
專輯:Reputation (Taylor’s Version) 舉世盛名 (泰勒絲全新版)




Our secret moments in a crowded room

擁擠的房間 容得情感豐沛的你我

They got no idea about me and you

無人知曉 你我之間的不可抗力

There is an indentation in the shape of you

你眼底那股熾熱 化作一柄火鐵鉗

Made your mark on me, a golden tattoo

凹陷處紋在腰際 滾燙的金色烙印


All of this silence and patience, pining and anticipation

腦中閃過各種可能 瀰漫恐懼不安 不斷揣測你的心意

My hands are shaking from holding back from you (Ha, ah, ah)

光是回握你的手 都令我心搏加速 不住顫抖

All of this silence and patience, pining and desperately waiting

我倆重複沉默 直到誰再度開口 而我雙眼緊閉 期盼祈禱得到回應

My hands are shaking from all this

直到你溫熱的手 澆熄我的焦慮 憂愁隨即消散


Say my name and everything just stops

只消你喊出我的姓名 便能破除時空永恆的詛咒

I don't want you like a best friend

真不希望 我和你僅止於好友關係

Only bought this dress so you could take it off

之所以會購置新戰袍 就是為了讓你解開拉鍊

Take it off (ha, ha, ha-ah)

褪至膝下 做你想做的事

Carve your name into my bedpost

用這把雕刀 於床頭板銘刻你的名和姓

’Cause I don't want you like a best friend

在我的心紋上專屬紋路 才能時刻惦記著你

Only bought this dress so you could take it off

都披上了戰袍 想必心意已昭然若揭

Take it off (ha, ha, ha-ah)

為我解開束縛 坦誠相見吧


Inescapable, I'm not even gonna try

無處可逃 又或者說走不了 更為恰當許多

And if I get burned, at least we were electrified

倘若我無福消受 至少天雷也曾勾動地火

I’m spilling wine in the bathtub

我倆酒杯相撞 發出哐啷聲響 紅酒隨即濺灑

You kiss my face and we're both drunk

藉著酒意高漲 情不自禁的你 吻了我臉頰

Everyone thinks that they know us

任何人都想對我們品頭論足 恣意地批評

But they know nothin' about

但這份愛有多濃 他們根本連皮毛也不懂


All of this silence and patience, pining and anticipation

房裡來回踱步 忖思你的心意為何 反覆演繹不同情節

My hands are shaking from holding back from you (Ha, ah, ah)

就連讓手靜靜躺在你掌心 於此時此刻 似乎都成了難事

All of this silence and patience, pining and desperately waiting

一片死寂 我耐心守候你開口 直到你打破沉默 而我迫不及待想聽見

My hands are shaking from all this (Ah, ha, ha, ha-ah)

為了你 我的雙手早已冰冷得發紫顫抖 需要你的溫暖才得已不傾倒


Say my name and everything just stops

只消你喊出我的姓名 便能終止輪迴 打破宿命

I don't want you like a best friend

真不希望 我對你而言 不過是不可告人的祕密

Only bought this dress so you could take it off

之所以大手筆購入戰袍 就是為了請你解開拉鍊

Take it off (ha, ha, ha-ah)

褪至膝下 任由你做任何事

Carve your name into my bedpost

用這把雕刀 於床頭板銘刻你的名和姓

’Cause I don't want you like a best friend

留下無法抹除的瘡疤 你才會捨不得離我而去

Only bought this dress so you could take it off

既然換上了戰袍 不必言明 相信你能自行領略 

Take it off (ha, ha...)

為我從束縛解放 裸裎相見吧


Only bought this dress so you could take it off

之所以購入新戰袍 只為能討你歡心

Only bought this dress so you could take it off

在你面前換上 再轉至背面 請你替我解開


Flashback when you met me

時光倒轉 回到大都會晚宴那天 是我倆初次見面

Your buzzcut and my hair bleached

你剪了顆清爽寸頭 西裝打禮結 而那時我剛挑染 俐落白金短髮

Even in my worst times, you could see the best in me

儘管過得灰心不順遂 你總能見到我最真實的一面

Flashback to my mistakes

時光倒流 那時我遭人陷害 惹上不小爭議風波

My rebounds, my earthquakes

身邊的他不值得信賴 我的世界就此萬劫不復

Even in my worst lies, you saw the truth in me

哪怕被世人誤解 你總能辨清真偽 相信我的為人

And I woke up just in time

如今 我在對的時間點 遇上對的人

Now I wake up by your side

一睜開眼 心愛的你便依偎在身邊

My one and only, my lifeline

你就是我今生唯一摯愛 延續命脈

I woke up just in time

而今 我總算遇見了對的人

Now I wake up by your side

揉開惺忪睡眼 枕邊的他睡得香甜

My hands shake, I can't explain this

我的雙手因喜悅顫抖 忍不住流下幸福的淚 激動之情難以言喻


Say my name and everything just stops

只消你喊出我的姓名 便能破除詛咒

I don't want you like a best friend

真不希望 和你只能止步於好友關係

Only bought this dress so you could take it off

之所以買下新戰袍 就是為了請你解開拉鍊

Take it off (ha, ha, ha-ah)

褪至膝下 做你想做的事

Carve your name into my bedpost

用這把雕刀 於床頭板銘刻你的名和姓

’Cause I don't want you like a best friend

在我的心紋上專屬紋路 才能時刻惦記著你

Only bought this dress so you could take it off

之所以會換上戰袍 想必心意已昭然若揭

Take it off (ha, ha, ha-ah)

為我解開束縛 坦誠相見吧


There is an indentation in the shape of you

你眼底升起烈焰 化作一柄火鐵鉗

Only bought this dress so you could take it off

之所以大手筆購入戰袍 只為討你歡心

You made your mark on me, golden tattoo

凹陷處紋在腰際 滾燙的金色烙印

Only bought this dress so you could take it off

在你面前換上 只為請你替我解開 一晌貪歡

    創作者 pch 的頭像


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