我從來無法被誰駕馭

I don't need to be loved by you (By you)


Fire in my lungs, can't bite the devil on my tongue, you know

怒火中燒 也阻止不了我滔滔不絕地羞辱你 不是嗎?

I don't need to be loved by you


Just like the white winged dove (Just like the white winged dove)

這份愛 就像沙灘上的白鷗 

Sings a song, sounds like she's singing

為你高歌一曲 振翅間傳來悅耳天籟

Ooh, baby, ooh, said, ooh


Just like the white winged dove (Just like the white winged dove)


Sings a song, sounds like she's singing (Made a few mistakes)

獻上輓歌一曲 哀戚叫聲間

Ooh, baby, ooh, said, ooh


Ooh, baby, ooh, said, ooh


Loved by you, yeah



In the midnight


You know it's true


In the midnight


Sky (Loved by you)

你聽見了她的哀慟 (曾被你愛過的我)



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