專輯:evermore (deluxe version) 恆久傳說 (豪華版)
Taylor Swift - no body, no crime (Official Lyric Video) ft. HAIM
He did it
He did it
Este's a friend of mine
艾絲媞是我自高中以來 便熟識至今的好友
We meet up every Tuesday night for dinner and a glass of wine
我們固定於每週二晚間碰面 用餐小酌 順便放鬆緊繃的身心
Este's been losin' sleep
那天她向我抱怨 最近經常受失眠困擾
Her husband's actin' different, and it smells like infidelity
還說她老公行為有些詭異 簡直像在外偷情 展開不倫戀似的
She says
接著她取出一只口紅 拿在眼前揮了揮
"That ain't my Merlot on his mouth
並說 『他的唇印 跟我平常喝的紅酒和唇膏顏色都不同
That ain't my jewelry on our joint account"
用夫妻名義開的戶頭 寄來帳單卻發現首飾的單筆消費』
No, there ain't no doubt
無庸置疑地 這是樁典型的外遇案件
I think I'm gonna call him out
看樣子 我非揪出他的狐狸尾巴不可
She says, "I think he did it, but I just can't prove it"
她悶悶不樂地說『我有種預感他外遇 但我實在苦無證據』
I think he did it, but I just can't prove it
於是我替好友暗中調查 不料一點蛛絲馬跡也沒有
I think he did it, but I just can't prove it
我轉而逕行跟蹤 無奈他的防護滴水不漏 毫無端倪可尋
No, no body, no crime
儘管無證無罪 仍難以解除他外遇嫌疑
But I ain't lettin' up until the day I die
要是我沒找出證據 絕不輕言放過那傢伙
Este wasn't there Tuesday night at Olive Gardеn
週二晚間 我到橄欖園用餐時 四處都沒找到好友身影
At her job or anywhere
辦公室跟她經常去的地方 全找過了 簡直像人間蒸發似的
Hе reports his missing wife
過了二十四小時 她丈夫隨即聯絡當局 通報愛妻失蹤
And I noticed when I passed his house
然而隔天晨跑行經她家門前時 我卻留意到了不尋常的事
His truck has got some brand new tires
便是好友丈夫的卡車輪胎顏色變深 明顯煥然一新
And his mistress moved in
更可疑的是 不久他外頭亂搞的女人便搬了進來
Sleeps in Este's bed and everything
霸佔艾絲媞的床 私人用物 甚至連老公也不放過
No, there ain't no doubt
還真老套呀 勾結小三弒妻行兇
Somebody's gotta catch him out, 'cause
賊星該敗 看來該由我出馬 當場逮住這爛男人
I think he did it, but I just can't prove it (He did it)
在我看來 無非是丈夫行兇 礙於無罪推定 無法定讞
I think he did it, but I just can't prove it (He did it)
就算是他幹的 苦無證據也沒辦法逮捕他歸案
I think he did it, but I just can't prove it
警方緝凶懸賞 明明兇手近在眼前 卻無法逮捕他
No, no body, no crime
無證無罪 但秉持著自由心證
But I ain't lettin' up until the day I die
不讓這傢伙接受法律制裁 我絕不罷休
Good thing my daddy made me get a boating license when I was fifteen
下手前 先告訴你個好消息 大概十五歲左右 我老爸就逼我考了張遊艇駕駛執照
And I've cleaned enough houses to know how to cover up a scene
跟著他跑跳多年 清理過的門戶多得不勝枚舉 該如何湮滅證據 簡直輕而易舉
Good thing Este's sister's gonna swear she was with me
順便告訴你好了 艾絲媞的幾個姊妹淘 全都願意以人格為我做擔保
(She was with me, dude)
(別傻了老兄 她可是整晚都跟我們一起 鐵定有不在場證明)
Good thing his mistress took out a big life insurance policy
而且你家蹭吃嫖喝的小三 可是保了張鉅額保單 那你還有什麼遺言要說嗎
They think she did it, but they just can't prove it
警方偵辦案件時 所持有的證據 均指向那破壞家庭的女人
They think she did it, but they just can't prove it
謀財害命不打緊 還要妨礙搗亂 導致滅門血案無法偵破
She thinks I did it, but she just can't prove it
她有種預感是我做的 聘來私家偵探調查 結果卻不了了之
No, no body, no crime
I wasn't lettin' up until the day he—
唯有逮到他出軌 我才能放寬心--
No, no body, no crime
儘管警方毫無作用 但我會憑藉自己努力
I wasn't lettin' up until the day he—
只要他不落入法網的一天 絕不掉以輕心--
No, no body, no crime
成功制裁兇手後 要我脫險再簡單不過
I wasn't lettin' up until the day he died
以防萬一 在他斷氣前 我絕不會放下懸著的心