
專輯:Oops…! I Did It Again 愛的再告白


Britney Spears - Oops!...I Did It Again (Official HD Video)


I think I did it again

我想我齁 又不小心犯了錯

I made you believe we're more than just friends

因為人家一時未察 忘記發給你好人卡

Oh, baby, it might seem like a crush

噢 親愛的 雖然表面看似你儂我儂

But it doesn't mean that I'm serious

但我可沒跟你保證 人家不只是玩玩喔


'Cause to lose all my senses

犯下像愛過頭 這種常見的新手錯誤

That is just so typically me

也只有我這種迷糊蟲 才做得出來吧

Ooh, baby, baby

哎喲 別這樣嘛


Oops, I did it again

金拍謝 人家又一個不小心

I played with your heart

把你的真心 操弄於股掌間

Got lost in the game

害你這彼得潘 迷失在夢幻島

Oh, baby, baby

噢 我可真抱歉

Oops, you think I'm in love

唉呦喂 你是哪顆眼睛長太歪

That I'm sent from above


I'm not that innocent

拜託一下 姊才沒那麼清純咧


You see, my problem is this

事情是這樣 我這人有點特別

I'm dreaming away

我老是對童話情節 想入非非

Wishing that heroes, they truly exist

將頭探出高塔外 盼望有天白馬王子會出現

I cry watching the days

隨著日子一天天過去 我的淚水也逐漸乾涸

Can't you see I'm a fool in so many ways?

難道你還看不出來 我其實是愛情的囚徒嗎?


But to lose all my senses

小紅帽 迷失在童話的美好

That is just so typically me

聽起來 還真像我會幹的事

Oh, baby, oh

噢 親愛的 你到底有多傻呀


Oops, I did it again

真抱歉 但我其實是放羊的孩子

I played with your heart

三番兩次說謊 把你騙得團團轉

Got lost in the game

留你迷失在廣大草原 逃之夭夭

Oh, baby, baby


Oops, you think I'm in love

像你這種大壞狼 居然想騙我

That I'm sent from above

還以為 我會乖乖被你吞下肚

I'm not that innocent

拜託一下 老娘才沒那麼蠢咧




"All aboard!"

『全體船員 請立即返船!』

"Britney! Before you go, there's something I want you to have."

『布蘭妮!在你走之前 我有樣東西送你 希望你別介意』

"Oh, it's beautiful! But wait a minute, isn't this...?"

『噢 這好漂亮唷!修但幾咧 這不是那個...嗎?』

"Yeah, yes, it is."

『你眼光真敏銳 的確是那樣東西沒錯』

"But I thought the old lady dropped it into the ocean in the end."

『我還以為電影結尾 那位老婆婆把這玩意兒扔進海底了』

"Well, baby, I went down and got it for ya."

『別擔心 親愛的 我潛進深海撈心只為送給你』

"Aw, you shouldn't have!"

『嘴真甜 你人真好!』


Oops, I did it again to your heart

哎呀!人家一個手滑 就把你的心丟下去了

Got lost in this game, oh, baby

掉進深不見底的海底 八成還被鯊魚吞下肚

Oops, you (Oops, you) think that I'm sent from above

唉呀 你還以為我是鐵達尼號上的蘿絲 殊不知

I'm not that innocent

其實人家我 可是帶刺的玫瑰喔


Oops, I did it again

真抱歉 又犯了同樣的錯

I played with your heart

不小心召喚出神燈精靈 許願要你滾蛋

Got lost in the game (Yeah, yeah)

把你一人忘在魔毯上 自己獨攬大權

Oh, baby, baby

噢 親愛的 這麼說還真不好意思

Oops, you think I'm in love

但你是哪隻耳朵失靈 聽到我說『愛』這個字

That I'm sent from above (Yeah)


I'm not that innocent

拜託 我可沒那種閒情逸致


Oops, I (Oops, I) did it again (Did it again to your heart)

唉呦喂 因為我一個技術上的失誤 害你失足墜入愛河

I played with your heart (Got lost)

再把你的真心 操弄於股掌之間

Got lost in the game (In this game, oh, baby)

讓你癡心妄想 以為野獸真能配上美女

Oh, baby, baby

噢 你到底在做什麼春夢

Oops, you (Oops, you) think I'm in love (Think that I'm sent)

那天宅邸心軟哄你幾句 居然還照單全收 

That I'm sent from above

還以為我會跟你天長地久 別肖想

I'm not that innocent

姊可不是省油的燈 才不讓你得逞

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