專輯: Reputation (Taylor’s Version) 舉世盛名 (泰勒絲全新版)
This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things
It was so nice throwing big parties
久違地策劃大型宴會 和友人近距離接觸
Jump into the pool from the balcony
從二樓陽台一躍而下 直直落進私人泳池
Everyone swimming in a champagne sea
諸位貴賓 無不徜徉在注滿香檳王的汪洋
And there are no rules when you show up here
來這裡 不必邀請函或具備特殊身份地位
Bass beat rattling the chandelier
立體音響譁然 震響綴滿璀鑽的水晶吊燈
Feeling so Gatsby for that whole year
受眾人簇擁愛戴的我 彷彿《大亨小傳》的主人翁
So why'd you have to rain on my parade?
不是說好井水不犯河水 而你又何苦以死相逼?
I'm shaking my head and locking the gates
對你離譜行徑直搖頭的我 只能深鎖宮門 悻悻然離去
This is why we can't have nice things, darling
這就是為什麼我們之間沒好事 你這披著羊皮的狼
Because you break them
誰叫你總愛掃興 充當老鼠屎
I had to take them away
壞了整鍋粥 害我不得不端走
This is why we can't have nice things, honey (Oh)
為什麼一遇到你 好消息都成了狗屁倒灶的爛事 (噢)
Did you think I wouldn't hear all the things you said about me?
難道你真以為我耳朵不靈光 聽不見你那張狗嘴對我亂吠?
This is why we can't have nice things
難怪 這就是為什麼我跟你八字不合
It was so nice being friends again
我人可真好 願意與你盡釋前嫌 重修舊好
There I was, giving you a second chance
一時鬆懈不察的我 給了你彌補過失的機會
But you stabbed me in the back while shaking my hand
我一番美意 卻被你歪解扭曲 反過來捅我一刀 我痛得直搖頭
And therein lies the issue
以下為您分析重點 是這樣的
Friends don't try to trick you
所謂『朋友』 可不會背後算計他人
Get you on the phone and mind-twist you
更不會假裝打電話噓寒問暖 卻惡意剪輯對話內容
And so I took an axe to a mended fence
於是我只得親手清理家務事 掃掃門前沉積已久的雪
But I'm not the only friend you've lost lately (Mm-mm)
不過好消息是 據說你最近失去的友軍 可不只有我一人 (你壞透了)
If only you weren't so shady
要是你的黑心肝沒有又髒又臭 那凡事都好說
This is why we can't have nice things, darling (Yeah)
這就是為什麼我們之間沒好事 你這自以為天使的魔鬼
Because you break them
你不過就是爛草莓 一點抗壓性也沒有
I had to take them away
而我只得拿掃把 浪費時間 清理滿地碎玻璃
This is why we can't have nice (Nice things) things (Baby), honey
為什麼一遇到你 炎炎夏日自動入冬 就連老天都要下起冰雹 (噢)
Did you think I wouldn't hear all the things you said about me?
難道你以為偷偷惡意栽贓抹黑 就能逃得過我的法眼?
This is why we can't have
少來 難怪老是跟你意見相左
Here's a toast to my real friends
這杯酒敬陪伴左右 相信我為人的真朋友
They don't care about the he-said, she-said
他們可不會聽信謠言 跟風盲從流言動向
And here's to my baby
而下杯酒 要敬的是我的愛人
He ain't reading what they call me lately
因為喬他呀 對報章媒體的不實消息 一概置若罔聞
And here's to my mama
接著 第三杯敬的是我最愛的媽咪
Had to listen to all this drama
慰勞辛苦的她 必須忍受鄰人冷嘲熱諷 被迫聽這些沒營養的
And here's to you
最後這杯呢 是敬你這可勁敵手
'Cause forgiveness is a nice thing to do
因為原諒他人 高抬貴手 往往是明智之舉
Haha, I can't even say it with a straight face
哈哈 就算老娘我一本正經 也沒辦法說這麼假掰的話
This is why we can't have nice things, darling (Darling)
這就是為什麼我們之間沒好事 你這良心被狗啃的豬頭
Because you break them
誰叫你總愛掃興 充當老鼠屎
I had to take them away
壞了整鍋粥 害我不得不端走
This is why we can't have nice (Uh-uh) things (Oh no), honey (Baby, oh)
這就是為什麼一遇到你 我和我朋友們都得退避三舍 你這混蛋
Did you think I wouldn't hear all the things you said about me?
難道你真以為幹了一堆虧心事 夜路走多都不會遇到鬼?
This is why we can't have nice things, darling
這也難怪 畢竟每次一遇到你 總是禍不單行
(And here's to my real friends)
(乾了吧 敬我所有值得信賴的真朋友)
Because you break them
誰叫你這搗蛋鬼 總愛搞砸一切
I had to take them
害我都被迫留下來 收拾殘局
(And here's to my baby)
(接下來 是情侶對飲交杯酒)
Nice things, honey
遇到你 總是沒好事
(They didn't care about that he-said, she-said)
(他們對你這八面玲瓏的爛人 可是一點也不在乎)
Did you think I wouldn't hear all the things you said about me?
難道你扭曲事實 一時編織出的謊言 能永遠騙過全世界?
This is why we can't have nice things
想得美 這次可不會讓你稱心如意