
專輯:Body Talk Pt. 1 (Robyn) : Only Human (Calum Scott)

專輯發行日期:2010/4/20 (Robyn) : 2016/4/15 (Calum Scott)

Robyn - Dancing On My Own (Official Video)

Calum Scott - Dancing On My Own (Official Video)


Somebody said you got a new friend

我聽說 你身邊已出現了另一個她

But does she love you better than I can?

而我懷疑 她真的有辦法比我還愛你嗎?

And there's a big black sky over my town

我的心疼痛不已 彷彿被夜幕籠罩大地

I know where you're at I bet she's around

你人所在之處 想必她也在身旁吧?


And yeah I know it's stupid

我知道這麼做 實在太傻

But I just gotta see it for myself

可不親自看一眼 我真的辦不到


I'm in the corner


Watching you kiss her


And I'm right over here

明明最愛你的人 近在咫尺

Why can't you see me?


And I'm givin' it my all

為了你 我付出了所有

But I'm not the guy you're taking home, ooh

就算這麼做 你今晚的枕邊人依然不是我 噢

I keep dancing on my own

而今夜的我 仍只能獨自漫舞


I just wanna dance all night

我只想和你的影子 多跳一會兒

I'm all messed up, I'm so out of line

本來能拿捏距離的我 頓時失了方寸

Stilettos on broken bottles

碎了滿地的玻璃 嵌進我體內

I'm spinning around in circles

我如同臉色慘白的鬼魅 原地打轉


And I'm in the corner


Watching you kiss her

看著你吻她 甜蜜親暱

And I'm right over here


Why can't you see me?


And I'm giving it my all


But I'm not the guy you're taking home, ooh

被你擁在懷裡入眠的人 仍舊不是我 噢

And I keep dancing on my own

到頭來 我還是只能獨自漫舞

And oh, no

現在想起 難免傷感


So far away

與你的心 彷彿相隔千里

But still so near

可一接近 卻又伸手可及

The lights come on

人潮散去 燈光隨即亮起

The music dies

音樂不再響起 一片死寂

But you don't see me standing here

就算在場只剩我一人 你還是對我視而不見

I just came to say goodbye

我今天之所以會來 只是要說出這一句再見


I'm in the corner


Watching you kiss her


And I'm givin' it my all

為了你 我付出了所有

But I'm not the guy you're taking home, ooh

就算這麼做 伴你入眠的枕邊人依然不是我 噢

I keep dancing on my own

而今夜的我 仍只能獨自漫舞

And no, no



Said, I'm in the corner

看著你吻她的我 心碎一地

Watching you kiss her

手撐著冰冷牆面 掙扎不已

And I'm right over here

明明最愛你的人 就在這裡

Why can't you see me?


And I'm giving it my all

為了你 我付出多少努力 給了你所有

But I'm not the guy you're taking home, ooh

可無論我怎麼做 你還是不屬於我 噢

And I keep dancing on my own

獨自漫舞的我 只能捧著真心 黯然離去


So far away

你的心 明明如此遙遠

But still so near


The lights come on

燈光亮起 人潮退去

The music dies

樂聲淡去 愛你仍舊

But you don't see me standing here

你卻始終看不見 在原地為你守候的我

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