Chris Young - Tomorrow (Official Video)
The Voice 2018 Blind Audition - Justin Kilgore: "Tomorrow"
Tomorrow I'm gonna leave here
明天一早 我就要離開這片傷心地
I'm gonna let you go and walk away
離開你左右 從此過上沒有你的生活
Like every day I said I would
遲遲未實現的承諾 就要告一段落
And tomorrow, I'm gonna listen
儘管實話不中聽 但明晚就寢前
To that voice of reason inside my head
我會試著傾聽 腦中一再回放的悔痛之言
Telling me that we're no good
說著『我就是不夠好 才會配不上你』
But, tonight I'm gonna give in one last time
但至少今晚 讓我再放縱沉淪一回
Rock you strong in these arms of mine
用我生硬的臂膀擁你入懷 直到你入睡
Forget all the regrets that are bound to follow
剪碎悔恨織成的網 暫時忘卻憂傷
We're like fire and gasoline
I'm no good for you, you're no good for me
兩者相逢 向來不會有什麼好結果
We only bring each other tears and sorrow
能給彼此的 從來只有無窮無盡的淚水與苦痛
But tonight, I'm gonna love you like there's no
至少今晚你仍枕在我胸口 彌補無心犯下的錯
Tomorrow I'll be stronger
明天我要鼓起勇氣來 目送你最後一程
I'm not gonna break down and call you up
我既不會崩潰倒地 更不會喝醉打給你
When my heart cries out for you
哪怕哭得撕心裂肺 也只會默默承受
And tomorrow, you won't believe it
儘管你聽來感到無法置信 但從明天起
But when I pass your house, I won't stop
行經你家門前的我 再也不會停下來接你
No matter how bad I want to
無論有多少個捨不得 也只能含淚離去
But, tonight I'm gonna give in one last time
但至少今晚 讓我再放縱沉淪一回
Rock you strong in these arms of mine
用我生硬的臂膀擁你入懷 直到你入睡
Forget all the regrets that are bound to follow
剪碎悔恨織成的網 暫時忘卻憂傷
We're like fire and gasoline
I'm no good for you, you're no good for me
兩者相逢 向來不會有什麼好結果
We only bring each other tears and sorrow
能給彼此的 從來只有無止盡的淚水與折磨
But tonight, I'm gonna love you like there's no
但至少今晚我 還有機會能留給你
Baby, when we're good, you know we're great
親愛的 想當初你和我 也是愛得深刻濃烈
But there's too much bad for us to think
原來感情生變 漸漸有了後顧之憂
That there's anything worth trying to save
任再多的事後彌補 也無法挽救
But, tonight I'm gonna give in one last time
但至少今晚 讓我再放縱沉淪一回
Rock you strong in these arms of mine
用我生硬的臂膀擁你入懷 直到你入睡
Forget all the regrets that are bound to follow
剪碎悔恨織成的網 暫時忘卻憂傷
We're like fire and gasoline
I'm no good for you, you're no good for me
兩者相逢 向來不會有什麼好結果
We only bring each other tears and sorrow
能給彼此的 從來只有無止盡的淚水與折磨
But tonight, I'm gonna love you like there's no
至少今晚你仍枕在我胸口 彌補無心犯下的錯
Tomorrow I'm gonna leave here
明天一早 我就要離開這片傷心地
I'm gonna let you go and walk away
離開你左右 從此過上沒有你的生活
Like every day I said I would
遲遲未實現的承諾 總算要告一段落