專輯:folklore (deluxe version) 美麗傳說 (豪華版)
Taylor Swift – mad woman (Official Lyric Video)
Taylor Swift - mad woman (folklore: the long pond studio sessions)
What did you think I'd say to that?
平白受到你無名砲火波及 我又該如何置喙?
Does a scorpion sting when fighting back?
若蛇蠍面臨致命要脅 不回擊抵抗那怎麼行?
They strike to kill, and you know I will
含有劇毒的刺螫咬 一擊斃命 方能嚐到教訓
You know I will
若不給點顏色瞧瞧 怎能悔改 你說可不是嗎
What do you sing on your drive home?
返程路途 收音機又播著誰的歌 讓你哼得忘我陶醉?
Do you see my face in the neighbor's lawn?
你鄰居修剪過的草坪 是否也浮現我憔悴蒼白的臉?
Does she smile?
她可曾咧開嘴角 面露矜持賢慧的笑?
Or does she mouth, "Fuck you forever"?
還是唾棄你惡行惡狀 並以唇語譏諷你『下地獄去吧』?
Every time you call me crazy
每當你強扣我瘋女人的帽子 遭人欺侮
I get more crazy
為求自保 行為舉措自然也脫序不得體
What about that?
一債抵一債 應當不過份?
And when you say I seem angry
而你當著眾人的面 搬弄是非 稱我因小事動怒
I get more angry
實在大可不必 聽你打誑語 自然使我怒火攻心
And there's nothing like a mad woman
被觸怒的女人 是這世上最為可怖的存在
What a shame she went mad
關於她發瘋的消息 不免令世人望洋興嘆
No one likes a mad woman
被觸怒的女人既不討喜 神經質又惹人嫌
You made her like that
她之所以陷入癲狂 都得多虧你為非作歹
And you'll poke that bear 'til her claws come out
你因一時好玩 而驚動了溫馴熊隻 露出獠牙利爪撲來
And you find something to wrap your noose around
而你急中生智 臨時找了套索 拋上橫樑 就要往頸項掛
And there's nothing like a mad woman
人盡周知的是 這世上你惹不起的狠角色 唯有瘋女人
Now I breathe flames each time I talk
滿腔怒火積累已久 時至今日 總算有了宣洩出口
My cannons all firin' at your yacht
炮口一致對外 填滿了彈藥 逐一瞄準你奢華渡輪
They say "move on," but you know I won't
And women like hunting witches too
你麾下招攬的女性黨羽 樂於戕害同袍 狂熱地獵巫
Doing your dirtiest work for you
淨替你幹些見不得人的勾當 美其言是清理門戶
It's obvious that wanting me dead
實則等不及致我於死地 愈是遮掩 反而欲蓋彌彰
Has really brought you two together
兩人因著同類相吸原則 勾搭上彼此 成為犯罪拍檔
Every time you call me crazy
每當你強扣我瘋女人的帽子 遭人欺侮
I get more crazy
為求自保 行為舉措自然也脫序不得體
What about that?
一債抵一債 應當不過份?
And when you say I seem angry
而你當著眾人的面 搬弄是非 稱我因小事動怒
I get more angry
實在大可不必 聽你打誑語 自然使我怒火攻心
And there's nothing like a mad woman
被觸怒的女人 是這世上最為可怖的存在
What a shame she went mad
關於她發瘋的消息 不免令世人望洋興嘆
No one likes a mad woman
被觸怒的女人既不討喜 神經質又惹人嫌
You made her like that
她之所以陷入癲狂 都得多虧你為非作歹
And you'll poke that bear 'til her claws come out
你因一時好玩 而驚動了溫馴熊隻 露出獠牙利爪撲來
And you find something to wrap your noose around
而你急中生智 臨時找了套索 拋上橫樑 就要往頸項掛
And there's nothing like a mad woman
人盡周知的是 這世上你惹不起的狠角色 唯有瘋女人
I'm taking my time, taking my time
我可要不慌不忙 韜光養晦 一刀一刀凌遲你致死
'Cause you took everything from me
既以奪取我所有 若不付起代價責任 哪裡有的事
Watching you climb, watching you climb
瞧你還忝不知恥 踐踏一具又一具屍體 當墊腳石
Over people like me
既得錢財利益 便過河拆橋 就算傷及無辜也不惜
The master of spin has a couple side flings
賺了幾個臭錢 得了顏色就開起染坊 金屋藏嬌妾
Good wives always know
不必任何蛛絲馬跡 精明能幹的賢妻 心裡早有數
She should be mad, should be scathing like me, but
她本該忿懟譏諷 該學我替自己抱不平 卻也只能忍氣吞聲 畢竟
No one likes a mad woman
世上最不討喜的存在 莫過於被觸怒的女人
What a shame she went mad
可謂人見人愛的她 居然也會落入如此境地
You made her like that
可逼她不得不如此的你 更該感到羞恥丟人