
專輯:30 三十歲


Adele - Love Is A Game (Official Lyric Video)


All your expectations of my love are impossible

你對我的愛 設下荒謬的目標 那是不可能達成的

Surely, you know that I'm not easy to hold

的確 我這個人就如同思緒 容易從掌心滑落

It's so sad how incapable of learning to grow I am

一想到自己成為這樣的人 不禁讓我悲從中來

My heart speaks in puzzle and codes

我的心緒 盡數隱含於拼圖編碼

I've been trying my whole life to solve

竭盡一生努力 去解讀其中意涵

God only knows how I've cried


I can't take another defeat


A next time would be the ending of me

我保證下一次 絕對要做個了斷

Now that I see

而今 我總算看清


That love is a game for fools to play

原來 只有樂觀主義者那樣的傻瓜 才會相信愛情

And I ain't fooling, what a cruel thing

而我不打算自欺欺人 因為將苦痛加諸於自己身上

To self-inflict that pain


Love is a game for fools to play

唯有天真爛漫的傻瓜 才會相信愛情的美好

And I ain't fooling again, what a cruel thing

而我說什麼也不願再聽信 因為我再也無法承受

To self-inflict that pain

將無數的苦痛 加諸於心上


How unbelievable


Of me to fall for the lies that I tell


The dream that I sell

不僅出賣自己 也出賣我的潛意識

When heartache, it's inevitable

明明心碎 就在咫尺可預見的未來

But I'm no good at doing it well

不過經營感情 絕不是我擅長之事

Not that I care

倒也不是在不在乎 我只是在想

Why should anything about it be fair?

為何凡事 都必須計較公不公平呢?


When love is a game for fools to play

在知曉愛這場遊戲 會導致兩敗俱傷的前提下 

And I ain't fooling, what a cruel thing

而好不容易學乖的我 實在不願去冒這個風險 

To self-inflict that pain


Love is a game for fools to play

唯有天真爛漫的傻瓜 才會相信愛情的美好

And I ain't fooling again, what a cruel thing

而我說什麼也不願再聽信 因為我再也無法承受

To self-inflict that pain

將無數的苦痛 加諸於心上


No amount of love


Can keep me satisfied


I can't keep up


When I keep changing my mind


The feelings flood me to the heights of no compromise

可感情早已覆水難收 再也無法挽救這不可逆的後果


That love is a game for fools to play

只有樂觀主義者那樣的傻瓜 才會相信愛情

And I ain't fooling, what a cruel thing

而我不願自欺欺人 因為將苦痛加諸於自己身上

To self-inflict that pain


Love is a game for fools to play

唯有天真爛漫的傻瓜 才會相信愛情的美好

And I ain't fooling again, what a cruel thing

而我說什麼也不願再聽信 因為我再也無法承受

To self-inflict that pain

再次將無數的苦痛 加諸於心上


I can love me


I can love again

現在的我 終於可以再愛人了

I love me now like I loved him

我對自己的愛 就如同當時愛他時一樣 一蹋糊塗

I'm a fool for that

原來 我也是愛情的盲目信徒

You know I, you know I'm gonna do it

親愛的 這一次 我願意再為愛情放手一搏

I'd do it all again, like I did it

執迷不悔的我 又將重蹈覆轍


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