專輯:evermore (deluxe version) 恆久傳說 (豪華版)
Taylor Swift - closure (Official Lyric Video)
It's been a long time
事隔已久 我仍餘悸猶存
And seeing the shape of your name
Still spells out pain
It wasn't right
The way it all went down
親手建立的一切 居然會分崩離析
Looks like you know that now
看起來 不讓你嚐點苦頭可不行
Yes, I got your letter
那紙道歉信 我是收到了
Yes, I'm doing better
託你的福 最近過得不錯
It cut deep to know ya, right to the bone
自從跟你扯上關係 謀財害命 從此不得安寧
Yes, I got your letter
內容是寫得挺誠懇的 但一看就知道是代筆
Yes, I'm doing better
我最近過得是還可以 但實在輪不到你關心
I know that it's over, I don't need your
行行好 別再浪費彼此時間 我不需要
Closure, your closure
你來憐憫 我才不稀罕
Don't treat me like
Some situation that needs to be handled
裝作沒什麼大不了 隨便丟給下屬解決即可
I'm fine with my spite
遭人唾棄辱罵 我也無所謂
And my tears, and my beers and my candles
天天以淚洗面 借酒澆愁 點香氛沉澱 這些算得了什麼
I can feel you smoothing me over
但就算隔了十萬八千里 仍能聽見你輕蔑地哼了一聲
Yes, I got your letter
那紙道歉信 我是收到了
Yes, I'm doing better
託你的福 最近過得不錯
It cut deep to know ya, right to the bone
自從跟你扯上關係 謀財害命 從此不得安寧
Yes, I got your letter
內容是寫得挺誠懇的 但一看就知道是代筆
Yes, I'm doing better
我最近過得是還可以 但實在輪不到你關心
I know that it's over, I don't need your closure
行行好 別再浪費彼此時間 我不需要你憐憫
Your closure
Your closure
Your closure
I know I'm just a wrinkle in your new life
對富麗堂皇的你 我多半只是需要被擺平的女人
Staying friends would iron it out so nice
找個業界有權有勢的人物 從此粉飾太平
Guilty, guilty, reaching out across the sea
假裝懷有著罪惡感 飄洋過海傳入我耳邊
That you put between you and me
慫恿報章媒體攻擊我 把你當受害者看待
But it's fake and it's oh so unnecessary
到處放假消息 弄得人盡皆知 實在大可不必
Yes, I got your letter
那紙道歉信 我是收到了
Yes, I'm doing better
託你的福 最近過得不錯
It cut deep to know ya, right to the bone
自從跟你扯上關係 傷天害理 從此不得安寧
Yes, I got your letter
內容是寫得挺誠懇的 但一看就知道是代筆
Yes, I'm doing better
我最近過得是還可以 但實在輪不到你關心
I know that it's over, I don't need your closure
行行好 別再浪費彼此時間 我不需要你憐憫
Your closure
Your closure