
專輯:Because You Loved Me (Theme from Up, Close & Personal)


Celine Dion Because You Loved Me

Céline Dion - Because You Loved Me (Theme from "Up Close and Personal")(Audio)


For all those times you stood by me

謝謝你 這段日子以來 總是陪伴在側

For all the truth that you made me see

用你那獨到見解 傳達生命的真諦

For all the joy you brought to my life

踏進我的世界 帶我領略世間美好

For all the wrong that you made right

為我解開疑惑 覺察自省原有錯誤 

For every dream you made come true

給了我逐夢的勇氣 夢想才能成真

For all the love I found in you

我從你身上 體會到了愛情的滋味

I would be forever thankful, baby

為此 我將用餘生來感激你 親愛的

You're the one who held me up

你的愛 如同一隻大手 將我高高抬起

Never let me fall


You're the one who saw me through, through it all

因為有你 我才能克服心魔 渡過重重難關


You were my strength when I was weak

每當我懦弱不堅強時 你就是我最強而有力的靠山

You were my voice when I couldn't speak

若是因傷感 而哽咽得說不出話時 只有你願為我發聲

You were my eyes when I couldn't see

若我變得盲目 識不清事理時 你便為我擦亮雙眼

You saw the best there was in me

你那敏銳的洞察力 總能挖掘我最好的一面

Lifted me up when I couldn't reach

若夢想高不可及 你便賦予我力量 助我一臂之力

You gave me faith 'cause you believed

給了我無條件信任 只因為你對我再確信不過

I'm everything I am


Because you loved me



You gave me wings and made me fly

你賜予我一對翅膀 教會我如何翱翔

You touched my hand, I could touch the sky

手把手 帶領我 彷彿就連天空都能碰得著

I lost my faith, you gave it back to me

若我掉失意念 你便為我拾起 送還給我

You said no star was out of reach

你說『就算星星再高再遠 只要持之以恆 總有一天就能碰到』

You stood by me and I stood tall

不離不棄地陪伴著我 我才能抬頭挺胸 昂首闊步

I had your love, I had it all

得到你畢生愛情的我 彷彿能征服全宇宙

I'm grateful for each day you gave me

為此 我將用往後餘生來感激你

Maybe I don't know that much

也許 我對這世界的認知了解 並沒有想像中豐富

But I know this much is true

但至少我確信 這無比鮮明的一刻 再真實不過

I was blessed because I was loved by you

承蒙你關照愛護的我 宛如蒙受真主寵幸


You were my strength when I was weak (You were my strength)

每當我懦弱不堅強時 你就是我最強而有力的靠山

You were my voice when I couldn't speak

若是因傷感 而哽咽得說不出話時 只有你願為我發聲

You were my eyes when I couldn't see

若我變得盲目 識不清事理時 你便為我擦亮雙眼

You saw the best there was in me

你那敏銳的洞察力 總能挖掘我最好的一面

Lifted me up when I couldn't reach

若夢想高不可及 你便賦予我力量 助我一臂之力

You gave me faith 'cause you believed

給了我無條件信任 只因為你對我再確信不過

I'm everything I am


Because you loved me



You were always there for me

每當我灰心喪志 一轉身 你總會在那裡

The tender wind that carried me

如同羽翼下的微風 引領我遨遊天際

A light in the dark, shining your love into my life

也像黑暗中的希冀 助我探索生命出路

You've been my inspiration

你是我畢生的最大動力 激勵我繼續前行

Through the lies, you were the truth

在這充斥謊言的世界 唯有你是不變真理

My world is a better place because of you

多虧有你 我的世界變得無比鮮豔 充滿絢爛色彩


You were my strength when I was weak (You were my strength)

每當我懦弱不堅強時 你就是我最強而有力的靠山

You were my voice when I couldn't speak (When I couldn't speak)

若是因傷感 而哽咽得說不出話時 只有你願為我發聲

You were my eyes when I couldn't see

若我變得盲目 識不清事理時 你便為我擦亮雙眼

You saw the best there was in me

你那敏銳的洞察力 總能看見我最好的一面

Lifted me up when I couldn't reach

若夢想高不可及 你便賦予我力量 助我一臂之力

You gave me faith 'cause you believed

給了我無條件信任 只因為你對我再確信不過

I'm everything I am


Because you loved me



You were my strength when I was weak

若是我感到怯弱不自信 你總是我身後的力量

You were my voice when I couldn't speak (My voice)

當我語塞無法開口 你便為我發聲 堅毅宏亮

You were my eyes when I couldn't see

每當世界太過糜爛 使我盲目 你的眼眸總帶給我希望

You saw the best there was in me

唯有你能看見殘缺的我身上 最美好的那一面

Lifted me up when I couldn't reach

若夢想過於遠大搆不著 你便化作助力 在背後推我一把

You gave me faith 'cause you believed

你無論如何都願意信任我 只因你始終相信我辦得到

I'm everything I am


Because you loved me




I'm everything I am


Because you loved me


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