專輯:Stranger In The Alps 阿爾卑斯的陌生人
Phoebe Bridgers - Motion Sickness (Official Video)
I hate you for what you did
And I miss you like a little kid
卻像個孩子 對你念茲在茲
I faked it every time
一見到你又遮掩個沒完 一笑置之
But that's alright
不過我想 這應該沒什麼大不了
I can hardly feel anything
胸口空空如也 什麼也感覺不到
I hardly feel anything at all
而我頓時失去顏色 忘記情感為何
You gave me fifteen hundred
你將一萬五千元的現金 交付我手中
To see your hypnotherapist
要我去找你的催眠治療師 預約診療
I only went one time
我只去了一次 覺得無趣 便終止療程
You let it slide
症狀雖頗為嚴重 你也沒多說什麼
Fell on hard times a year ago
約莫一年前 你把人生弄得一團亂 搞砸一切
Was hoping you would let it go, and you did
多希望你就這麼放過我 而你也沒讓我失望
I have emotional motion sickness
我所罹患的 是感情的動暈症
Somebody roll the windows down
希望有人搖下車窗 好讓我吐個痛快
There are no words in the English language
沒有任何語彙 足以描述如此強烈的症狀
I could scream to drown you out
多希望尖銳叫喊能貫穿你 淹沒於樂聲中
I'm on the outside looking through
我駐足於玻璃屋外 望向屋內境況
You're throwing rocks around your room
而你只是一味地繞著屋子 扔擲石子
And while you're bleeding on your back
當鮮血從你背浹流淌 緩緩流下 你重蹈覆轍
In the glass
I'll be glad that I made it out
屆時我將無比慶幸 能及時逃離你的魔爪
And sorry that it all went down like it did
對了 對於事情進展到這一步 我相當遺憾
I have emotional motion sickness
我所罹患的 是情感的動暈症
Somebody roll the windows down
快來人搖下車窗 讓我吐個痛快
There are no words in the English language
這世上 似乎沒有任何字詞能形容我的情感
I could scream to drown you out
多希望能用吶喊 泯滅你的存在與良知
Hey, why do you sing with an English accent?
嘿 何必拘泥於用老家口音作詞哼唱呢?
I guess it's too late to change it now
不過我想 現在才要矯正壞習慣 似乎有些晚了
You know I'm never gonna let you have it
就算偶爾會想你 但也絕不會留給你優越感
But I will try to drown you out
我會學著淡忘你 直到你消失在我體內
You said when you met me, you were bored
打從相遇的那刻起 你便開誠佈公地說『只是無聊了』
You said when you met me, you were bored
由於無聊 所以違反往例 勾搭上有別於以往伴侶的我
And you, you were in a band when I was born
而年紀與我落差一大截的你 在我出生前 便已開始組團寫歌
I have emotional motion sickness
如今 罹患情感動暈症的我
I try to stay clean and live without
打算與你切割得一乾二淨 再無瓜葛
And I want to know what would happen
不得不說 對於接續發展 其實我也相當好奇
If I surrender to the sound
要是我向那刺耳聲響 就此投降
Surrender to the sound
說不定 我也不會落得如此境況