專輯: Women in Music Pt. III (Expanded Edition)
HAIM - Gasoline (Audio) ft. Taylor Swift
You took me back
你基於地主情誼 送我回家
But you shouldn't have
Now it's your fault if I mess around
要是我藉酒裝瘋 胡作非為 可得怪到你頭上
I took a drag
我從玻璃杯中 啜飲一口酒
But I shouldn't have
雖出於禮貌性 但我大可不必
Now I'm coughing up like I
但烈酒入喉 害我嗆到咳嗽 搞得我好像弱得
Never smoked a pack
Gasoline, pretty please
石油呀 能不能快點耗光
I want to get off
明明歸心似箭 想趕緊下車
But you're such a tease
你卻口出穢言 調戲逗弄我
Throw the keys back to me
從玄關那裡 把鑰匙丟還給我
Go on and kick off your boots
你就儘管抱胸 用力踢前座
In the passenger seat
I get sad, you know I get sad
我是人 總會有沮喪難過的時候
And I can't look past what I'm sad about
有時候就是無法跨越那道檻 釋懷傷心事
You did me bad (Did me bad, did me bad)
但若無其事的你 實在待我不佳
And I did it back (Did it back, did it back)
而我嚥不下這口氣 決心報復你
You needed ass, well, what's
你不過就是個渾蛋 那我這麼做
Wrong with that?
Gasoline (Gasoline), pretty please (Pretty please)
石油呀 算我求你了 用光了就放我走吧
I want to get off (Gasoline)
現在的我 只想趕緊下車
But you're such a tease
但你卻出言慫恿 再三挽留我
Throw the keys (Throw the keys) back to me (Back to me)
從門廊玄關處 把鑰匙丟過來 我要先行離開了
Go on and kick off your boots (Gasoline)
繼續鬧孩子氣 把靴子踢壞也無所謂
In the passenger seat
反正車後座 是你在坐的
Strike a match, strike a match, watch it blow
從盒子取出火柴 劃過盒身 看那火燒得旺盛
We're watching the sunrise from the kitchen counter
我們靠在流理台 靜看太陽從地平面緩緩升起
Want you bad, want you bad, don't you know?
我對你的心意 早已昭然若揭 難道你還不清楚?
When you're lying between my legs it doesn't matter
但每每當你枕在我腿間入睡 焦慮又隨即煙消雲散
Strike a match, strike a match, watch it blow
從盒子取出火柴 劃過盒身 看那把愛火燒得旺盛
You say you wanna go slower but I wanna go faster
你老是說感情不能操之過急 而我只想打鐵趁熱
Want you bad, want you bad, don't you know?
我對你一片真心 任旁人也為我著急 為什麼你就是不知道?
Faster and faster
Gasoline, pretty please
石油呀 算我拜託你
I want to get off
放我走 我只想下車
But you're such a tease
但你卻再三慰留 不讓我離開