專輯:Sidelines 邊際線
Phoebe Bridgers - Sidelines (Official Audio)
I'm not afraid of anything at all
現在的我 早已無所畏懼
Not dying in a fire, not being broke again
無論葬身火窟 還是過上一貧如洗的生活
I'm not afraid of living on a fault line
也不害怕牴觸道德底線 進而傷害了誰
'Cause nothing ever shakes me, nothing makes me cry
再沒有什麼能對我造成打擊 也不再輕易哭泣
Not a plane going down
哪怕飛機失事 墜毀於海底
In the ocean, I'm drowning
我將緊抓漂流木 謀取生機
Watch the world from the sidelines
從遠端的邊際線 冷眼看著這世界
Had nothing to prove
'Till you came into my life
直到你出現 闖進我的生活
Gave me something to lose
給了我餘裕 去探索無限可能
Now I know what it feels like
如今 我總算學會踏出第一步
To wanna go outside
離開舒適圈 到外界闖蕩
Like the shape of my outline
撕下別人的標籤 捕捉專屬輪廓
I'm not afraid of going back to school
雖比同學大上幾歲 我已不害怕融入群體
I gave it up the first time, but I'll try again
當初因故輟學 但我想再給自己一次機會
I'm not afraid of getting older
如今 年紀增長已不再是難解課題
Used to fetishize myself, now I'm talking to my house plants
過去我物化女性身份 如今我忘卻習性 開始與家居盆栽攀談
Not of being alone (mmm)
就算置身於擁擠群眾 孤寂靜默
In a room full of people
充斥滿屋子無知的人 烏煙瘴氣 也不再害怕與人接觸
Watch the world from the sidelines
從遠端的邊際線 冷眼看著這世界
Had nothing to prove
'Till you came into my life
直到你出現 闖進我的生活
Gave me something to lose
給了我餘裕 去探索無限可能
Now I know what it feels like
如今 我總算學會踏出第一步
To wanna go outside
離開舒適圈 到外界闖蕩
Like the shape of my outline
撕下別人的標籤 捕捉專屬輪廓
And I used to think
孩提時代的我 經常以為
You could hear the ocean in a seashell
只要將貝殼湊近耳邊 就能聽見海的聲音
What a childish thing
如今看來 只覺稚嫩而不成熟