
專輯:The Pinkprint 粉紅藍圖


Bed Of Lies

Nicki Minaj - Bed of Lies (Lyrics) ft. Skylar Grey


Oh-oh-oh, yeah

噢-噢-噢 耶


Do you ever think of me when you lie?

每當你撒謊的時候 你也可曾想起我來?

Lie down in your bed, your bed of lies

安然無恙地躺在你的床 你那滿床的謊言

And I knew better than to look in your eyes

而我總算學乖 不願將頭抬起來 凝望你狡猾的眼

They only pretend you would be mine

它們只會讓我誤以為 我依然佔有你的愛


And oh, how you made me believe

而一想到 你是如何連哄帶騙引我上鉤

You had me caught in every web that you weaved

你讓我一步步掉進你織的地網天羅 說什麼也無法掙脫

But do you ever think of me when you lie?

但是每當你撒謊的時候 你也可曾想起我來?

Lie down in your bed, your bed of lies

高枕無憂地躺在你的床 你那滿床的謊言


You could never make eye contact

你永遠也沒那個膽量 敢與誰眼神接觸

Everything you got was based off of my contacts

之所以能有今天的成功 還不是靠我名氣拉關係的緣故

You a fraud but I'ma remain icon-stat

你不就花心大騙子 但我女王頭銜屹立不搖

Balenciagas on my boots with a python strap

腳踩名牌巴黎世家 還有巨蟒招牌標誌 無比招搖


You was caught up in the rush and you was caught up in the thrill of it

你是一時迷戀上香豔的刺激 而你知道這種小情小愛的玩意兒 很快就忘光了

You was with me way before I hit a quarter mil' in it

早在我小有名聲 有收入進帳以前 你不是就和我在一起了

Put you in the crib and you ain't never pay a bill in it

給了你安心舒適的家居 可笑的是你連一分一毛也沒付過

I was killin' it, now you got me poppin' pills in it

我在舞台上大放異彩 結果你現在鬧這齣 是想搞什麼


I told Baby hit you, I said, "This nigga buggin'"

我告訴製作人你該打 我說『這黑鬼是個超級壞蛋』

'Cause I was doin' it for us, I told 'em fuck the public

因為我這麼做都是為我們好 讓那些愛他媽管閒事的人滾蛋

Couldn't believe that I was home alone, contemplatin' overdosin'

真是不敢相信 我會淪落到回家不斷思量 嗑藥嗑到快藥物過量的地步

No more coastin', no more toastin' over oceans

心情鬱卒低落 無法振作 無法再聽心愛的人為我祝福


They say you don't know what you got 'til it's gone

我常聽人家說很多事情 非得要等到失去了 才懂得珍惜

They say that your darkest hour come before your dawn

他們還說先走過最黑暗的時刻 禁得住時間考驗 才能迎接黎明

But there was something that I shoulda asked all along

但我一直以來都對某些事情耿耿於懷 我早該先問過才對的

I'ma ask on the song



Do you ever think of me when you lie?

每當你撒謊的時候 你也可曾想起我來?

Lie down in your bed, your bed of lies

安然無恙地躺在你的床 你那滿床的謊言

And I knew better than to look in your eyes

而我總算學乖 不願將頭抬起來 凝望你狡猾的眼

They only pretend you would be mine

它們只會讓我誤以為 我依然佔有你的愛


And oh, how you made me believe

而一想到 你是如何連哄帶騙引我上鉤

You had me caught in every web that you weaved

你讓我一步步掉進你織的地網天羅 說什麼也無法掙脫

But do you ever think of me when you lie?

但是每當你撒謊的時候 你也可曾想起我來?

Lie down in your bed, your bed of lies

高枕無憂地躺在你的床 你那滿床的謊言


I just figured if you saw me, if you looked in my eyes

我這才發覺 假如你看見了我 假如你能與我來段深情對望

You'd remember our connection and be freed from the lies

你就會想起我們回憶多珍貴 說謊犯的罪 就能獲得當場無罪釋放

I just figured I was something that you couldn't replace

我這才發覺 我在你心中佔有最特別的地位 你永遠也取代不了

But there was just a blank stare and I couldn't relate

但那不過是空洞的眼神 而我試著解讀 卻怎麼也理解不了


I just couldn't understand and I couldn't defend

我就是理解不能 而出了這些事 我甚至無法為你反駁

What we had, what we shared, and I couldn't pretend

我們過的那些生活 分享過的笑聲 要我假裝不在乎 我怎麼能

When the tears rolled down, it's like you ain't even notice 'em

當眼淚從我臉龐流了下來 你卻選擇了無視 就好像你壓根沒注意過

If you had a heart, I was hopin' that you would show it some

假如你真的有心 我希望你至少用行動來表達 好讓我知道你在乎我


What the fuck you really tellin' me? What you tellin' me?

你他媽有屁快放 到底有什麼事不能講?你是想告訴我什麼事?

I could tell you lyin', get the fuck out, don't yell at me

我最好看不出來你撒謊 他媽給我滾出去 少在那裏吼個不停

I ain't mean to cut you, I ain't wanna catch a felony

我傷了你真不是故意的 我可不想因為傷害罪 而吃上官司

This ain't How To Be A Player, you ain't Bill Bellamy

這不是現實版超級大玩咖 你也沒有比爾貝拉米那麼帥氣


They say you don't know what you got 'til it's gone

我常聽人家說很多事情 非得要等到失去了 才懂得珍惜

They say that your darkest hour come before your dawn

他們還說先走過最黑暗的時刻 禁得住時間考驗 才能迎接黎明

But there was something that I shoulda asked all along

但我一直以來都對某些事情耿耿於懷 我早該先問過才對的

I'ma ask on the song



So does she know I've been in that bed before?

所以說她也知道 我也躺在你用謊言織的那張床囉?

A thousand count and not a single thread of truth

不知有幾千幾萬織 殊不知沒有任何的一絲一縷是事實

If I was just another girl


Then I'm ashamed to say that I'm not over you

那麼我必須遺憾地告訴你 我怎麼就是忘不掉你的事


There's one thing I need to know

都說了這麼多 我只需要知道一件事

So call me when you're not so busy

所以麻煩你哪一天有空 沒有特別忙著

Just thinkin' of yourself



Do you ever think of me when you lie?

每當你撒謊的時候 你也可曾想起我來?

Lie down in your bed, your bed of lies

安然無恙地躺在你的床 你那滿床的謊言

And I knew better than to look in your eyes

而我總算學乖 不願將頭抬起來 凝望你狡猾的眼

They only pretend you would be mine

它們只會讓我誤以為 我依然佔有你的愛


And oh, how you made me believe

而一想到 你是如何連哄帶騙引我上鉤

You had me caught in every web that you weaved

你讓我一步步掉進你織的地網天羅 說什麼也無法掙脫

But do you ever think of me when you lie?

但是每當你撒謊的時候 你也可曾想起我來?

Lie down in your bed, your bed of lies

高枕無憂地躺在你的床 你那滿床的謊言

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