專輯:One Of The Boys 花漾派對
Katy Perry - Hot N Cold (Official)
You change your mind like a girl changes clothes
你三心二意的程度 比站在衣櫥間挑三撿四的婆媽還嚴重
Yeah, you PMS like a bitch, I would know
沒聽錯 你就像大姨媽快來的臭八婆 情緒全寫在臉上
And you overthink, always speak cryptically
還老是胡思亂想 搬弄是非硬要扯歪理
I should know that you're no good for me
我早該認清事實 你根本一點都配不上我
'Cause you're hot then you're cold
因為你本來對我暖 接著又冷到發抖
You're yes then you're no
一下子說好 過沒幾秒又改變主意
You're in then you're out
進進出出 簡直有玩沒完
You're up then you're down
心情不是大好就是大壞 讓我超無奈
You're wrong when it's right
明明就是你的錯 偏偏要怪到我頭上
It's black and it's white
不管青紅皂白 對我就是一陣罵
We fight, we break up
於是我破口大罵 要你跟我分手
We kiss, we make up
接著又瘋狂索吻 床頭吵床尾和
(You) You don't really wanna stay, no
(你這傢伙) 分明是不想跟我和好 不
(You) But you don't really wanna go, oh
(真夠可惡) 可是你明明就沒說心底話 噢
You're hot then you're cold
忽冷忽熱的你 實在讓我凍未條
You're yes then you're no
一下說好 等一下又說不要
You're in then you're out
才剛踏進門 接著又衝出來
You're up then you're down
真搞不懂 你到底是哪根筋不對勁
We used to be just like twins, so in sync
我們以前就像連體嬰形影不離 還能互接彼此的句子
The same energy now's a dead battery
情況有所改變 現在我們失去默契 只愛互揭彼此的短
Used to laugh 'bout nothing
以前有事沒事笑個沒完 只要跟你在一起就是愉快
Now you're plain boring
但現在單調乏味的你 總是抱怨個沒完
I should know (I should know)
我早該知道的 像你這種人
That you're not gonna change
又怎麼可能下定決心 為誰改變呢?
'Cause you're hot then you're cold
因為你這人 就愛忽冷忽熱
You're yes then you're no
優柔寡斷 沒一件事說得準
You're in then you're out
就連要進要出 都得想半天
You're up then you're down
情緒起伏不定 沒一次正常
You're wrong when it's right
要是你出包 還得讓你三分
It's black and it's white
不管是非道德 你說的都對
We fight, we break up
我實在受夠了 決定提分手
We kiss, we make up
結果你氣得吻我 重蹈覆轍
(You) You don't really wanna stay, no (Oh)
(你這人) 根本不想為我留下吧 (噢)
(You) But you don't really wanna go, oh (Oh)
(真是的) 但你心裡 其實也有偷偷擔心我 噢
You're hot then you're cold
就算你講話毒舌 其實心裡比誰都還軟
You're yes then you're no
儘管嘴上說不在乎 但你其實很看重我
You're in then you're out
之所以進進出出 只是關心我好不好
You're up then you're down
情緒難以捉摸 是因為腸胃影響脾氣
Someone call the doctor
來人啊 快打電話給119
Got a case of a love bipolar
Stuck on a roller coaster
情緒反覆無常 比斷軌雲霄飛車恐怖
Can't get off this ride
把我嚇得不輕 就連走下來都有障礙
You change your mind like a girl changes clothes
你這傢伙光是翻臉的速度 就已經超越了光速
'Cause you're hot then you're cold
雞腸鳥度的你 一點包容心也沒有
You're yes then you're no
明明嘴上說好 等等就改變了心意
You're in then you're out
一下子出 一下子進 實在搞不懂你
You're up then you're down
心情晴時多雲偶陣雨 不曉得該不該撐傘
You're wrong when it's right
不管是非對錯 只要你說的都是對的
It's black and it's white
所謂道德標準 只是課本上寫好玩的
We fight, we break up
我向你嗆聲 被你回嗆要分手
We kiss, we make up
害我氣得撲倒你 結果又重來
You're hot then you're cold
你的個性忽冷忽熱 我會不知道嗎
You're yes then you're no
心情飄忽不定 沒一個人說得準
You're in then you're out
好的時候很好 不好的時候會甩門
You're up then you're down
大起大落 就連我都想退避三舍
You're wrong when it's right
你不論事情對錯 只想破口大罵
It's black and it's white
就連黑的 都能夠被你講成白的
We fight, we break up
被我點破 就惱羞成怒要羞辱我
We kiss, we make up
卻弄巧成拙 全靠吻來化解危機
(You) You don't really wanna stay, no (Oh)
(你這傢伙) 分明是不想活了 才會說這種話
(You) But you don't really wanna go, oh (Oh)
(可是呀) 但你其實比誰都愛我 才捨不得走開
You're hot then you're cold
雖然你對我忽冷忽熱 又老是跩個二五八萬
You're yes then you're no
明明說要改 過不到三秒就再犯
You're in then you're out
氣噗噗地奪門而出 害我跑去追
You're up then you're down
你的心浮氣躁 就由我的愛解決