
專輯:Midnights 午夜


Vigilante Shit

2022/11/27 第一次校正

2023/2/10 全曲重譯


Draw the cat eye sharp enough to kill a man

眼液筆勾描線條 勾魂魄 足以將人殺死

You did some bad things, but I'm the worst of them

你這粒老鼠屎 又惹了事 但我是你捅最大的婁子

Sometimes I wonder which one'll be your last lie

我想不透的是 說好的最後一次 究竟哪次才是

They say looks can kill and I might try

人稱美貌能使人作死 那我不妨一試

I don't dress for women

我的動機 非要女人眼紅

I don't dress for men


Lately, I've been dressin' for revenge

近來 我精心策劃打扮 只為復仇大計


I don't start shit, but I can tell you how it ends

我從不滋事 但容我提醒你 凡事點到為止

Don't get sad, get even

少貓哭耗子 動點腦子

So on the weekends

於是乎 週末期間

I don't dress for friends


Lately, I've been dressin' for revenge

近來 復仇美學 是我獨到時尚品味


She needed cold, hard proof, so I gave her some

她要冷硬猛料 如山鐵證 那好 我就給她了些

She had the envelope, where you think she got it from?

她持有存證信函 這其中的秘辛內幕 又當從何得來?

Now she gets the house, gets the kids, gets the pride

如今買來的房 生的孩子 掙來的尊嚴 全歸她名下

Picture me thick as thieves with your ex-wife

不難想像 我和你前妻暗中勾搭 老奸巨猾


And she looks so pretty


Drivin' in your Benz


Lately, she's been dressin' for revenge

近來 她滿腦子 只有謀劃復仇一事


She don't start shit, but she can tell you how it ends

她從不鬧事 但她清楚的是 這鬧劇到此為止

Don't get sad, get even

別老裝糊塗 動點腦子

So on the weekends

於是乎 週末期間

She don't dress for friends


Lately, she's been dressing for revenge

近來 她那復仇快感 堪稱時尚之最


Ladies always rise above

淑女受過教養 懂忍讓

Ladies know what people want

淑女知人情世故 懂迎合念想

Someone sweet and kind and fun

女人必須體貼溫婉 又幽默詼諧

The lady simply had enough

這位淑女手一擺 只覺厭倦


While he was doin' lines and crossin' all of mine

直擊案發現場 他正朝桌面狂吸 當場逮獲男人

Someone told his white-collar crimes to the FBI

知情者蒐集證據 將他的非法行為 告發聯邦局

And I don't dress for villains

而我的動機 絕非錯認罪人

Or for innocents


I'm on my vigilante shit again

我是盡忠職守 執行私刑正義


I don't start shit, but I can tell you how it ends

我從不滋事 但容我提醒你 這事到此為止

Don't get sad, get even

少貓哭耗子 動點腦子

So on the weekends

於是乎 週末期間

I don't dress for friends


Lately, I've been dressin' for revenge

近來 復仇美學 是我獨到時尚品味



Draw the cat eye, sharp enough to kill a man

經纖手描繪的貓眼 畢露鋒芒銳利得足以殺死人

You did some bad things, but I'm the worst of them

你幹了些見不得人的勾當 但你對我犯的罪行最為可恥卑鄙

Sometimes I wonder, which one will be your last lie?

有時我不免思忖著 究竟要撒多少謊你才打算收山金盆洗手?

They say looks can kill and I might try

既然有眼神殺人一說 那我就不妨一試好了


I don't dress for women, I don't dress for men

我一身標新立異的打扮 既不為女人 也絕不是為男人

Lately I've been dressing for revenge

近來我只特地為甜蜜華麗的復仇 而換上裝束


I don't start shit, but I can tell you how it ends

我不輕易對誰挑起事端 但我可以告訴你結局始終如一

Don't get sad, get even

少在那貓哭死耗子 長點記性

So on the weekends, I don't dress for friends

若週末巧遇我時 可得記住我不為和朋友打扮梳妝

Lately I've been dressing for revenge



She needed a cold heart proof, so I gave her some

她要的不過是確鑿證據將判決定讞 於是我好心給她了些

She had the envelope, where you think she got it from?

她透過線人提供的信箋扳倒了你 那你認為那個人還會是誰?

Now she gets the house, gets the kids, gets the pride

如今她坐擁了你名下的房地產 孩子的撫養權 也贏回了尊嚴

Picture me thick as thieves with your ex-wife

而串通你前妻的幕後黑手就是我本人 耍得你團團轉


And she looks so pretty drivin' in your Benz

瞧她開你賓士風光出遊的模樣 可是意氣風發著呢

Lately she's been dressing for revenge

看樣子 她也跟風換上時下流行的復仇時裝了


She don't start shit, but she can tell you how it ends

她雖沒閒情逸致浪費唇舌 但她倒是能大發慈悲替你開示

Don't get sad, get even

少在那沒事裝可憐 哭死沒人知

So on the weekends, she don't dress for friends

週末你若撞見她和友人我交談時 得記住她不為誰梳妝

Lately she's been dressing for revenge

只因她已加冕后冠 成為萬人之上的復仇女王


Ladies always rise above

淑女總化悲憤為力量 愈挫愈勇

Ladies know what people want


Someone sweet and kind and fun

像什麼風情萬種 既甜美心善又幽默

The ladies simply had enough

淑女見狀僅僅顰笑 看來是受夠了


Well, he was doing lines

這麼說吧 被逮到時他滿臉白粉

And crossin' all of mine

看樣子 是嗑了不少我的好東西

Someone told his white collar crimes

公司似乎有內鬼 竊取白領犯罪的商業機密

To the FBI



And I don't dress for villains or for innocents

我這身打扮 既不為惡棍 也絕非搖尾乞憐的喪家犬

I'm a vigilante shit again

身為紅袍糾察隊 我不過是維護社稷安危


I don't start shit, but I can tell you how it ends

我不隨便隔空叫囂公幹 但我能保證你死狀絕對淒涼

Don't get sad, get even

少在那貓哭死耗子 簡直窩囊

So on the weekends, I don't dress for friends

若週末碰見我時 可得記住我釋出的善意全是偽裝

Lately I've been dressing for revenge

只因我已披上王袍 受封加冕為復仇女皇

    創作者 pch 的頭像


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