


Laura Branigan - Gloria (Official Music Video)


Gloria, you're always on the run now

葛羅莉婭呀 每次一見到你 都在追著男人跑

Running after somebody

為愛浪跡天涯 展開激烈攻勢

You gotta get him somehow

你想方設法 要把他追到手

I think you've got to slow down

我倒覺得你步調太快 該緩和歇息

Before you start to blow it

在徹底搞砸一切前 先別急著行動

I think you're headed for a breakdown

若是一意孤行 只會落得心碎的下場

So be careful not to show it

可得戒慎警備 把心意跟底牌藏好


You really don't remember

看樣子 你是真的一點記性也沒長

Was it something that he said?

難不成 是因為他跟你說了什麼嗎?

Are the voices in your head calling, Gloria?

還是說 是受你不靈光腦袋唆使 才犯下的過錯?


Gloria, don't you think you're fallin'?

葛羅莉婭 難道你還沒意識到 自己正往懸崖駛去?

If everybody wants you


Why isn't anybody callin'?


You don't have to answer

你不必迫於飢渴 馬上回應

Leave them hangin' on the line

讓電話另一頭的男人 耐心守候

Oh-oh-oh, calling Gloria

噢-噢-噢 正在為您撥打葛羅莉婭的電話


Gloria (Gloria), I think they got your number

葛羅莉婭 他們每個人手機裡 多半都存了你號碼

(Gloria) I think they got the alias

但他們只知道你取的化名 而不是本名

(Gloria) That you've been living under

也不曉得 你過去不堪的過往 或是處境

(Gloria) But you really don't remember

但你這傢伙 還真是一點記性也不長

Was it something that they said?

還是說 是這些男人灌輸你這些不潔的想法?

Are the voices in your head calling, Gloria?

再不然 就是你的虛榮心作祟?啊 葛羅莉婭?




A-ha-ha, a-ha-ha

啊哈 啊哈

Gloria, how's it gonna go down?

葛羅莉婭 這次你又打算怎麼做?

Will you meet him on the main line

難不成 你又要裝成落難少女 躺在鐵路等他搭救?

Or will you catch him on the rebound?

還是把他當備胎 偶爾有空再聯絡?

Will you marry for the money

你會覬覦他滿貫的家產 充當有名無實的配偶

Take a lover in the afternoon?

再在風和日麗的午後 與地下情人纏綿幽會?

Feel your innocence slipping away

看樣子 你那純樸單純的形象 正與你漸行漸遠

Don't believe it's comin' back soon

短期間內 變得虛偽貪婪的你 似乎是回不去了


And you really don't remember

還是說 你記性特別差 什麼也記不得了

Was it something that he said?

老實告訴我 他究竟說了諂媚的話 把你迷得神魂顛倒?

Are the voices in your head calling, Gloria?

還是說 是你內心小劇場太多 犯得著讓你成天胡思亂想?

Gloria, don't you think you're fallin'?

葛羅莉婭 難不成你還不知道 你正掉進設好的圈套嗎?

If everybody wants you


Why isn't anybody callin'?

為何今日來電數 都顯示為零?

You don't have to answer

要是真有人打來 也不必急著接

Leave them hangin' on the line

釣足男人的胃口 直到嘟聲後再撥

Oh-oh-oh, calling Gloria

噢-噢-噢 不好意思 現在葛羅莉婭可是忙線中

Gloria (Gloria), I think they got your number

葛羅莉婭 我猜他們人人手上都有你的號碼

(Gloria) I think they got the alias

但他們存的可不是本名 而是假造的暱稱

(Gloria) That you've been living under

對於你過去那些惡行惡狀 一概不清楚

(Gloria) But you really don't remember

可被愛情沖昏頭的你 難道喪失理智了嗎?

Was it something that they said?

是不是他們甜言蜜語 害你被迷得七葷八素?

Are the voices in your head calling, Gloria?

還是說渴望愛情美好的你 實在等不及要把自己銷出去了?




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