
專輯:Tapestry 織錦畫


Carole King - Will You Love Me Tomorrow? (Official Audio)

Norah Jones - Will you still love me tomorrow @Tiffany's Street II

Taylor Swift - Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow? (Carole King Cover) at the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame


Tonight you're mine completely

今宵 你的人終將歸我所有

You give your love so sweetly

你灌注滿盈愛意 何等甘甜

Tonight the light of love is in your eyes

愛的榮光 凝注於你那雙眼眸

But will you love me tomorrow?

不過 明天你是否依然愛我?


Is this a lasting treasure

這份愛 會是貨真價實的至寶

Or just a moment's pleasure?

還是就此打住 止於一夜春宵?

Can I believe the magic of your sighs?


Will you still love me tomorrow?

還有 明天你是否依然愛我?


Tonight with words unspoken

今夜發生的一切 盡在不言中

You say that I'm the only one

你告訴我除了我 再沒有第三者

But will my heart be broken

可當晝夜交替 月色將盡

When the night


Meets the morning sun? 

你是否也要離去 傷透我心?


I'd like to know that your love

我祇想知道 自己是否

Is love I can be sure of


So tell me now and I won't ask again

所以只消你此刻告訴我 日後我將不再提起

Will you still love me tomorrow?


Will you still love me tomorrow?




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