

專輯:Bad Girls 同名專輯



Bad Girls (12" Version)


Bad girls, talking ’bout the sad girls

嗆辣妹 開口閉口都是傻妞

Sad girls, talking ’bout bad girls, yeah

傻妞 開口閉口都是嗆辣妹


See them out on the street at night (Walkin')

半夜不睡覺 大街上遊蕩 (鬼混)

Picking up all kinds of strangers, if the price is right

要是價碼開對了 拐瓜裂棗都能帶回家

You can score if your pocket’s nice

只要你荷包滿滿 辣妹任君挑選

But you want a good time



You ask yourself, "Who they are?"

驚訝的你問 「他們究竟是何方神聖?」

Like everybody else, they come from near and far

不就是來自四面八方 遍及世界各地的

Woah, bad girls, yeah



Bad girls, (Bad girls) talking ’bout the sad girls (Sad girls)

靚美眉 說來說去只是傻笨妹

Sad girls, (Sad girls) talking ’bout bad girls, yeah

傻笨妹 說來說去都是靚美眉


Friday night and the strip is hot (Hot)

週五夜狂熱 酒吧裡擠滿了辣妹 (辣得要命)

Sun’s gone down and they’re about to trot (Out trottin')

只要太陽一下山 女士們便等不及要一較高下(還用衝的)

Spirit’s high and they look hot

場面一觸即發 他們各個有備而來

Do you wanna get down?



Now don't you ask yourself, "Who they are?"


Like everybody else, they wanna be a star

不就跟正常人一樣 想要一炮而紅嘛


Bad girl, sad girl, you’re such a naughty bad girl

無論是俏嬌娃 愛哭鬼 還是你這全場焦點

Beep beep, uh-huh


You bad girl, you sad girl, you’re such a naughty bad girl

無論要使壞 眼淚攻勢 還是純粹引誘男人上鉤

Beep beep, uh-huh



Now you and me, we are both the same (Both the same)

你和我都有同樣的目的 都想躋身為大明星 (炙手可熱)

But you call yourself by different names (Different names)

你卻幫自己取了個難聽的藝名 (真糟糕)

Now your Mama won’t like it when she finds out (Finds out)

要是你媽知道我們又在半夜鬼混 (這下可好)

Girl is out at night



Hey mister, have you got a dime?

那邊的大哥 你身上有帶錢嗎?

Mister, do you want to spend some time, oh yeah

有沒有空啊 賞個臉一起玩吧?

I got what you want, you got what I need

你想要什麼 老娘應有盡有

I’ll be your baby, come and spend it on me

我會是你床上的性感野馬 快來試乘看看

Hey mister, I’ll spend some time with you

嘿大哥 想要的話我也可以跟你來一下

With you, you’re fine, with you

你這麼帥 留給別人豈不可惜了嗎?


Bad girls, they’re just bad girls

性感野馬 他們不就是群小惡魔嗎?

Talkin’ about sad girls, yeah, sad girls, yeah

東聊西聊 還不是那些靠眼淚取勝的愛哭鬼

Hey, hey mister, got a dime?

喂大哥 你有帶錢出門嗎?



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