Adele - The Final Carpool Karaoke
愛黛兒在夜間節目The Late Late Show中的《車上卡拉OK Carpool Karaoke》環節,揭露此曲主歌的靈感源自她與主持人詹姆斯柯登之間的一段對話。兩人真摯而不可多得的友誼,也感動許多聽眾。播出不到一天,就於YouTube平台突破千萬次點閱。
How can one become so bounded by choices that somebody else makes?
為何我們非得要劃地自限 拘泥於細節 綁定於外界給的選項裡?
How come we've both become a version of a person we don't even like?
若不是情非得已 又何必一味粉飾 變成連自己都不忍直視的容貌?
We're in love with the world, but the world just wants to bring us down
儘管對生活充滿熱忱 可滿腔熱血 往往換來的除了絕望 再無其他
By puttin' ideas in our heads that corrupt our hearts somehow
灌輸不實理念 要我們別好高騖遠 大大打擊自信心 不再勇往直前
When I was a child, every single thing could blow my mind
還記得我年紀尚輕時 任何一件微不足道的小事 都能令我嘖嘖稱奇
Soaking it all up for fun, but now I only soak up wine
遵循享樂原則 把握每個當下 可如今的我 只能飲酒作樂 墮落許多
They say to play hard, you work hard, find balance in the sacrifice
他們要我們到外頭用力玩耍 就連工作也要卯足全力 試著在天平取得平衡
And yet I don't know anybody who's truly satisfied
完成代辦事項 達到目標後 我不免在想 我們真正取悅的人 到底又是誰呢
You better believe I'm tryin' (Tryin', tryin')
與你分道揚鑣後 我可是為了你
To keep climbin' (Climbin', climbin')
虛心檢討過錯 努力成為更好的人
But the higher we climb feels like we're both none the wiser
可爬得越高 眼光卻越是狹隘 就好像我們一點也沒學聰明
So I hope I learn to get over myself
多希望我呀 能就這麼放過自己
Stop tryin' to be somebody else
別再偽造包裝 形塑完美假象 變成連自己也認不得的模樣
So we can love each other for free
我只想不計報償地愛你 直到地老天荒
Everybody wants somethin'
世人總說愛一個人 需要付出相對應的代價
You just want me
可你除了最實在的我 什麼也不要
Why am I obsessin' about the things I can't control?
要是局面由不得控制 那我又何必計較太多?
Why am I seekin' approval from people I don't even know?
不斷向素昧平生的群眾尋求認可 豈不是很荒謬嗎?
In these crazy times, I hope to find somethin' I can cling on to
在這動盪不安的新紀元 我只盼自己能找到一座值得倚賴的靠山
'Cause I need some substance in my life
那樣的奢靡需求 就好比一只玻璃酒杯 飄浮著赤色液體
Somethin' real, somethin' that feels true
承載著畢生希冀 及不變的宇宙定律
You better believe for you, I've cried
天曉得為了你 我究竟哭了千百遍
High tides (High tides, high tides)
淚水如同長浪海嘯 將我淹沒
'Cause I want you so bad
But you can't fight fire with fire, oh
但以火攻火 又怎能解決根本問題呢?噢
So I hope I learn to get over myself
所以呀 我才希望自己總有一天 能放過我自己
Stop tryin' to be somebody else
別再在意他人眼光 營造虛假形象
Oh, I just want to love you, love you for free
噢 我只想拋開世俗 拒絕媚世 不計後果地愛你
Everybody wants somethin' from me, you just want me
就算別人真想從我身上分一杯羹好了 可我相信你不是這樣的人
Listen, I know how low I can go
給我仔細聽好了 我知道我姿態能放得多低 多卑微
I give as good as I get
但也絕對別忘了 我給得起 自然也有本事能收回來
You get the brunt of it all 'cause you're all I've got left
你理應會首當其衝 因為除了對你的愛 我早已一無所有
Oh, I hope in time (Hope in time)
噢 只盼時間能換得真相大白
We both will find (We both find) peace of mind
總有一天 我們都找到內心的一絲平靜 不再自相廝殺
Sometimes, the road less travelled is a road best left behind
或許 那條未擇之路 其實才是解決問題根本的唯一途徑
Oh, I hope I learn to get over myself
噢 多希望我呀 能就這麼放過自己
Stop tryin' to be somebody else
拆開虛假包裝 卸除妝容 變回最真切的模樣
So we can love each other for free
噢 我真想不計報償地愛你 直到地老天荒
Everybody wants somethin'
雖聽說愛一個人 需要付出相對應的代價
You just want me
唯有你除了最真實的我 什麼也不要
You better believe I'm tryin' (Tryin', tryin')
與你分道揚鑣後 我可是為了你
To keep climbin' (Climbin', climbin')
再三檢視自己 試著成為更好的人
But the higher we climb feels like we're both none the wiser
可爬得越高 眼光卻越是狹隘 就好像我們一點長進也沒有
The only regret I have
我想 我唯一的遺憾呀
I wish that it was just at a different time
便是沒能在對的時間點 遇上對的人
A most turbulent period of my life
我在人生最為動盪不安的時刻 遇見了他
Why would I put that on you?
但又何苦施加不必要的情感 於心愛的你身上?
That's just, like, a very heavy thing to have to talk about
這對我而言 是一件相當沉重的事 就連提及都讓我備感壓力
But because of that period of time
但 我想幸虧走過那個階段 我才走得到今天
Even though it was so much fun
雖然當時 的確留下不少值得留念的回憶
I didn't get to go on and make new memories with him
但我決定就此打住 不再延續與他的緣分 給彼此最大的祝福 是離開
There were just memories in a big storm
現在看來 那段不堪回首的過往 不過就是完美風暴過後的殘闕