
專輯:Red (Taylor’s Version) - 紅色 (泰勒絲全新版)


Taylor Swift - 22

Taylor Swift - 22 (Taylor's Version) (Lyric Video)

Hidden Message: Ashley Dianna Claire Selena 摯友們


It feels like a perfect night

今晚 感覺就是天大的好機會

To dress up like hipsters

能拋開世俗眼光 把自己打扮得像嬉皮士

And make fun of our exes, uh-uh, uh-uh

然後跟摯友圍在一塊 嘲弄著彼此的前任

It feels like a perfect night

今晚能做的事 可多著呢

For breakfast at midnight

像是料理打點家務 為夜晚準備早點

To fall in love with strangers, uh-uh, uh-uh

做些平常不會做的事 好比跟陌生人同墜愛河



We're happy, free, confused, and lonely at the same time

高呼自由口號的我 在愉悅之餘 卻又感到些許困惑及孤獨

It's miserable and magical, oh, yeah

雖然有點小感傷 但整體來說還是超完美 噢 耶

Tonight's the night when we forget about the deadlines

最為特別的日子 今晚我們可不能被生理時鐘給耽誤了

It's time, oh-oh



I don't know about you, but I'm feeling 22

雖然我一點也不認識你 但本壽星感到通體舒暢

Everything will be alright if you keep me next to you

只要有你陪我 那麼一切肯定都會好起來的

You don't know about me, but I'll bet you want to

雖然你跟我不怎麼熟 但我相信你有想加我好友的衝動

Everything will be alright if we just keep dancing like we're

凡事無往不利 只要我們能留住二十二歲的青春活力

22, 22



It seems like one of those nights

那陣子 心情煩悶的我過得不大好

This place is too crowded

無遠弗屆的音樂界 卻擁擠得不得了

Too many cool kids, uh-uh, uh-uh

誰叫有太多新人 爭相搶奪那張門票

(Who's Taylor Swift, anyway? Ew)


It seems like one of those nights

後來的我擺脫框架 特立獨行 

We ditch the whole scene

有了先見之明 決定遠離紛爭

And end up dreaming

決定要腳踏實地 一步一腳印

Instead of sleeping




We're happy, free, confused, and lonely in the best way

雖然感到迷茫 甚至孤立無援 但至少我是自由快樂的

It's miserable and magical, oh, yeah

這一點也不可悲 而是值得人們為此喝采鼓勵 噢 耶

Tonight's the night when we forget about the heartbreaks

今晚我們要大玩特玩 忘卻心碎所帶來的煩惱

It's time, oh-oh





I don't know about you, but I'm feeling 22

雖然不曉得你哪位 不過壽星我可是很樂意歡迎任何人加入

Everything will be alright (Ooh) if you keep me next to you

只要你願意陪我找樂子 那一切自然是再好不過

You don't know about me, but I'll bet you want to

雖然我們不怎麼熟 但你一定對我充滿了好奇

Everything will be alright if (Alright)

相信事情總會有轉機 一切漸入佳境

We just keep dancing like we're 22 (Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh)

只要我們仍能持有 二十二歲的熱情和這份真

22 (I don't know about you)

熱情如火的二十二 (雖然我不曉得你哪位)


It feels like one of those nights

今晚 有著絕無僅有的好機會

We ditch the whole scene


It feels like one of those nights

在舞池裡盡情狂歡 跳個過癮

We won't be sleeping

十五歲的夢想 就快要成真

It feels like one of those nights

今晚 我們要用力活個痛快

You look like bad news

你一臉衰樣 看起來肯定沒好事

I gotta have you


I gotta have you

來跟我們分享 陪我們作伴

Ooh, ooh, yeah

噢 噢 耶




I don't know about you (I don't know about you), but I'm feeling 22

雖然沒看過你 但我可是頂著二十二歲的壽星光環

Everything will be alright if (Ooh) you keep me next to you

只要我們一起跟著節奏搖擺 相信很快就能打成一片

You don't know about me (You don't know about me), but I'll bet you want to

你對我的認知並不多 但我想你一定對我充滿不少疑問

Everything will be alright if we just keep dancing like we're

別擔心 只要跟著音樂舞動 拋開煩惱 答案自然水落石出

22 (Whoa, oh)


22 (Dancing like)

別畏懼 勇往直前

22 (Yeah, yeah), 22, (Yeah, yeah, yeah)

年輕就是本錢 我們有的是時間


It feels like one of those nights

相信過了今晚 一切都會沒事的

We ditch the whole scene

我們拋開手邊雜務 邁向理想鄉

It feels like one of those nights


We won't be sleeping

夢想即將啟程 不再徬徨

It feels like one of those nights

機會絕無僅有 我們要好好把握

You look like bad news

臉色鐵青的你 似乎惹上不少麻煩

I gotta have you

有什麼問題 就讓我們一起突破吧

I gotta have you

別擔心 有我在沒問題


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