
專輯:B.o.B Presents: The Adventure of Bobby Ray


B.o.B - Airplanes (feat. Hayley Williams of Paramore) [Official Video]-

Can we pretend that airplanes

要是能把夜空中 一架又一架的飛機

In the night sky are like shooting stars?


I could really use a wish right now


Wish right now, wish right now


Can we pretend that airplanes

若雙手合十 夜空一架架飛機

In the night sky are like shooting stars?

就能為我實現願望 那該有多美好?

I could really use a wish right now

徬徨的我 實在需要一點指引

Wish right now, wish right now

現在我呀 真能許上不小的願望


Yeah, I could use a dream or a genie or a wish

耶 要是這世上真有神燈精靈的存在

To go back to a place much simpler than this

我可真希望 祂能帶我到那平和所在

'Cause after all the partyin' and smashin' and crashin'

因為享用不少榮華富貴 甚至一蹴躋身上流社會

And all the glitz and the glam and the fashion

沉迷於物慾奢華享受 紙醉金迷的浮華世界

And all the pandemonium and all the madness

經歷與饒舌新星的一番死鬥 腥風血雨下生存

There comes a time where you fade to the blackness

直到有天喝得不省人事 就此消匿於闇黑混沌

And when you starin' at that phone in your lap

等你醒來 便迫不及待打開手機 死死瞪著膝蓋

And you hopin' but them people never call you back

就算望穿秋水 那些你富饒興致的人 還是不會打來

But that's just how the story unfolds


You get another hand soon after you fold

總在要蓋牌的時候 被別人秀一手 才算找樂子呢

And when your plans unravel in the sand

你滿腔熱血 興沖沖地找人聆聽想法 卻被潑冷水

What would you wish for if you had one chance?

要是只有一次的許願機會 你最想要的會是什麼?

So airplane, airplane, sorry I'm late

飛機呀 飛機 真抱歉我因延遲誤點

I'm on my way, so don't close that gate

我馬上就到 先別急著關閉機艙門

If I don't make that, then I'll switch my flight

要是實在趕不上 無妨 頂多就換個班次

And I'll be right back at it by the end of the night

午夜前 我保證一定會抵達那名為夢想的目的地


Can we pretend that airplanes

要是能把夜空中 一架又一架的飛機

In the night sky are like shooting stars? (shooting stars)

當成能讓願望實現的許願星 你的願望會是什麼?

I could really use a wish right now


Wish right now, wish right now


Can we pretend that airplanes

若雙手合十 夜空一架架飛機

In the night sky are like shooting stars? (shooting stars)

就能為我實現願望 那該有多美好?

I could really use a wish right now

徬徨的我 實在需要一點指引

Wish right now, wish right now

現在我呀 真能許上不小的願望


Yeah, yeah, somebody take me back to the days

耶 耶 麻煩誰來提醒我 我到底是怎麼走到今天的

Before this was a job, before I got paid

那時我身無分文 沒有微薄薪資 就連工作都沒著落

Before it ever mattered what I had in my bank

銀行積蓄淨空 除了滿腔熱血與理想 我兩手空空

Yeah, back when I was tryna get a tip at Subway

就連露宿地下鐵街頭 都得仰賴別人給的小費過活

And back when I was rappin' for the hell of it

那時的我 可是能以絲絲入扣的歌詞 寫出人生疾苦

But nowadays we rappin' to stay relevant

到如今 我們卻忘了初衷 滿腦子只想著如何被人記得

I'm guessin' that if we can make some wishes out of airplanes

我不時在想 要是那架有如疾馳流星的飛機 真能實現我的願望

Then maybe, oh maybe, I'll go back to the days

那也許 說不定 我就會甘願回到那段苦日子 懷念從前的小幸福

Before the politics that we call the rap game

什麼狗屁倒灶的政治議題 寫成不入流的歌詞 通通不在乎

And back when ain't nobody listened to my mixtape

就算沒人要聽我的混音帶也好 好作品只能孤芳自賞也罷

And back before I tried to cover up my slang

說唱不必再蓋掉老土口音 用原音本色唱出我的壯志凌雲

But this is for Decatur—what's up, Bobby Ray?

我所做的一切 都是為了讓家鄉人引以為傲--你猜怎麼著 巴比雷?

So can I get a wish to end the politics?

現在的我 有能力為這場鬧劇劃下休止符 

And get back to the music that started this shit?

正式官宣回歸樂壇 霸氣改寫傳奇 重新締造新紀錄 

So here I stand and then again I say

我就站在這兒吶喊 驕傲地挺起胸膛

I'm hopin' we can make some wishes out of airplanes

『我希望哪天 我們能以這一架又一架的飛機 實現我們小小的夢想』


Can we pretend that airplanes

要是能把夜空中 一架又一架的飛機

In the night sky are like shooting stars? (shooting stars)

當成能讓願望實現的許願星 你的願望會是什麼?

I could really use a wish right now


Wish right now, wish right now


Can we pretend that airplanes

若雙手合十 夜空一架架飛機

In the night sky are like shooting stars? (shooting stars)

就能為我實現願望 那該有多美好?

I could really use a wish right now

徬徨的我 實在需要一點指引

Wish right now, wish right now

現在我呀 真能許上不小的願望






A wish, a wish right now



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