專輯:evermore (deluxe version) 恆久傳說 (豪華版)
Taylor Swift - marjorie (Official Lyric Video)
Never be so kind
為人宜謙沖自牧 處事處處禮讓
You forget to be clever
若不戒慎警備 恐招致禍害上身
Never be so clever
生性聰穎黠慧 切莫蠻橫不講理
You forget to be kind
該懂得適時謙牧忍讓 處處包容
And if I didn't know better
若還是小時候 那個吵鬧任性的我
I'd think you were talking to me now
祢肯定還會把我拉走 耳提面命一番呢
If I didn't know better
要不是懂事了 領教過大人的世界
I'd think you were still around
說不定還有祢的擁抱 能暫時忘卻一切
What died didn't stay dead
生者與世長辭 仍長存我心
What died didn't stay dead
往生者照看庇護 常伴我身
You're alive, you're alive in my head
祢的諄諄教誨 我依然謹記銘心
What died didn't stay dead
靈魂雖安息 仍感覺到祢的陪伴
What died didn't stay dead
關於你的回憶 任誰也無法取代
You're alive, so alive
在我心裏面 祢永遠都在
Never be so politе
論待人 若事事講求誠信以禮
You forget your power
容易顯得卑微渺小 遭人唾棄
Nevеr wield such power
一個人 若愈是善於操弄文字
You forget to be polite
愈不該嘲弄他人 並沾沾自喜
And if I didn't know better
若還是小時候 那個天真無邪的我
I'd think you were listening to me now
聽我童言無忌的祢 肯定也覺得逗趣幽默
If I didn't know better
要是當時 我沒急著踏進這冷冰冰的世界
I'd think you were still around
就算被誤解被騙 也至少還有祢陪伴安慰
What died didn't stay dead
生者與世長辭 仍長存我心
What died didn't stay dead
往生者照看庇護 常伴我身
You're alive, you're alive in my head
祢的諄諄教誨 我依然謹記銘心
What died didn't stay dead
靈魂雖安息 仍感覺到祢的陪伴
What died didn't stay dead
關於你的回憶 任誰也無法取代
You're alive, so alive
在我心裏面 祢永遠都在
The autumn chill that wakes me up
秋意蕭瑟 冷冽寒風吹得我顫慄抖瑟
You loved the amber skies so much
還記得祢對夕陽傍山西落 珀色景致情有獨鍾
Long limbs and frozen swims
胳膊延伸拉長 縱身躍入冰冷湖泊
You'd always go past where our feet could touch
祢盡可能地貼近我游 好讓我碰得到腳而心安
And I complained the whole way there
難得與祢自駕出遊 我卻囁嚅抱怨
The car ride back and up the stairs
一路鬧孩子氣 弄得整車烏煙瘴氣
I should've asked you questions
我好自責 沒能汲取祢的穩重睿智
I should've asked you how to be
沒能開口問 未來這條路怎麼走踏實
Asked you to write it down for me
撒嬌央求祢提筆 為我記述將來際遇
Should've kept every grocery store receipt
一張張雜貨店收據 泛黃殘墨留不住破碎回憶
'Cause every scrap of you would be taken from me
關於祢的一點一滴 慢慢地都被現實啃噬殆盡
Watched as you signed your name Marjorie
看著你嫻淑地於簽收處 加註瑪裘瑞的美名
All your closets of backlogged dreams
喟嘆衣櫥超重滿載的美夢 因故未能啟程
And how you left them all to me
家族諸多親屬 祢卻託付我來承繼達成
What died didn't stay dead
生者與世長辭 仍長存我心
What died didn't stay dead
往生者照看庇護 常伴我身
You're alive, you're alive in my head
祢的諄諄教誨 我依然謹記銘心
What died didn't stay dead
靈魂雖安息 仍感覺到祢的陪伴
What died didn't stay dead
關於你的回憶 任誰也無法取代
You're alive, so alive
在我心裏面 祢永遠都在
And if I didn't know better
若我年紀還小 每次一睡不著覺
I'd think you were singing to me now
祢總會來床邊唱歌哄我 祝我一夜好眠
If I didn't know better
要是我遭到誤解 被人冷漠忽視
I'd think you were still around
祢的溫暖歌聲 總能撫慰我受傷的心靈
I know better
如今我長大成人 也體會過祢的處境
But I still feel you all around
或許正是如此 隨處仍能感應祢的氣息
I know better
就算被人誤解 也沒了關係
But you're still around
祢就在我身邊 陪我面對