
專輯:evermore (deluxe version) 恆久傳說 (豪華版)


Taylor Swift - ‘tis the damn season (Official Lyric Video)


If I wanted to know who you were hanging with

若我真有興趣 好奇你在外與誰約會 胡作非為

While I was gone, I would've asked you

早在離城前 我便會出言提問 不必你擅自操心

It's the kind of cold, fogs up windshield glass

伴隨氣溫驟降 瀰漫厚重霧氣 模糊了擋風玻璃

But I felt it when I passed you

然你那椎心之痛 擦肩而過 竟如同匕首刺入般深刻

There's an ache in you, put there by the ache in me

怎料我親手釀造的苦痛 反成禁錮你心的無形桎梏

But if it's all the same to you

若百般痛楚 再也掀不起你內心波瀾

It's the same to me



So we could call it even

不妨稱我倆扯平了 從此再無瓜葛

You could call me "babe" for the weekend

閒來無事的週末 由得你喚我『親愛的』

​'Tis the damn season, write this down


I'm stayin' at my parents' house

假期間 我將搭機返回兩老府邸 借宿幾晚

And the road not taken looks real good now

不得不說 分手時 那條未擇之路顯得格外醒目

And it always leads to you and my hometown

無論拐錯彎 行經多少冤枉路 總會輾轉回歸你身畔


I parkеd my car right between the Methodist

自相識便沿用至今的休旅車 被停置於衛理堂

And thе school that used to be ours

與你我母校相毗鄰 接著便兀自踏進教會佈道

The holidays linger like bad perfume

耶誕假期宛若廉價香水 徘徊逡巡 朝各處擴散蔓延

You can run, but only so far

你方可掩鼻 倉皇逃竄 逃不過命運擺佈是必然

I escaped it too, remember how you watched me leave

我奮力掙脫枷鎖 然而你離情依依的不捨 仍烙印於腦海深處

But if it's okay with you, it's okay with me

若我是好是壞 無法再次動搖你 想必也替我開脫了罪名


So we could call it even

不妨稱我倆扯平了 從此再無瓜葛

You could call me "babe" for the weekend

閒來無事的週末 由得你喚我『親愛的』

​'Tis the damn season, write this down


I'm stayin' at my parents' house

假期間 我將搭機返回兩老府邸 借宿幾晚

And the road not taken looks real good now

不得不說 分手時 那條未擇之路顯得格外醒目

Time flies, messy as the mud on your truck tires

白駒過隙 然濺起泥壤仍深陷於胎紋 無法抹煞

Now I'm missing your smile, hear me out

渴望再見你燦爛笑靨的念頭 愈發強烈 且聽我一說

We could just ride around

不如你我漫遊閒逛 漫無目的地遊蕩 回味往日情懷

And the road not taken looks real good now

回訪當時未踏上的岔路 原先迷霧早已被歲月撥開

And it always leads to you and my hometown

盡頭便是你與家鄉 敞開雙手和心胸迎接我歸來


Sleep in half the day just for old times' sake

念在過往情份上 你好心收容我住上一夜半天

I won't ask you to wait if you don't ask me to stay

若你心意已決 不打算慰留 我自然也拉不下臉來開口

So I'll go back to L.A. and the so-called friends

那假期一結束 我就會飛回洛城 找那些不怎麼牢靠的朋友搭伙

Who'll write books about me if I ever make it

說不定等我出人頭地 他們還會自告奮勇 替我捉刀代筆自傳

And wonder about the only soul

而備感納悶的是 過往隨時能覺察我隱微心緒的男人

Who can tell which smiles I'm fakin'

爾今見我強顏歡笑 竟選擇一聲不吭 徒留我錯愕難堪

And the heart I know I'm breakin' is my own

我這才領會到 原來加諸苦痛於心的人 一直是我自己

To leave the warmest bed I've ever known

居然捨得道別家人 狠心拋棄你溫暖心房 離鄉背井

We could call it even

這次你傷了我 就算是扯平了

Even though I'm leaving

儘管向你告別 也無法挽回些什麼

And I'll be yours for the weekend

若你週末無事 歡迎來我家坐坐

​'Tis the damn season

畢竟少了愛人 怎能稱得上慶祝呢


So we could call it even

我倆這下子可算是扯平 從此再無芥蒂

You could call me "babe" for the weekend

閒來無事的週末 由得你喚我『親愛的』

​'Tis the damn season, write this down


I'm stayin' at my parents' house

假期間 我將搭機返回兩老府邸 借宿幾晚

And the road not taken looks real good now

不得不說 分手時 那條未擇之路顯得格外醒目

Time flies, messy as the mud on your truck tires

白駒過隙 然濺起泥壤仍深陷於胎紋 無法抹煞

Now I'm missing your smile, hear me out

渴望再見你燦爛笑靨的念頭 愈發強烈 且聽我一說

We could just ride around

不如你我漫遊閒逛 漫無目的地遊蕩 回味往日情懷

And the road not taken looks real good now

回訪當時未踏上的岔路 原先迷霧早已被歲月撥開

And it always leads to you and my hometown

盡頭便是你和家鄉 敞開雙手和心胸迎接我歸來


It always leads to you and my hometown

自始至終 我唯一的抉擇 從來只有你和家鄉啊


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