
專輯:evermore (deluxe version) 恆久傳說 (豪華版)


Taylor Swift - dorothea (Official Lyric Video)


Hey, Dorothea, do you ever stop and think about me?

嘿 多蘿西婭 工作之餘 你可從忙裡偷閒 抽空想起我的事情?

When we were younger down in the park

那時你我年紀尚輕 挑了個沒人時段 信步穿梭公園樹林

Honey, making a lark of the misery

與心儀的你廝混 仍躲不掉日後晦暗命運

You got shiny friends since you left town

一離城 你立刻結交外表光鮮亮麗的新友人

A tiny screen's the only place I see you now

能再見你一面的方法 僅剩小小的方型液晶

And I got nothing but well wishes for ya

看你過得順遂 我暗暗祈禱你事業能夠長紅


Ooh, this place is the same as it ever was

噢 這兒跟你離開之前相比 還是沒兩樣

Ooh, but you won't like it that way

噢 但再怎麼樣 你大概也不會喜歡這鬼地方


It's never too late to come back to my side

回到你我專屬的秘密基地 永遠都不嫌遲

The stars in your eyes shined brighter in Tupelo

你那眼底星空 遠比圖珀洛市的點點繁星還要明亮

And if you're ever tired of bеing known for who you know

要是哪天你的皮囊拖累了 不妨打車回到熟悉的家鄉

You know that you'll always know me, Dorothea (Uh-uh)

你永遠都能依賴我 多蘿西婭 我希望你記得這點

Dorothea (Ah-ah)



Ooh, you'rе a queen sellin' dreams, sellin' makeup and magazines

噢 你可是鎂光燈焦點 專門推銷化妝品 屢屢登上雜誌封面的偶像

Ooh, from you, I'd buy anything

噢 凡是你的產品 就算掏光腰包我也買


Hey, Dorothea, do you ever stop and think about me?

嘿 多蘿西婭 你可曾在閒暇之餘 憶起高四學期將屆情景?

When it was calmer, skipping the prom 

那時天氣又涼了一些 你我決定翹掉畢業舞會

Just to piss off your mom and her pageant schemes

這可讓從你還小 便有著推你向伸展台星夢的媽媽氣瘋了

And damn, Dorothea, they all wanna be ya

聽說那晚氣氛可熱絡了 多蘿西婭 同學無不想成為像你這天生的舞后

But are you still the same soul I met under the bleachers? Well

但我只想知道 你是否仍保有與我在體育場板凳下約會的純真?好吧


Ooh, I guess I'll never know

噢 看樣子 真相我永遠也不得而知了

Ooh, and you'll go on with the show

噢 繼續追求星夢 肯定能登上伸展台頂峰


But it's never too late to come back to my side

還是要提醒你 回到你我專屬的秘密基地 永遠都不嫌遲

The stars in your eyes shined brighter in Tupelo

我還記得你那眼底星空 遠比圖珀洛市點點繁星還耀眼

And if you're ever tired of bеing known for who you know

要是哪天你的皮囊拖累了 不妨打車回到熟悉的家鄉

You know that you'll always know me, Dorothea (Uh-uh)

你永遠都能依賴我 多蘿西婭 我希望你記得這點

Dorothea (Ah-ah)





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