
專輯:evermore (deluxe version) 恆久傳說 (豪華版)


Taylor Swift - long story short (Official Lyric Video)




I tried to pick my battles 'til the battle picked me

無論我亟欲逃脫魔爪染指侵襲 仍惹得一身腥



Like the war of words I shouted in my sleep

再怎麼嘶吼叫喊 若置身夢境 不過白費氣力

And you passed right by

而你因故路過 湊巧行經

I was in the alley, surrounded on all sides

見我遭預先埋伏 追入死巷 四面八方皆有追兵 

The knife cuts both ways

若要殺出一條血路 唯有這柄雙面刃

If the shoe fits, walk in it 'til your high heels break

為保小命 權衡可能性 唯有金蟬脫殼一計方可倖存


And I fell from the pedestal

而我被奪去光環 一腳踹落王位

Right down the rabbit hole

直直掉入兔坑暗穴 摸出逃脫路線

Long story short, it was a bad time

長話短說 錯誤時機點 換來寶貴經驗

Pushed from the precipice

遭昔日戰友背叛 一把推下懸崖

Clung to the nearest lips

死死攫住峭壁邊緣 所幸得救獲援

Long story short, it was the wrong guy

長話短說 將信念寄託錯的人 叫思慮不周全


Now I'm all about you

多虧你及時阻攔 拔刀相助

I'm all about you, ah (Yeah, yeah)

令我傾心鍾情 願以身相許



老實說 在我看來

I always felt I must look better in the rear view

事過境遷後 回訪當下情景境況想必明智得多

Missing me

不得不說 我可真有些懷念

At the golden gates they once held the keys to

當初做金色田莊的女主人 也是風光一時 叱咤風雲

When I dropped my sword

然而我放下屠刀 不再以殺戮為榮

I threw it in the bushes and knocked on your door

隨手扔入一邊樹叢 兀自走入深林 叩響拜訪你家門

And we live in peace

徜徉一片鳥語花香 祥和平靜

But if someone comes at us, this time, I'm ready

若遭不肖之人破壞 反撲偷襲 這回我們可沒那麼好對付


And I fell from the pedestal

而我被奪去光環 一腳踹落王位

Right down the rabbit hole

直直掉入兔坑暗穴 摸出逃脫路線

Long story short, it was a bad time

長話短說 錯誤時機點 換來寶貴經驗

Pushed from the precipice

遭昔日戰友背叛 一把推下懸崖

Clung to the nearest lips

死死攫住峭壁邊緣 所幸得救獲援

Long story short, it was the wrong guy

長話短說 將信念寄託錯的人 叫思慮不周全


Now I'm all about you

多虧你及時阻攔 拔刀相助

I'm all about you, ah (Yeah, yeah)

令我傾心鍾情 願以身相許


No more keepin' score

何必錙銖必較 誰愛多愛少

Now I just keep you warm (Keep you warm)

我改將全身衣著投入火坑焚燒 投你所好

No more tug of war

你來我往 也全成前塵過往

Now I just know there's more (Know there's more)

將愛戀擲地 迎來數也數不盡的蒼穹迴響

No more keepin' score

商議研討比較 再沒了必要

Now I just keep you warm (Keep you warm)

我的職務 惟有溫暖你受寒的心 簡單扼要

And my waves meet your shore

而我暗地送秋波 終將觸及岸礁

Ever and evermore

亙古了愛戀 恆久流芳


Past me

登門造訪時 且聽我一句

I wanna tell you not to get lost in these petty things

若你行經小徑 可別誤信旁人危言聳聽 實在不可信

Your nemeses

往後 你誓死敵對的群眾

Will defeat themselves before you get the chance to swing

終將自取滅亡 屆時連武器也不必揮 敵營便潰不成軍

And he's passing by

好巧不巧 男人趁四下無人 登門造訪

Rare as the glimmer of a comet in the sky

稀客罕至 誠如彗星劃過夜空 僅留下孱弱光亮

And he feels like home

得伊人死生相守 溫柔鄉使我心往

If the shoe fits, walk in it everywhere you go

若鞋靴合腳適宜 不妨套入其中 心神無不馳往


And I fell from the pedestal

而我被奪去光環 一腳踹落王位

Right down the rabbit hole

直直掉入兔坑暗穴 摸出逃脫路線

Long story short, it was a bad time

長話短說 錯誤時機點 換來寶貴經驗

Pushed from the precipice

遭昔日戰友背叛 一把推下懸崖

Climbed right back up the cliff

不再仰賴他人 憑藉己力重返戰局

Long story short, I survived

長話短說 我擊潰敵方陣營 成功倖存


Now I'm all about you

多虧你及時阻攔 拔刀相助

(And now) I'm all about you, ah

(爾今) 我已傾心鍾情 以身相許


Long story short, it was a bad time

長話短說 若非適逢苦難 怎能結下良緣

Long story short, I survived

簡而言之 與你邂逅相遇 我方能倖存

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