
專輯:folklore (deluxe version) 美麗傳說 (豪華版)


Taylor Swift – august (Official Lyric Video)

Taylor Swift - august (folklore: the long pond studio sessions)


Salt air, and the rust on your door

海藍晴空 飄來淡淡鹹澀 旋開鏽跡斑斑的門鎖

I never needed anything more

沉溺你臂彎的時光 是我這輩子最幸福的時刻

Whispers of "Are you sure?"

起先我有些猶豫 凝望著你 悄聲說『真的沒問題嗎?』

"Never have I ever before"

『像這樣的事情 對我而言 還是有生以來頭一遭呀』


But I can see us lost in the memory

可夜裡潮汐掀起湧動 連同回憶將你我吞沒

August slipped away into a moment in time

八月就像箏線 輕易掙脫了掌握 隨海風漂散

'Cause it was never mine

或許心繫另有其人 以致於滑落 從手中鬆開

And I can see us twisted in bedsheets

而你我同床共枕 彼此纏繞糾結 交融為一體

August sipped away like a bottle of wine

八月酒雖美 斟滿一杯又一杯 免不了會見底

'Cause you were never mine

再怎麼陶醉 因微醺而起的意興 終究會淡去


Your back beneath the sun

你頸項映在夕陽下 閃爍珀色光芒 勾勒迷人景致

Wishin' I could write my name on it

何其美麗 令我心往神馳 多麼想向世人公告宣示

Will you call when you're back at school?

等開學以後 我是不是能自私點 擅自期待你打來?

I remember thinkin' I had you

還以為確立了關係 你就不會反悔 悄悄離我而去


But I can see us lost in the memory

可回憶長河如湍湍急流 無情地將你我捲入

August slipped away into a moment in time

八月宛若思緒 自指縫間悄悄溜走 流逝遠去

'Cause it was never mine

正因為另有所屬 這麼好的你 我才把握不住

And I can see us twisted in bedsheets

而一張張平順床單 因你我纏綿而起了縐摺

August sipped away like a bottle of wine

八月如紅酒 裝滿赤色液體 喝得一滴也不剩

'Cause you were never mine

正因為太過濃烈 日後回味 反而多了份苦澀


Back when we were still changin' for the better

那年夏天 你我努力為彼此 試著成為更好的人

Wanting was enough

就算只能遠遠看著你 不打招呼 那也沒有關係

For me, it was enough

曾佔據過你生命 哪怕一分一秒 我也心滿意足

To live for the hope of it all

期盼心願能夠實現 成全了許諾

Cancel plans just in case you'd call

婉拒任何邀約 生怕你臨時起意 於電話另一頭

And say, "Meet me behind the mall"

匆匆拋下一句『等等商場見 你想好就來 你等我』

So much for summer love and saying "us"

夏日花火點亮夜空 熠熠群星 譜寫我們的戀曲

'Cause you weren't mine to lose

我再怎麼努力 你還是不會愛我

You weren't mine to lose, no

正因為不曾擁有 才會格外心痛


But I can see us lost in the memory

可回憶開出的花朵再美 遲早要枯萎凋謝

August slipped away into a moment in time

八月如梭子 一次次來回 交織成景象畫面

'Cause it was never mine

經一針一線縫製 到頭來 再用心也不為我

And I can see us twisted in bedsheets

而你我纏綿之際 掀起縐褶 也慢慢被撫平

August sipped away like a bottle of wine

擧起八月酒 仰頭欲飲 才發覺已一滴不剩

'Cause you were never mine

原先酒意已然淡去 望著空瓶 只剩下空虛


'Cause you were never mine

自始至終 你的心裏頭 都住著另一個人呢

Never mine


But do you remember?

可那段曾經 你怎會記不得?

Remember when I pulled up and said "Get in the car"

我臨停死角 趁四下無人 才敢搖下車窗 用細微音量喊你上車

And then canceled my plans just in case you'd call?

盡所能去避人耳目 支開所有人 只怕萬一你臨時起意打給我

Back when I was livin' for the hope of it all, for the hope of it all

還以為遵守了約定 說不定這段關係 總有一天能昇華為感情

"Meet me behind the mall"

『等等商場見 我等你來 好想你』


Remember when I pulled up and said "Get in the car"

你記不記得 我一次次穿梭人群簇擁的城市 趕赴你身邊

And then canceled my plans just in case you'd call?

冒著被他人責難的風險 只為了有朝一日 能再與你相見?

Back when I was livin' for the hope of it all

我還以為付出所有 犧牲得夠多 心願就能有實現的一天 

For the hope of it all, for the hope of it all

傾注心思氣力 全心全意只為你 卻親手斷送了我的愛情


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