專輯:21 二十一歲
Mathai - Rumour Has It (The Voice USA 2012 Auditions).mp4
GLEE - Full Performance of 'Rumour Has It/Someone Like You" from "Mash Off"
She, she ain't real
你愛上的 只是喜歡上她的感覺
She ain't gon' be able to love you like I will
對你一點也動不了感情的她 又怎能像我愛你
She is a stranger
她既不認識真正的你 也不清楚你私下為人
You and I have history, or don't you remember?
你跟我不堪入耳的下流事蹟 還用得著我提醒?
Sure, she's got it all
是啦 集萬千寵愛於一身的她 可明豔動人了
But baby, is that really what you want?
但你能看著我的眼睛說愛她 還問心無愧嗎?
Bless your soul, you've got your head in the clouds
老天保佑 你鬧哄哄的腦袋肯定是暈得神智不清了
She made a fool out of you and, boy, she's bringin' you down
她把你迷得團團轉 成天耍著玩 看樣子 你也撐不了多久
She made your heart melt, but you're cold to the core
稍微甜言蜜語幾句 小鹿就不知撞死幾隻 但你也不是省油的燈
Now rumour has it, she ain't got your love anymore
根據可靠消息指出 她不僅人財兩失 還可能落得沒人愛的命運
Rumour has it (Rumour)
She is half your age
你個老不修 居然連年紀比你小一輪的都吃得下
But I'm guessin' that's the reason that you strayed
倒也不意外 難怪你展開熱烈追求 要把她追到手
I heard you've been missin' me
聽說你想我想到快得相思病 急著打聽我的下落
You've been tellin' people things you shouldn't be
到處散播不實傳言 淨是放些狗屁倒灶的假消息
Like when we creep out when she ain't around
裝作要是我們還在一起 她也沒有介入 就什麼麻煩也沒有
Haven't you heard the rumours? (Bless your soul)
難不成你還沒聽說嗎?關於你這渣男的謠言 可是甚囂塵上
Bless your soul, you've got your head in the clouds
老天保庇 你自己到處丟人現眼也就算了 還要拖我下水
You made a fool out of me and, boy, you're bringin' me down
還真是喪盡天良 讓我顏面掃地 作賤自己 居然當面給我難堪
You made my heart melt, yet I'm cold to the core
你說了些溫馨體貼的話試圖緩和情緒 但我可是鐵石心腸
But rumour has it, I'm the one you're leaving her for
儘管最近我聽說 你為了挽回我居然打算拋棄她 揚長而去
Rumour has it (Rumour)
All of these words whispered in my ear
夜裡 總有個惱人的聲音在耳邊響起
Tell a story that I cannot bear to hear
傳來修飾醜化過的故事版本 讓我實在聽不下去
Just 'cause I said it, it don't mean that I meant it
就算我真說了傷人的話好了 那也只是一時氣昏
People say crazy things
Just 'cause I said it, don't mean that I meant it
我偶爾滿嘴跑火車 也只是開開玩笑罷了 你可別當真
Just 'cause you heard it
Rumour has it (Rumour)
But rumour has it, he's the one I'm leaving you for
換我爆個料好了 我為了新歡不惜拋棄你這沒路用的男人