
專輯:evermore (deluxe version) 恆久傳說 (豪華版)


Taylor Swift - right where you left me (Official Lyric Video)


Friends break up, friends get married

不少友人因故別離 亦有人結髮為縭

Strangers get born, strangers get buried

未出世的嬰孩呱呱墜地 將死之人入六呎府邸

Trends change, rumors fly through new skies

熱門話題可謂日新月異 流言可多得突破天際

But I'm right where you left me

可我至今仍佇守在多年前 你離我而去的這裡

Matches burn after the other

自你離開 淚水未乾涸 火柴已一根接一根焚燼

Pages turn and stick to each other

試圖揮別過往 撰寫新篇章 然而過去卻跟得緊

Wages earned and lessons learned

憑藉努力賺了些小錢 一切看似恢復原狀

But I, I'm right where you left me

不知怎麼回事 我還是留在原來的座椅上


Help, I'm still at the restaurant

快來救我 我到現在還是困在這個地方

Still sitting in a corner I haunt

蜷縮於我們常用餐的老位置 黯然神傷

Cross-legged in the dim light

一束幽暗微光 打在兀自翹腿的我身上

They say, "What a sad sight"

顧客不免直搖頭 暗忖『多麼不堪入目的景象』

I, I swear you could hear a hair pin drop

而我幾乎能夠確認 自時間停格的那刻起

Right when I felt the moment stop

連髮夾掉落的細微聲響 均能覺察得悉

Glass shattered on the white cloth

高腳杯摔了個粉碎 將乳白桌巾染成血紅

Everybody moved on, I, I stayed there

身邊人們紛紛離去 唯有我依約耐心守候

Dust collected on my pinned-up hair

梳理才紮起的髮髻 遭飄舞棉絮染塵弄髒

They expected me to find somewhere

蠻橫不講理的人員見狀 前來驅逐我離場

Some perspective, but I sat and stared

再者便是提供立場 而我僅是空洞地注視前方


Right where you left me

兀自凝望 你離開我那天坐的地方

You left me no, you left me no

連一點轉圜餘地 也不曾施捨於我

You left me no choice but to stay here forever

你讓為難的我沒了辦法 唯有於此苦苦守候

You left me, you left me no, oh, you left me no

你揚長而去 徒留我一人 摀著臉獨自面對心碎

You left me no choice but to stay here forever

束手無策的我 唯有於此如邪佞鬼魅般徘徊不前


Did you ever hear about the girl who got frozen?

你可曾聽說過 那曾獲賞識 卻遭世人淡忘女孩的故事?

Time went on for everybody else, she won't know it

時間照常運轉流動 陷入無盡迴圈的她卻絲毫不知情

She's still twenty-three inside her fantasy

彷彿昨日仍是那芳齡二十三的少女 洋溢著夢想青春

How it was supposed to be

若據實以告 該會造成多大的打擊

Did you hear about the girl who lives in delusion?

你是否對那深居簡出 活在白日夢的少女 亦有所耳聞?

Breakups happen every day, you don't have to lose it

根據統計 一天至少有上萬對情侶分手 不妨理性看待

She's still twenty-three inside her fantasy

儘管她仍是懵懂無知的少女 念想卻不切實際而空幻

And you're sitting in front of me

若你想找她 那女孩就在你眼皮子底下


At the restaurant when I was still the one you want

怔怔望著餐廳對桌的男人 回想當初許諾的海誓山盟

Cross-legged in the dim light, everything was just right

昏黃燈光似乎早預有不祥之兆 氣氛正熱絡時 你忽然開口

I, I could feel the mascara run

話音未落 淚水便不自主流淌 睫毛膏也隨之暈開

You told me that you met someone

你先是啜飲濃咖啡 接著才淡淡地說『我愛上別人了』

Glass shattered on the white cloth

震驚之下 玻璃杯自手中滑落 砸向桌巾摔成粉碎

Everybody moved on

怎麼回事 難道除了我以外的人 全都不在乎嗎?


Help, I'm still at the restaurant

怎麼辦 今天我仍獨坐小餐館 握著一只玻璃杯

Still sitting in a corner I haunt

還是老樣子 桌上擱了些餐點 只是味道淡了些

Cross-legged in the dim light

燈光溫暖飽滿 對比我形單影隻的模樣 

They say, "What a sad sight"

顧客心疼直搖頭 暗忖『瞧瞧這可憐景象』

I, I stayed there

在這冷冷的天 只能遙望街上行人逛街約會

Dust collected on my pinned-up hair

一團團從天花板掉下的棉絮 飄落在我髮髻

I'm sure that you got a wife out there

我幾乎就要確認 你於外頭已結有妻室

Kids and Christmas

孩童無不歡欣鼓舞 舉家裝飾聖誕樹

But I'm unaware

而我卻從頭到尾 都被你蒙進鼓內

'Cause I'm right where 

而我來到屋外 看見一片和樂融融

I cause no harm

我無意破壞 對你和家人造成傷害

Mind my business

於是我垂下眼眸 便自顧自地離去

If our love died young

倘若你我愛不幸夭折 在我胸口死去

I can't bear witness

請容許我黯然離去 不讓世人探視打聽

And it's been so long

儘管事隔已久 大概也記不住我的模樣

But if you ever think you got it wrong

如若你改變主意 或打算重新與我來往


I'm right where

我就在這兒 哪裡也不去

You left me


You left me no, oh, you left me no

展開新生活 棄為你守候的我於不顧

You left me no choice but to stay here forever

徒留我孤苦無依 引頸盼望你哪天或能回頭

You left me


You left me no, oh, you left me no

而你卻揚長而去 徒留我一人獨自心碎

You left me no choice but to stay here forever

別無他法的我 唯有於此如邪佞鬼魅般徘徊不前




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