專輯:Taylor Swift (Taylor’s Version) - 泰勒絲同名專輯 (全新版)
I'd Lie - Taylor Swift Lyrics | D'Lyrics
I don't think that passenger seat
我從沒想過 有朝一日平凡無奇的副駕駛座
Has ever looked this good to me
在成為我的專屬位置後 地位居然會三倍跳
He tells me about his night
他一面注意路況 一面告訴我他今晚過得如何
And I count the colors in his eyes
而我凝視著他 細數那對眼眸綻放的斑斕色澤
He'll never fall in love
『我保證 我永遠也不會墜入愛河』
He swears, as he runs his fingers through his hair
他如此發誓 指尖順過他那輕柔髮絲
I'm laughing 'cause I hope he's wrong
我掩面竊笑 因為他肯定沒仔細忖思
And I don't think it ever crossed his mind
我也不認為 他發自內心說出這句話
He tells a joke, I fake a smile
他開了個玩笑帶過 而我含笑不答
But I know all his favorite songs
一一盡數 對音樂有獨特喜好的他
And I could tell you
His favorite color's green
他最喜愛的顏色 是綠色
He loves to argue
Born on the Seventeenth
十七號 是他的生日日期
His sister's beautiful
家有長姊 美若天仙
He has his father's eyes
美麗的雙眸 遺傳自父親
And if you ask me if I love him...
I'd lie
我想撒個小謊 應該也無妨
He looks around the room
他步入廳房 環視四周
Innocently overlooks the truth
率性不做作的目光 俯瞰著真相
Shouldn't a light go on?
我對他的心意 是否也昭然若揭?
Doesn't he know that I've had him memorized for so long?
為何他就是不明白 最了解他的人其實就近在眼前?
He sees everything in black and white
他是非分明 凡事都有一番見解
Never let nobody see him cry
總是獨自隱忍著淚 不讓誰看見
I don't let nobody see me wishing he was mine
而我永遠也不讓別人知道 他對我有多麼特別
And I could tell you
若你問我關於他的事 是也能稍微告訴你一點
His favorite color's green
像是他最喜愛的顏色 是綠色
He loves to argue
興趣是與人辯駁 分個高下
Born on the Seventeenth
某月十七號 是他的生日
His sister's beautiful
他姊姊的美 宛若天仙
He has his father's eyes
美麗眼眸 遺傳自父親
And if you ask me if I love him...
I'd lie
我想撒個小謊 應該也無妨
He stands there, then walks away
他在門口駐足停留 接著悄悄走開
My God, if I could only say
老天 倘若我能傾訴對你的心意
I'm holding every breath for you
我那缺氧枯竭的肺部 只為你屏息
He'd never tell you, but he can play guitar
他看來平凡無奇 其實身懷絕技 是個吉他好手
I think he can see through everything but my heart
他能看穿任何人的心事 卻始終讀不懂我的心
First thought when I wake up is
當我從半夜驚醒 第一個念頭便是:
My God, he's beautiful
天呀 他那帥氣臉龐讓我無法入睡
So I put on my make-up and pray for a miracle
於是我敷上化妝品 並來到他家門前 祈禱奇蹟降臨
Yes I could tell you
沒錯 我對他可說是瞭若指掌 能滔滔不絕地說
His favorite color's green
He loves to argue
身為辯論社強棒的他 有著高人一等的辯論技巧
Oh, and he kills me
噢 甚至略高我一籌
His sister's beautiful
He has his father's eyes
And if you ask me if I love him..
If you ask me if I love him..
I'd lie
我想這種問題 應該不必問了吧