
專輯:folklore 美麗傳說


Taylor Swift - cardigan (Official Lyric Video)

Taylor Swift - cardigan (Official Music Video)

Taylor Swift - cardigan / august / willow (Grammys)

Taylor Swift - cardigan (folklore: the long pond studio sessions)


Vintage tee, brand new phone

復古短衫 新型機款回首從前

High heels on cobblestones

一雙高跟鞋 不穩地踩鵝卵

When you are young, they assume you know nothing

當你年少仍未經歷練 人們便認為你什麼也不瞭解


Sequin smile, black lipstick

亮眼的笑容 純黑唇膏出席

Sensual politics


When you are young, they assume you know nothing

當你年紀尚輕 談論嚴肅話題 人們便看輕你的建議


But I knew you


Dancin' in your Levi's

穿著牛仔褲 獨自漫舞

Drunk under a streetlight, I

街燈下喝得醉醺醺 而我


I knew you


Hand under my sweatshirt


Baby, kiss it better, I

親愛的 練習著吻 我


And when I felt like I was an old cardigan

每每我覺得 我像別人穿過不要的開襟衫

Under someone's bed


You put me on and said I was your favorite

你換上我 溫柔地說 只有我才是你的摯愛


A friend to all is a friend to none

天下皆為友 就等同於一無所有

Chase two girls, lose the one

腳踏船兩條 痛失最愛的那個

When you are young, they assume you know nothing

當你年紀輕的時候 人們會說心痛 沒什麼大不了的


But I knew you


Playing hide-and-seek and

幼時陪我一塊玩捉迷藏 且

Giving me your weekends, I

陪我渡過無聊的周末時光 而我


I knew you


Your heartbeat on the High Line

你在高線公園 懸著忐忑的心

Once in twenty lifetimes, I

苦等二十年 才盼到你 而我


And when I felt like I was an old cardigan

每每我覺得 我像別人穿過不要的開襟衫

Under someone's bed


You put me on and said I was your favorite

你換上我 溫柔地說 只有我才是你的摯愛


To kiss in cars and downtown bars

親吻只在車和酒吧 保持行蹤低調

Was all we needed


You drew stars around my scars

你劃記了星形印記 保護舊傷口

But now I'm bleedin'



'Cause I knew you


Steppin' on the last train


Marked me like a bloodstain, I

劃傷我心 如同斑斑血跡 而我


I knew you


Tried to change the ending


Peter losing Wendy, I

彼得終究離開溫蒂 而我


I knew you


Leavin' like a father


Running like water, I

也像河水汩汩流去 而我

And when you are young, they assume you know nothing

而人們怎麼能說 當你年紀還輕的時候 心碎了也沒什麼


But I knew you'd linger like a tattoo kiss

但我知曉你縈繞的形影 將烙印在我心

I knew you'd haunt all of my what-ifs

我也知曉你將化為我恐懼 徘徊不去

The smell of smoke would hang around this long

就像尼古丁深刻凝滯的氣味 久久盤旋在空中

'Cause I knew everything when I was young

因為我年輕之時 早就明白一切會如何發生


I knew I'd curse you for the longest time

我知道我一定會怨你 遲遲不肯原諒你

Chasin' shadows in the grocery line

在一排排市場走道 尋覓你的身影

I knew you'd miss me once the thrill expired

我深知一旦那激情褪去 你就會懷念我的好

And you'd be standin' in my front porch light

而到時你會出現在我門廊燈下 重返我擁抱


And I knew you'd come back to me

我早就知道 你一定會回我身邊的

You'd come back to me


And you'd come back to me


And you'd come back



And when I felt like I was an old cardigan

每每我覺得 我像別人穿過不要的開襟衫

Under someone's bed


You put me on and said I was your favorite

你換上我 念舊地說 果然我才是你的摯愛


Vintage tee, brand new phone

少女著一襲仿古圓領衫 口袋裝著革新機款

High heels on cobblestones

輕盈地踏在鵝卵石上 踩著厚重高跟 逡巡徘徊

When you are young, they assume you know nothing

若你年紀尚輕 不諳世故 人們便斷然認定你無信譽可言

Sequin smile, black lipstick

盛裝赴宴 綴飾璀璨奪目 塗抹烏黑唇膏 回眸嫣然

Sensual politics

一旦講述政治議題 觸動敏感神經 賓客無不色變

When you are young, they assume you know nothing

若你未曾佔有一席之地 人們自然也不將你當一回事


But I knew you

可自那時起 我便認得出

Dancin' in your Levi's 

是你喝得酩酊大醉 身穿單寧刷破褲

Drunk under a streetlight, I

流連於昏黃燈柱 挨著孤寂 獨自漫舞

I knew you

人事已非 我仍依稀猶記

Hand under my sweatshirt

你手不安分地游移 緩緩探進棉衫深處

Baby, kiss it better, I

叫得親暱 碰觸鬆軟唇瓣 索取更好的吻


And when I felt like I was an old cardigan

每每我遭人拋棄 宛若塵封已久的開襟衫

Under someone's bed

遺忘於床畔 直至凜冬來臨 或有誰人憶起

You put me on and said I was your favorite

你披上開襟衫 感慨地說『你就是我的唯一』


A friend to all is a friend to none

稱待人圓融 天下皆為友 無異於一無所有

Chase two girls, lose the one

執拗於兩面討好 反自食痛失摯愛的後果

When you are young, they assume you know nothing

若明知其不可而為之 背道而馳 又怎能自慚少不經事


But I knew you

記憶雖已斑駁 我仍記得

Playing hide-and-seek and

是你陪我躲迷藏 掩身藏在樹叢 僅探出顆腦袋 

Giving me your weekends, I

週末同我廝混往來 謐謐寧夏相戀的兩小無猜

I knew you

早在燈火闌珊 我便認出

Your heartbeat on the High Line

尋覓了廿生 真心懸於高架鐵道 探尋伊人蹤跡

Once in twenty lifetimes, I

只為來世輾轉重逢 來到她跟前 驚鴻一瞥的你


And when I felt like I was an old cardigan

每每我遭人拋棄 宛若塵封已久的開襟衫

Under someone's bed

遺忘於床畔 直至凜冬來臨 或有誰人憶起

You put me on and said I was your favorite

你披上開襟衫 感慨地說『你才是我的唯一』


To kiss in cars and downtown bars

轎車內纏綿相守 還是喧囂鬧區的耳鬢廝磨

Was all we needed

終究還是抵不過 一夜胸膛放縱沈淪的溫柔

You drew stars around my scars

你沿著殘敗疤痕 劃註星型記號 說要待我好

But now I'm bleedin' 

而今你竟踐踏一片真心 撕裂傷口 放我哭嚎


'Cause I knew you

你離去的背影 至今仍烙印於腦海裡

Steppin' on the last train

蹬上末班列車 頭也不回便兀自離去

Marked me like a bloodstain, I

任鮮血自我胸膛汨汨流出 染紅白衣

I knew you

明知分開在所難免 你愈是極力挽回

Tried to change the ending

反而一步步走向必然 結局無從改變

Peter losing Wendy, I

彼得潘終究鬆開溫蒂的手 不再留戀

I knew you

面對這殘局 你自認無力收拾 只得走開

Leavin' like a father

像個不稱職的父親 拋下一切 連夜逃家

Running like water, I

也像辜負了魚的水 棄守諾言 背叛信任

And when you are young, they assume you know nothing

若非你年少未經世故 不願正視感情 又怎會捨得離我而去


But I knew you'd linger like a tattoo kiss

明知你形影將縈繞徘徊 形同紋身銘刻我心

I knew you'd haunt all of my what-ifs

一再侵擾我漸漸平靜的日子 添上晦暗陰影

The smell of smoke would hang around this long

就像尼古丁的氣味 瀰漫飄溢 久久揮之不去

'Cause I knew everything when I was young

只因初遇之際 我便知曉你是我最難分難捨的人

I knew I'd curse you for the longest time

早知我要埋怨你 一再出言忿懟 遲遲不肯原諒你

Chasin' shadows in the grocery line

在再平凡不過的角落 顧盼張望 追逐那熟悉身影

I knew you'd miss me once the thrill expired

我確信待激情褪去 你定會憶起你我種種 懷念我的好

And you'd be standin' in my front porch light

不久便會見你滿懷歉疚 佇立於昏暗門廊 乞求我原諒

And I knew you'd come back to me

而我將奮不顧身衝上前 展開雙臂攬你入懷 迎你賦歸

You'd come back to me

淚水自臉龐流淌 而我顫抖地說『你總算回心轉意了』

And you'd come back to me

你回到我身邊那天 遲早會到來的

And you'd come back

對此深信不疑的我 祇會耐心守候


And when I felt like I was an old cardigan

每每我遭人鄙夷 形同不堪入目的開襟衫

Under someone's bed

遺忘於床畔 直至凜冬來臨 或有誰人憶起

You put me on and said I was your favorite

你披上開襟衫 惋惜地說『果然不是你就不行啊』


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