
專輯:evermore (deluxe version) 恆久傳說 (豪華版)


Taylor Swift - coney island (Lyric Video) ft. The National


Break my soul in two looking for you

將靈魂拆解為二 探尋失散的另一半

But you're right here

想不到心愛的你 卻不曾離開過

If I can't relate to you anymore


Then who am I related to?

少了這份情 我又該何去何從?

And if this is the long haul

若照你所言 旅途真有那樣漫長

How'd we get here so soon?

怎會還未到終點站 就先放我們下車?

Did I close my fist around something delicate?

是不是我用盡全力呵護 還不夠小心謹慎?

Did I shatter you?

稍微一轉身 就不小心傷了你?


And I'm sitting on a bench in Coney Island

康尼島樂園廣闊無邊 惟有我孤坐條凳一隅

Wondering where did my baby go?

沉思忖度心上人 怎會一聲不響就離我而去?

The fast times, the bright lights, the merry go

歲月如太空梭 遊行花燈絢爛奪目 旋轉木馬過隙

Sorry for not making you my centerfold

沒能給你至高規格待遇 得怪我思慮不夠詳盡


Over and over

周而復始 輪迴重啟

Lost again with no surprises

依循路標還是迷了路 毋庸置疑

Disappointments, close your eyes

沮喪伴隨不安襲來 不再張望 而是雙眼緊閉

And it gets colder and colder

隨夜色漸深 不斷搓揉凍得發紫的掌心

When the sun goes down

當冬陽西沉 我那孤寂的心也為之一沉


The question pounds my head

問題如暮鼓晨鐘 反覆敲擊腦門

What's a lifetime of achievement

『究竟該怎麼做 才叫不枉此生』

If I pushed you to the edge?

難不成 要我把你推入懸崖深坑?

But you were too polite to leave me

但要傷害善良的你 我實在於心不忍

And do you miss the rogue

對背叛了你的男人 想必還懷恨於心

Who coaxed you into paradise and left you there?

想要咒罵他 怎能忘恩負義 用花言巧語把你騙來這裡?

Will you forgive my soul

我知道我不值得原諒 但若你往後不再輕信瞞天大謊

When you're too wise to trust me and too old to care?

也不願再追究既往 能不能將我的靈魂從罪惡解放?


'Cause we were like the mall before the internet

好比網路尚未成形前 我們總愛待在商場吹冷氣

It was the one place to be

無論打發時間 還是約會 康尼島定是絕佳去處

The mischief, the gift-wrapped suburban dreams

雖頂著光鮮亮麗外表 卻是官商勾結下的產物

Sorry for not winning you an arcade ring

抱歉沒能從攤販那扳回一城 替你贏得那枚戒指


Over and over

周而復始 輪迴重啟

Lost again with no surprises

依循路標還是迷了路 毋庸置疑

Disappointments, close your eyes

沮喪伴隨不安襲來 不再張望 而是雙眼緊閉

And it gets colder and colder

隨夜色漸深 不斷搓揉凍得發紫的掌心

When the sun goes down

當冬陽西沉 我那孤寂的心也為之一沉


Were you waiting at our old spot

你還會不會去老地方 駐足停留

In the tree line


By the gold clock

指尖輕撫那只金鐘 惦記你我

Did I leave you hanging every single day?

會不會是我違背約定 害你枯等了一整天?

Were you standing in the hallway

還是向好友比手勢說噓 藏在廳廊等我經過

With a big cake, happy birthday

捧著手工巨型蛋糕 準備對我唱生日快樂歌

Did I paint your bluest skies the darkest grey?

你精心策劃的驚喜 是否成了你難以忘懷的噩夢?

A universe away

面目全非的回憶 早在光年之外

And when I got into the accident

那天你不慎摔車 連我也無端捲入意外

The sight that flashed before me was your face

失去意識前 浮現的卻是你一臉驚慌失措的模樣

But when I walked up to the podium

那回我榮獲評審與委員會肯定 登臺領獎

I think that I forgot to say your name

一簇簇致謝對象 名單卻唯獨漏了你一人


And I'm sitting on a bench in Coney Island

康尼島樂園廣闊無邊 惟有我孤坐條凳一隅

Wondering where did my baby go?

沉思忖度心上人 怎會一聲不響就離我而去?

The fast times, the bright lights, the merry go

歲月如太空梭 遊行花燈絢爛奪目 旋轉木馬過隙

Sorry for not making you my centerfold

沒能給你至高規格待遇 得怪我思慮不夠詳盡


Over and over

周而復始 輪迴重啟

Lost again with no surprises

依循路標還是迷了路 毋庸置疑

Disappointments, close your eyes

沮喪伴隨不安襲來 不再張望 而是雙眼緊閉

And it gets colder and colder

隨夜色漸深 不斷搓揉凍得發紫的掌心

When the sun goes down

當冬陽西沉 我那孤寂的心也為之一沉


The sight that flashed before me was your face

就在我即將失去意識時 你似乎開口說了些什麼

But I think that I forgot to say your name

我又怎能如此殘忍 不去感激時刻陪伴的心上人

Sorry for not making you my, making you my

要是沒能讓你感受悔意 我願誠摯地向你道歉

Making you my centerfold

沒能依約獻上我最真切的一面 都得怪我不對

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