
專輯:Hannah Montana: The Movie (Motion Original Soundtrack)


Miley Cyrus - The Climb

Miley Cyrus Closes The Tonight Show with "The Climb"

The Voice 2016 Knockout - Sundance Head- 'The Climb'


I can almost see it


That dream I'm dreaming, but

夢想 幾乎就在伸手可及的距離 但

There's a voice inside my head saying

腦海總會傳來一股聲音 嘲笑奚落我 說道

"You'll never reach it"

『這希望太過渺茫 別再好高騖遠』

Every step I'm taking

就算我一步一腳印 腳踏實地

Every move I make feels lost with no direction

但愈往前走 只讓我愈來愈徬徨

My faith is shaken

我的信念動搖 從此迷失了方向


But I, I gotta keep trying

但是我 我也只能像這樣拚命向前衝

Gotta keep my head held high

一定要咬緊牙關 抬起胸膛前行


There's always gonna be another mountain

人生總會有一座接一座的山岳 等著我去征服

I'm always gonna wanna make it move

而我只能秉持愚公移山的精神 想方設法 一一擺平

Always gonna be an uphill battle

一次又一次身處逆境 都要求力求生存

Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose

每一次跌倒 都要學會適時認輸的重要

Ain't about how fast I get there

成功的關鍵 不在於花了多少時間

Ain't about what's waiting on the other side

也不在於山的另一頭 有什麼在等著我

It's the climb



The struggles I'm facing

面對難關 總會飽受掙扎挫折

The chances I'm taking

必須孤注一擲 才得以扭轉頹勢

Sometimes might knock me down, but

有時大受打擊的自己 快要支撐不住 可是

No, I'm not breaking


I may not know it

就算我還不清楚 前方還有多少阻礙

But these are the moments that

但這些挑戰 都將會是無可取代的回憶

I'm gonna remember most, yeah

品嚐成功果實後 將來都會被如數家珍

Just gotta keep going

只要我繼續努力 朝目標邁進


And I, I gotta be strong

而我 只能告訴自己 要堅強以對

Just keep pushing on, 'cause...

抱著會失敗的決心 那就沒問題 因為...


There's always gonna be another mountain

前方總會有未知的阻礙 等著你的到來

I'm always gonna wanna make it move

而我們只能靠強大意志力 去一一克服擺平

Always gonna be an uphill battle

人生路上 偶爾碰上不敵勁敵的窘境

Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose

要記得失敗在字典 意味著家常便飯

Ain't about how fast I get there

所謂的成功 無關乎抵達快慢

Ain't about what's waiting on the other side

其中蘊含的價值 也不該由任何人來定義

It's the climb

其實 就是一條必經之路




There's always gonna be another mountain

人生路上總會有一座又一座難關 等著我去征服

I'm always gonna wanna make it move

而我只能抱著這股傻勁 拼命向前衝

Always gonna be an uphill battle

前途未卜 永遠都會有無法逆來順受的處境

Sometimes you're gonna have to lose

有時候 就只能紅著鼻子 告訴自己下次會更好

Ain't about how fast I get there

成功的關鍵 不在於花了多少時間

Ain't about what's waiting on the other side

也與實踐夢想後 看見的好光景無關

It's the climb

這不過都是為了成功 必須付出的努力



Keep on moving


Keep climbing


Keep the faith, baby


It's all about, it's all about the climb

所做的一切 都是為了讓美夢成真

Keep your faith, keep your faith

別忘了當初許下的承諾 永保初心




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