專輯:Ten Summoner’s Tales
Sting - Fields Of Gold (Official Music Video)
The Voice 2019 Blind Auditions - Maelyn Jarmon: "Fields of Gold"
You'll remember me when the west wind moves
當西風細語 你將憶起麥稈叼在嘴邊的我
Upon the fields of barley
在那豐收時節的金黃麥田 深情款款地凝望你
You'll forget the sun in his jealous sky
屆時你將忘卻煦陽 透出那道幽深光芒
As we walk in fields of gold
So she took her love for to gaze awhile
於是女孩取出滿懷愛意 垂憐地凝視一响
Upon the fields of barley
In his arms she fell as her hair came down
當男人臂膀抽離 她的髮絲便如瀑布傾洩而下
Among the fields of gold
順著鋪滿金穗的小徑 回到溫暖的家
Will you stay with me? Will you be my love?
『你願不願意嫁給我 一輩子留在我身邊?』
Among the fields of barley
堆滿麥穗的穀倉前 我對你單膝下跪
We'll forget the sun in his jealous sky
屆時 我們將忘卻那年陽光未曾獻予的祝福
As we lie in fields of gold
笑得燦爛耀眼 纏綿於金色瀑水之中
See the west wind move like a lover so
西風悄聲呢喃 就像她的窈窕身型 婀娜多姿
Upon the fields of barley
與麥田交織之下 構築成一幅圖畫
Feel her body rise when you kiss her mouth
我俯身輕啄可人兒唇瓣 衣料如波浪般翻攪
Among the fields of gold
如此美景 教人看了如癡如醉
I never made promises lightly
而我 我向來不是個輕許諾言的男人
And there have been some that I've broken
時而失信於人 更傷過不少閨女芳心
But I swear in the days still left
但我向你發誓 往後的有生之年
We'll walk in fields of gold
我會牽過你的手 踏進那片金黃麥田
We'll walk in fields of gold
露出堆滿皺紋的笑容 緩緩走入夕陽
Many years have passed since those summer days
過了好些年 綴滿繁星點點的夏夜還在
Among the fields of barley
敞開穀倉門扉 麥香撲鼻而來
See the children run as the sun goes down
眼看太陽就要落下 孩子們在外頭跑呀跑的
Among the fields of gold
身影在金黃麥田中追逐 好不快樂
You'll remember me when the west wind moves
屆時你會否憶起那年西風低語時 叼著麥稈的我
Upon the fields of barley
打著赤膊 向來到這片麥園的你招手
You can tell the sun in his jealous sky
奇妙的際遇邂逅 就連老天也要羞得臉漲紅
When we walked in fields of gold
你我緊執緣分 攜手走過金黃麥田
When we walked in fields of gold
踏上灑滿花穗的大道 共返鄉園
When we walked in fields of gold
我對你那溢於言表的愛意 仍如當年