
專輯:Taylor Swift (Taylor’s Version) - 泰勒絲同名專輯 (全新版)


Permanent Marker - Taylor Swift


I know he loved you a long time ago

我其實知道 他已經暗戀你很久了

I ain't jealous of you, just thought you should know

倒也不是忌妒心作祟 只是你該有自知之明

You were never good enough for him or anything like me

因為你一點都配不上那男孩 也比不上他姐姐我

So you might as well sit back 'cause I ain't trying to show maturity

所以你最好還是滾遠一點 因為老娘可是沒在怕


"X" is the shape I drew through your face


In permanent marker, oh, yeah

還很故意地用了油性記號筆 噢 耶

Just like the mark you knew you were making

為的就是要你記取教訓 留下永恆的屈辱

Who do you think you are


To write on his heart in permanent marker?



I found that picture of you in that green dress

在他房間翻箱倒櫃 總算讓我找到你那張綠洋裝照

He sure had a good time cleaning up that mess

照片碎滿地 他肯定要花上不少時間才能清理乾淨

He found thirty other pieces but he'll never find them all

就算他真能尋回多達三十幾張碎片 也絕對找不齊

Tried to tape it back together, now he knows to keep it off the wall

好不容易用膠帶勉強黏回去 下次他可學乖 不敢再把照片貼在牆上


"X" is the shape I drew through your face

我在你那張做作的照片上 劃上大大的叉字記號

In permanent marker, oh, yeah

還特意選用擦不掉的油性筆 噢 耶

Just like the mark you knew you were making

你在玩什麼把戲 你自己清楚得很

Who do you think you are

別再裝蒜 你到底算哪根蔥  

To write on his heart in permanent marker?

居然敢讓我的寶貝弟弟 為你牽腸掛肚?

"X" is the shape I drew through your face

我真想替你洗把臉 好讓你從鏡子裡看清楚

In permanent marker, oh, yeah

自己臉上那些歉疚的字句 噢 耶

Oh, just like the mark you knew you were making

噢 私下究竟在搞什麼名堂 你自己心裏明白

Who do you think you are

只是你這傢伙 膽子可真不小

To write on his heart?

居然敢讓我的他 為你魂牽夢縈?

"X" is the shape I drew through your face

我真想讓你照照鏡子 也不稱稱自己幾斤兩

In permanent marker, oh, yeah

居然敢來勾引我的寶貝弟弟 噢 耶

Just like the mark that you knew that you were making

做過多少見不得人的勾當 你自己心裏清楚

Who do you think you are

不過就是個高中小女生 你憑什麼

To write on his heart in permanent marker?



In permanent marker


Oh, permanent marker, yeah

噢 不可抹滅的傷痕 耶


* 本曲為泰勒寫給弟弟當時的女友之作,顯然泰勒不喜歡那女孩。


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