
專輯:Rare 絕無僅有


Selena Gomez - Look At Her Now (Official Music Video)




They fell in love one summer

兩小無猜 共譜夏日戀曲

A little too wild for each other

少不更事 對彼此只有百害而無一利

Shiny 'til it wasn't

打得火熱 直到激情冷卻

Feels good 'til it doesn't

好感消失 感情不再甜蜜

It was her first real lover

對她而言 這是實質意義的初戀

His too 'til he had another

反之亦然 直到他變淡 另結新歡

Oh, God, when she found out

噢 天呀 你能想像當她發現時 造成的打擊該有多大

Trust levels went way down

經營多年的感情 一夕間全成泡影 對人的信任也付之一炬


Of course she was sad

當然 她既受傷又困惑 還以為自己做錯什麼

But now she's glad she dodged a bullet (Mm)

但如今回頭看曾經 才發現自己逃過一劫

Took a few years to soak up the tears

雖然花了不少時間 才撫平這段傷痛

But look at her now, watch her go

但現在的她 已不再是不諳人情世故的女孩 你看


Look at her now, watch her go

重獲自由的她 彷彿如獲新生

Wow, look at her now

哇噢 瞧瞧她成長了多少


Wow, look at her now

現在的她 絕對要你好看


Fast nights that got him

漸漸地 感到厭倦的他 開始追求夜生活的香豔

That new life was his problem

夜夜笙歌 尋歡作樂 使他成為頭痛的問題人物

Not saying she was perfect

倒也不是說女孩多天真 是純潔無瑕的小天使

Still regrets that moment

但時隔多年 她仍舊被罪惡感籠罩 困擾糾纏

Like that night


Wasn't wrong, wasn't right, yeah

雖說不上哪兒不對勁 但這感覺也說不上來 耶

What a thing to be human (What a thing to be human)

少女落紅 是人生必備歷練之一

Made her more of a woman (Made her more of a woman)

使她一夕間晉升為大人 增添不少女人味


Of course she was sad

當然 事後被拋棄的她 自責極了

But now she's glad she dodged a bullet (Mm)

但躲過劫數的她 如今反倒鬆了口氣 

Took a few years to soak up the tears

儘管花了幾年時間 才慢慢走出悲痛 不再淚流

But look at her now, watch her go

但現在的她 如盛開花蕊 散發迷人芬芳 快瞧瞧


Look at her now, watch her go

重獲自由的她 彷彿如獲新生

Wow, look at her now (Look at her now)

哇噢 還不瞧瞧她成長了多少


Wow, look at her now

現在的她 絕對不容小覷


She knows she'll find love (She knows)

終有一天 她也會找到屬於自己的真愛

Only if she wants it

但那基於她想要 而不是需要的前提下

She knows she'll find love (She knows)

她很清楚 自己會有找到真愛的那天

She knows she'll find love (She knows)

儘管指日可待 但對她而言 最重要的

Only if she wants it

必須是她想要 而不是受到他人影響

She knows she'll find love (She knows)

總有一天 她也會遇見對的人

On the up from the way down

而這一回 她絕不再重蹈覆轍

Look at her now, watch her go

只因現在的她 早已不再是當年稚嫩的孩子


Mm-mm, look at her now, mm-mm (Oh)

看看她一路上摔了幾次跤 成長了多少

She knows she'll find love (She knows she will)

就算傷痕累累 她還是堅守自己的信念

Only if she wants it

基於想要去愛 而不是需要被愛的前提

She knows she'll find love

她很清楚 自己終會有覓得真愛的一天

Look at her now, yeah (Look at her now)

因為現在的她 早已不可同日而語 耶

She knows she'll find love (She knows she will)

她知道自己會遇見對的人 但那早已不是首要考量

Only if she wants it

除非她想要 否則絕不會有所行動

She knows she'll find love

終有一天 她一定會找到屬於自己的真愛

Wow, look at her now

只因現在的她 已從懵懂天真的女孩 蛻變為女人


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