專輯:B.o.B. Presents: The Adventures of Bobby Ray
Airplanes, Pt. II (feat. Eminem & Hayley Williams of Paramore)
Airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars
若是那一架又一架的飛機 能像隕落而下的星石
I could really use a wish right now
那我願意雙手合十 虔誠祈禱
Wish right now, wish right now
Can we pretend that airplanes
In the night sky are like shooting stars?
I could really use a wish right now
那我會踮起腳尖 伸手奮力揮舞
Wish right now, wish right now
摘下最為閃耀的星星 讓夢想成真
Dreaming… of falling
Dreaming… of falling
Yeah, let's pretend like it's '98
耶 時間倒回一九九八年 那時我才十歲
Like I'm eatin' lunch off of Styrofoam trays
端著破舊保麗龍餐盤 用免洗餐具扒飯吃
Tryin' to be the next rapper comin' out the A (A-Town)
譜寫著饒舌歌詞 努力從一個又一個的新秀中脫穎而出
Hopin' for a record deal to ignore my pain
希望會被伯樂挖掘 簽訂唱片合約 好釋懷家人的不諒解
Yeah, now let's pretend like I'm on the stage
耶 要是沒有那段苦日子 我人就不會站在這裡
And when my beat drops everybody goes insane
坐擁成千上萬的粉絲 只要麥克風一開 無不歡呼尖叫
Okay, and everybody know my name (Bob)
沒錯 每個人對我的藝名都再清楚不過 (巴伯)
And everywhere I go people wanna hear me sang
舉凡我到訪的地方 都有人會慫恿我唱歌給他們聽
Oh yeah, and I just dropped my new album
噢媽呀 都忘了說 我最近發行新專輯
On the first week I did 500 thousand
短短一周時間 就突破五十萬銷售量
Gold in the spring, and diamond in the fall
春天就獲得金唱片殊榮 秋天更是有鑽石加冠
And then a world tour just to top it all off
加碼開巡迴演唱會慶功 好向世人炫耀一番
And let's pretend like they call me the greatest
Sellin' out arenas with big-ass stages
坐擁人山人海的粉絲 矗立於比鯨魚還大的舞台
And everybody loved me and no one ever hated
還沒出場 人們便等不及催促我現身 愛戴簇擁
Let's try to use imagination
應該不難想像此刻的我 該有多麼驕傲
Airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars
若是那一架又一架的飛機 能像隕落而下的星石
I could really use a wish right now
那我願意雙手合十 虔誠祈禱
Wish right now, wish right now
Can we pretend that airplanes
In the night sky are like shooting stars?
I could really use a wish right now
那我會踮起腳尖 伸手奮力揮舞
Wish right now, wish right now
摘下最為閃耀的星星 讓夢想成真
Okay, let's pretend like this never happened (Never)
好吧 儘管裝作一臉無所謂 彷彿這一切不曾發生過
Like I never had dreams of bein' a rapper (Rapper)
但當時我早已下定決心 要成為舉世聞名的饒舌歌星
Like I didn't write raps up in all of my classes (Classes)
連課都不認真上 專注於記下當前靈感 揮灑於筆記本上
Like I never used to run away into the blackness (Yeah)
成名後 卻淡忘掉孩提時代的初衷 漸漸墮落
Now, let's pretend like it was all good (Good)
來發揮一點想像力 好像我的童年多美好完整
Like I didn't live starin' in the notebook (Notebook)
不會成天緊緊盯著筆記本 迷失在我幻想的世界裡
Like I did the things that I probably knew I should (Should)
好像年幼的我 非得要當個懂事知分寸的大人似的
But I ain't have neighbors, that's why they call it hood (hood)
但那時我沒有任何鄰居親人能倚靠 唯有自立自強
Yeah, now let's pretend like I ain't got a name (No)
耶 當時我毫無知名度 沒人在乎 也不會有人在意我的作品
Before they ever called me B.o.B or a.k.a. Bobby Ray
打不響名號 B.o.B這小毛頭是誰 他們丈二金剛摸不著頭緒
I'm talkin' back before the mixtapes (Cloud 9)
這段故事 是早在我發行第二張混音帶之前 (《九霄雲外》)
Before the videos and the deals and the fame (Yeah)
早在我聲名大噪 有合約在身 大街小巷都聽說過我之前
Before they ever once compared me to André (Three stacks)
甚至有樂評大膽地 將我和饒舌傳奇安德烈3000相提並論以前
Before I ever got on MySpace (Yeah)
那時我剛學會使用MySpace 將自己的作品放到平台上
Before they ever noticed my face (Yeah)
祈禱這張臉能印在觀眾心裡 總有一天會被貴人發現
So let's just pretend and make wishes outta airplanes
而我只能向老天禱告 希望天空一架又一架的飛機 能實現我小小的夢想
Airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars
若是夜空中的飛機 是隕落而下的星石
I could really use a wish right now
那我願意雙手合十 虔誠祈禱
Wish right now, wish right now
Can we pretend that airplanes
In the night sky are like shooting stars?
I could really use a wish right now
那我會踮起腳尖 伸手奮力揮舞
Wish right now, wish right now
摘下最為閃耀的星星 只為夢想成真
And it seems like yesterday it was just a dream
就好像是不久前發生的事 卻成了舊夢一場
But those days are gone
如今 美好已不復存在
They're just memories
And it seems like yesterday it was just a dream
明明就只是不久前的事 成功卻灰飛煙滅
But those days are gone
過去的美好 一去不復返
All right…
咳咳... 輪到我啦
Let's pretend Marshall Mathers never picked up a pen
要是當時 老子我沒有因靈感湧現 拿筆作詞
Let's pretend things woulda been no different
現在的光景與饒舌界 肯定一點也沒有看頭
Pretend he procrastinated, had no motivation
那傢伙要是因為拖延症末期 當個懶惰蟲 成天只會睡懶覺
Pretend he just made excuses that were so paper thin
用盡各種理由搪塞 明明一點可信度也沒有 還要繼續硬拗
They could blow away with the wind
風隨便一吹 豬老大的茅草屋便應聲倒下
"Marshall, you're never gonna make it
他們嘲笑我 『馬契爾 你就等著失敗吧
Makes no sense to play the game
少在那邊許宏願 立下誓言 說什麼要打敗其他人
There ain't no way that you'll win."
明明毫無勝算 就別再硬撐 把自己搞得精疲力盡』
Pretend he just stayed outside all day and played with his friends
於是他整天逗留在外 直到晚上吃飯前才回家 但他其實是自己一個人獨處
Pretend he even had a friend to say was his friend
還得向家人撒謊 說自己交了很多朋友 殊不知能稱得上是朋友的人都沒有
And it wasn't time to move and schools weren't changin' again
不久後 家人又告訴他該搬家了 學校及認識的人和環境 通通要從頭開始
He wasn't socially awkward and just strange as a kid
生性孤僻內向的他 自然而然疏離人群 被人在背後嘲笑是怪咖
He had a father and his mother wasn't crazy as shit
回到家還得面對情商低的父親 還有嗑藥呼嗨的母親
And he never dreamed he could rip stadiums and just lazy as shit
要是他就這麼放任情況惡化不管 那他也不可能在演唱會大展拳腳
"Fuck a talent show in the gymnasium, bitch!"
『去他的才藝表演 媽的 那種玩意兒你敢去給老子試試看!』
"You won't amount to shit—quit daydreamin', kid!"
『你一點料都沒有 別再做白日夢了孩子 趕快清醒吧!』
"You need to get your cranium checked."
『你這人瘋了 應該要把你推進精神病院開顱檢查一番』
"You're thinking like an alien, it just ain't realistic."
『你的思想古怪不合常理 不務正業又不務實』
Now pretend they ain't just make him angry with this shit
這些話果然讓他氣炸了 他變得憤世嫉俗 等不及要寫歌反擊
And there was no one he could even aim when he's pissed at
可正要回嗆時 彈藥充足的他站在岸邊 卻發現沒目標可以開砲
And his alarm went off to wake him, but he didn't make it
To the Rap Olympics, slept through his plane and he missed it
可他卻沒趕上 誰叫他要熬夜寫歌 睡過頭是活該 是自作自受
He's gon' have a hard time explaining to Hailie and Lainey
這下大隻雞早啼的他 肯定要和女兒們好好解釋一番
These food stamps and this WIC shit
不靠幹歌 居然也不必淪落到仰賴政府救濟金過活的地步
‘Cause he never risked shit, he hoped and he wished it
因為他能承擔風險 敢冒險犯難 雖然夢想實現不容易
But it didn't fall in his lap, so he ain't even here
但他不曾放棄 反而更加努力 否則此刻也不會為這首歌獻聲
He pretends that—
而他望向夜空 喃喃自語道:
Airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars
若是那一架又一架的飛機 能像隕落而下的星石
I could really use a wish right now
那我願意雙手合十 虔誠祈禱
Wish right now, wish right now
Can we pretend that airplanes
In the night sky are like shooting stars?
I could really use a wish right now
那我會踮起腳尖 伸手奮力揮舞
Wish right now, wish right now
摘下最為閃耀的星星 讓夢想成真