
專輯:Falling Into You 真愛


Céline Dion - It's All Coming Back to Me Now (Official Extended Remastered HD Video)


There were nights when the wind was so cold

多少寒風冷冽的夜 均我不成寐

That my body froze in bed

就連身體都不聽使喚 不住打顫

If I just listened to it

倘若雙眼緊閉的我 忽然悲從中來

Right outside the window

甚至須聆聽雨水敲打窗面 才不致嚎哭出聲

There were days when the sun was so cruel

破曉時辰的曙光 該是如此狠毒

That all the tears turned to dust

摧殘折磨著我 就連淚水也化作灰燼

And I just knew my eyes were

而我隨即知曉 悲傷已隨著塵土飛揚

Drying up forever

淚腺乾涸 淚水亦不再流淌

I finished crying in the instant that you left

當你身影一消逝的剎那 我便不再淚流

And I can't remember where or when or how

而我甚至不記得確切原因 地點 甚或是時間

And I banished every memory you and I had ever made

而我將回憶設下道道防衛 戒備之森嚴 皆為嚴禁回想起你


But when you touch me like this


And you hold me like that

用那溫暖可靠的大手 裹覆著我

I just have to admit


That it's all coming back to me

與你的回憶 一下子鮮明起來

When I touch you like this


And I hold you like that

並將雙手張開 如翅翼包圍你

It's so hard to believe but

雖然令人不敢置信 可

It's all coming back to me

與你相戀的點滴 又激起我心漣漪


There were moments of gold


And there were flashes of light

有著光彩鮮豔的記憶 也有黯淡不堪的過往

There were things I'd never do again


But then they'd always seemed right

可過程中一睜眼 卻發現原來一點也不可怕

There were nights of endless pleasure

多少貪歡纏綿的夜 就有享用無窮盡的愉悅

It was more than any laws allow

甚至超乎法律道德所約束的一切 還來得悖德叛逆

Baby, baby



If I kiss you like this

要是我顧不得一切 逕自吻去

And if you whisper like that

倘若我咬緊下唇 對你呢喃低語

It was lost long ago


But it's all coming back to me


If you want me like this


And if you need me like that


It was dead long ago

儘管心已化作稿木 不再茂盛

But it's all coming back to me

可你眼中火焰 又將重燃死灰

It's so hard to resist

熱情如火 令我盛情難卻

And it's all coming back to me

回憶如業火 焚燒我貧瘠大地

I can barely recall


But it's all coming back to me now

可如今回憶就如同洪水湧入 無比強烈

But it's all coming back



There were those empty threats and hollow lies

你那無謂的凌辱詆毀 還有謊言刺激 對我不管用

And whenever you tried to hurt me

每當你愈是努力想傷害我 愈是偏激極端

I just hurt you even worse

我採取的手段 便愈發劇烈急遽

And so much deeper

非要傷得你無以復加 才肯罷休

There were hours that just went on for days

爭執不下的時間 從本來的幾分鐘 拉至延長賽

When alone at last we'd count up all the chances

原本能以擁抱示好 冰釋誤會的時機

That were lost to us forever


But you were history with the slamming of the door

可你多半也破了甩門的金氏紀錄 行徑惡名昭著

And I made myself so strong again somehow

而我不得不學會堅強 面對你才有力量反抗

And I never wasted any of my time on you since then

從那時開始 我便學會不再浪費一分一秒在你身上


But if I touch you like this

可每當我一碰觸你 心中冷漠就此瓦解

And if you kiss me like that

而你愛憐似地撫摸臉頰 將舌頭探進我口中

It was so long ago


But it's all coming back to me

可心中那道傷口 竟奇蹟似地癒合了

If you touch me like this

若是你用你那溫暖的大手 觸碰了我

And if I kiss you like that


It was gone with the wind

儘管那段感情 早已隨風消逝

But it's all coming back to me

可你就像一陣怪風 席捲相戀時種種 帶回我身邊


There were moments of gold


And there were flashes of light

有著光彩鮮豔的記憶 也有黯淡不堪的過往

There were things I'd never do again


But then they'd always seemed right

可過程中一睜眼 卻發現原來一點也不可怕

There were nights of endless pleasure

多少貪歡纏綿的夜 就有享用無窮盡的愉悅

It was more than all your laws allow

甚至觸犯了你一度制定的規條 天理難容

Baby, baby, baby

親愛的 請你對我誠實


When you touch me like this

每當你碰觸我時 心中是否仍存有悸動?

And when you hold me like that

而當你將我攬在懷裡 胸口是否仍會抽痛?

It was gone with the wind

儘管對感情早已沒了記憶 失去顏色

But it's all coming back to me

可如今色彩 卻一下子鮮明起來

When you see me like this


And when I see you like that

而我目睹你的殘缺 偽裝於無動於衷

Then we see what we want to see

屆時 我們所見皆是心之所向

All coming back to me

鮮明回憶 又將回到我身邊

The flesh and the fantasies

無論是你的形影 還是兒時夢想

All coming back to me

伴隨那道洋流 盡數回歸

I can barely recall


But it's all coming back to me now

可回憶就如同萬丈光芒 刺穿我的胸膛


If you forgive me all this

倘若發生過這麼多事 你還能原諒我

If I forgive you all that

要是我也能不計前嫌 與你重修舊好

We forgive and forget

倒不如 我倆將過去拋諸腦後

And it's all coming back to me

而我倆之間的未來 彷彿伸手可及

When you see me like this

若你見我的眼神 仍帶有當年的溫柔

And when I see you like that

而我便會投以相同目光 一切盡在不言中

We see just what we want to see

屆時我們所看見的 將會是彼此心中所求

All coming back to me

將化作影像 投映於瞳孔

The flesh and the fantasies

骨肉分明 幻想構築出的未來

All coming back to me

在你眼裡 無比清晰

I can barely recall, but it's all coming back to me now

雖然說不出那時的感受 可如今我的感受卻再清楚不過


And when you kiss me like this

倘若你不顧一切 逕自吻去

And when I touch you like that

若是我的回應 便是那晌溫存

If you do it like this

假如你對我的愛 仍有如當年

And if we



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