專輯:Unorthodox Jukebox (Deluxe) 火星點唱機
Fernando Daniel - When I Was Your Man
Bruno Mars - When I Was Your Man (Official Music Video)
Aurea - "When I Was Your Man" | Provas Cegas | The Voice Portugal
The Voice 2018 Blind Audition - DeAndre Nico: "When I Was Your Man"
Same bed but it feels just a little bit bigger now
同一張雙人床 卻因少了你 而顯得寬敞而空虛
Our song on the radio but it don't sound the same
那台舊式收音機 緩緩流淌著老歌聲 可幸福的歌詞卻走了味
When our friends talk about you, all it does is just tear me down
每當共同好友不經意提起你 往往使我回想起那撕心裂肺的痛
'Cause my heart breaks a little when I hear your name
因為一聽見你的名字 我的心還是會隱隱作痛
It all just sounds like oooooh ooh
你的身影 氣息 聲音 此刻無比清晰鮮明
Mmm, too young, too dumb to realize
嗯 都怪我年輕氣盛 才會傻得沒意識到 自己正鑄下大錯
That I should have bought you flowers
為何我當初沒有送你花束 好好說出我愛你
And held your hand
緊緊握住你的手 給你肩膀哭泣
Should have gave you all my hours
趁還感情沒逾期作廢前 多多陪在你身邊
When I had the chance
才不會讓你寂寞 需要人作伴
Take you to every party
無論你想參加什麼樣的聚會 我都帶你去
'Cause all you wanted to do was dance
因為你對漫舞的嚮往渴望 一直以來 都放在我心上
Now my baby's dancing
如今你就依偎在他身邊 翩然起舞
But she's dancing with another man
只不過你身邊的那個他 早已不是我
My pride, my ego, my needs, and my selfish ways
自私厚臉皮又愛面子的個性 讓我說什麼也拉不下臉來道歉
Caused a good, strong woman like you to walk out my life
害得像你這樣堅強獨立自主的女性 就此離開我的生命
Now I'll never, never get to clean up the mess I made (oh)
現在的我 說什麼也無法原諒自己當時的所作所為
And it haunts me every time I close my eyes
每當我一閉上眼 那不堪入目的景象又再度上演
It all just sounds like oooooh ooh
而你臨去前的倩影 此刻無比鮮明
Mmm, too young, too dumb to realize
嗯 都怪我一時糊塗 才會捨得放你走
That I should have bought you flowers
為何我當初沒有送你花束 好好說出我愛你
And held your hand
緊緊握住你的手 給你肩膀哭泣
Should have gave you all my hours
趁還感情沒逾期作廢前 多多陪在你身邊
When I had the chance
才不會讓你寂寞 需要人作伴
Take you to every party
無論你想參加什麼樣的聚會 我都帶你去
'Cause all you wanted to do was dance
因為你對漫舞的嚮往渴望 一直以來 都放在我心上
Now my baby's dancing
如今你就依偎在他身邊 翩然起舞
But she's dancing with another man
只不過你身邊的那個他 早已不是我
Although it hurts
儘管事隔已久 傷痛依然沉重
I'll be the first to say that I was wrong
但我願意到你面前低頭認錯 告訴你『全都是我不好』
Oh, I know I'm probably much too late
噢 我知道現在才這麼做 也許有些遲了
To try and apologize for my mistakes
傷害既已造成 道歉也早已於事無補
But I just want you to know
但我之所以會來 只是為了讓你明白
I hope he buys you flowers
我希望你的他夠盡責 會記得買花送你
I hope he holds your hand
也希望他在你難過時 能緊緊握你的手
Give you all his hours
只要一抽得出時間 就會飛奔至你身邊
When he has the chance
Take you to every party
無論你想參加什麼樣的聚會 我都帶你去
'Cause I remember how much you loved to dance
因為到現在 我還是記得慢舞時 你那溢於言表的喜悅之情
Do all the things I should have done
你身邊的他 一定要盡全力讓你幸福
When I was your man
Do all the things I should have done
When I was your man