
專輯:Teenage Dream 花漾年華


Katy Perry - Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.) (Official Music Video)


There's a stranger in my bed

想不到 我床上居然睡了個陌生人

There's a pounding in my head

兩邊的太陽穴 還刺痛地嗡嗡作響

Glitter all over the room


Pink flamingos in the pool



I smell like a minibar

我全身臭烘烘的 像是剛灌迷你吧的酒

DJ's passed out in the yard

請來的樂臺司令 昏厥過去橫躺在庭院

Barbies on the barbecue


This a hickey or a bruise?

休但咧 我脖子這顆是草莓還是黑青?


Pictures of last night ended up online

昨晚拍攝的不雅照 被哪個不長眼的傢伙 上傳到雲端

I'm screwed, oh, well

這下人家被整慘了啦 噢 反正也沒差

It's a blacked out blur, but I'm pretty sure it ruled

喝到掛了還斷片 記憶斷斷續續 但我保證一定嗨翻天




Last Friday night


Yeah, we danced on tabletops, and we took too many shots

進入派對模式的我們 跳上桌子尬舞 一下子豪邁地乾了好幾杯

Think we kissed, but I forgot last Friday night

隱約記得我們好像親熱了一番 但我睡醒全忘了 週五夜狂歡

Yeah, we maxed our credit cards and got kicked out of the bar

嘿呀 我們刷爆了每張信用卡 結果被酒保氣噗噗地給轟出來

So we hit the boulevard last Friday night

於是我們轉戰林蔭道 一路從酒吧殺到那 週五夜狂歡


We went streaking in the park, skinny-dipping in the dark

我們脫個精光 三點不遮露給路人欣賞 摸黑在池塘裡裸泳

Then had a ménage à trois last Friday night

正好燈光美氣氛佳 剛好看對眼 就來個激情三人行 週五夜狂歡

Yeah, I think we broke the law, always say we're gonna stop-op, oh-whoa

耶 我們可能不小心稍微犯了一兩條法 但那又有什麼差-啊 噢-喔


But this Friday night


Do it all again


But this Friday night


Do it all again

還是要甩開煩憂 再來一遍


Trying to connect the dots


Don't know what to tell my boss


Think the city towed my car


Chandelier is on the floor



Ripped my favorite party dress

更衰的是 我心愛的派對戰袍還不小心扯破

Warrant's out for my arrest

當地警局還發佈通緝令 要派人逮捕我歸案

Think I need a ginger ale

我可能得先來點薑汁汽水 稍微冷靜一下

That was such an epic fail



Pictures of last night ended up online

昨晚拍攝的不雅照 被哪個不長眼的傢伙 上傳到雲端

I'm screwed, oh, well

這下人家被整慘了啦 噢 反正也沒差

It's a blacked out blur, but I'm pretty sure it ruled

喝到掛了還斷片 記憶斷斷續續 但我保證一定嗨翻天




Last Friday night


Yeah, we danced on tabletops, and we took too many shots

進入派對模式的我們 跳上桌子尬舞 一下子豪邁地乾了好幾杯

Think we kissed, but I forgot last Friday night

隱約記得我們好像親熱了一番 但我睡醒全忘了 週五夜狂歡

Yeah, we maxed our credit cards and got kicked out of the bar

嘿呀 我們刷爆了每張信用卡 結果被氣沖沖的酒保給轟出來

So we hit the boulevard last Friday night

於是我們轉戰林蔭道 一路從酒吧殺到那 週五夜狂歡


We went streaking in the park, skinny-dipping in the dark

我們脫個精光 三點不遮露給路人欣賞 摸黑在池塘裡裸泳

Then had a ménage à trois last Friday night

正好燈光美氣氛佳 剛好看對眼 就來個激情三人行 週五夜狂歡

Yeah, I think we broke the law, always say we're gonna stop-op, oh-whoa

耶 我們可能不小心稍微犯了一兩條法 但那又有什麼差-啊 噢-喔


But this Friday night


Do it all again


But this Friday night


Do it all again

還是要甩開煩憂 再來一遍

But this Friday night




T.G.I.F., T.G.I.F., T.G.I.F

T.G.I.F., T.G.I.F., T.G.I.F


[Saxophone Solo]


Last Friday night


Yeah, we danced on tabletops, and we took too many shots

進入派對模式的我們 跳上桌子尬舞 一下子豪邁地乾了好幾杯

Think we kissed, but I forgot last Friday night

隱約記得我們好像親熱了一番 但我睡醒全忘了 週五夜狂歡

Yeah, we maxed our credit cards and got kicked out of the bar

嘿呀 我們刷爆了每張信用卡 結果被氣沖沖的酒保給轟出來

So we hit the boulevard last Friday night

於是我們轉戰林蔭道 一路從酒吧殺到那 週五夜狂歡


We went streaking in the park, skinny-dipping in the dark

我們脫個精光 三點不遮露給路人欣賞 摸黑在池塘裡裸泳

Then had a ménage à trois last Friday night

正好燈光美氣氛佳 剛好看對眼 就來個激情三人行 週五夜狂歡

Yeah, I think we broke the law, always say we're gonna stop-op, oh-whoa

耶 我們可能不小心稍微犯了一兩條法 但那又有什麼差-啊 噢-喔


But this Friday night


Do it all again

還是要甩開煩憂 再來一遍吧




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