專輯:evermore (deluxe version) 恆久傳說 (豪華版)
Taylor Swift - it’s time to go (Official Lyric Video)
When the dinner is cold and the chatter gets old
桌邊飯菜不再熱氣蒸騰 而是如話題般呆板冷淡
You ask for the tab
你揩揩嘴唇 攔住服務生 說是要結清付款
Or that moment again, he's insisting that friends
令我困惑的是 方才他不是還信誓旦旦 拍胸脯保證
Look at each other like that
朋友講求誠信 不必擔心 儘管眼神偶有批判審慎
When the words of a sister come back in whispers
本來的姊妹淘內心話 竟成了蜚語輾轉傳回我耳邊
That prove she was not in fact what she seemed
確鑿證據證實了謠言 她確實表裡不一 背叛我的信任
Not a twin from your dreams
從前以孿生姊妹相稱的回憶 全成了泡影
She's a crook who was caught
謊言遭人戳破 被逮個正著 狡辯更令人作嘔
That old familiar body ache
背後再熟悉不過的瘡疤 開始發燙作痛
The snaps from the same little breaks in your soul
逐一觸動最為敏感神經 挑筋剔骨 將信任毀壞殆盡
You know when it's time to go
你便確信不過 是時候該重新出發了
Twenty years at your job
父親堅守工作岡位 二十年來始終如一 正要升遷之際
Then the son of the boss gets the spot that was yours
卻半路殺出程咬金 全賴小老闆動用裙帶關係 搶取先機
Or trying to stay for the kids
聲稱是為了孩子們著想 遲遲不肯分居
When keeping it how it is will only break their hearts worse
但愈是維繫有名無實的婚姻 反而愈是傷得我們姊弟倆愈重
That old familiar body ache
胸前再熟悉不過的瘡疤 開始發燙作痛
The snaps from the same little breaks in your soul
逐一觸動敏感神經 直到滲透衣襟 將胸口染成血紅
You know when it's time to go
你便確信不過 是時候該重新出發了
Sometimes giving up is the strong thing
有時學會放下 反而體現了堅強 絕非懦弱
Sometimes to run is the brave thing
若見苗頭不對 逃離泥淖 證明勇敢面對心魔
Sometimes walking out is the one thing
自知情勢不利於己 只得走開 暫且飲敗
That will find you the right thing
而慘痛的經驗教訓 將尋回至關重要的愛
Fifteen years, fifteen million tears
出道十五年 流了將近千百萬滴淚水
Begging 'til my knees bled
向人下跪求饒 直到鮮血直流仍不放過我
I gave it my all, he gave me nothing at all
悉心付出畢生所有 卻換來如今一無所有
Then wondered why I left
而他居然還拉得下臉來問 『你怎會離開我』
Now he sits on his throne in his palace of bones
爾今 他安逸地高踞那骸骨屍首拼湊而成的寶座
Praying to his greed
He's got my past frozen behind glass
更令人髮指的是 他居然將我過往創作 當作戰利品展示
But I've got me
但這次 我有把握能救回自己 推翻整頓這虛妄皇室
That old familiar body ache
身上再熟悉不過的瘡疤 開始發燙作痛
The snaps from the same little breaks in my soul
逐一觸動最為敏感神經 傷我至深 將信任毀壞殆盡
I know when it's time to go
而我再清楚不過 也該是時候向前行
Sometimes giving up is the strong thing
有時學會放下 反而體現了堅強 絕非懦弱
Sometimes to run is the brave thing
若見苗頭不對 逃離泥淖 證明勇敢面對心魔
Sometimes walking out is the one thing
自知情勢不利於己 只得走開 姑且挫折飲敗
That will find you the right thing
而慘痛的經驗教訓 將尋回至關重要的愛
That will find you the right thing
那至關重要的愛 便是畢生所有
And you know in your soul
而深諳道理的你 打自心底明白
You know in your soul
何時該前進 何時該放棄
When it's time to go
若情勢不利 便果斷離去
You know, you know, you know, you know
不必旁人提點 自有方寸 再不必折磨教訓
When it's time to go
時機一成熟 自然就該離開
So then you go
Then you go
You just go