專輯:First Time - Single
Kygo & Ellie Goulding - First Time (Official Video)
We were lovers for the first time
我們不知怎麼著 成為彼此的初戀情人
Running all the red lights
The middle finger was our peace sign, yeah
向世界高高豎起中指 是我們和平的象徵 耶
We were sipping on emotions
我們飲下激動的情緒 喝得微醺
Smoking and inhaling every moment
抽世俗的菸 將汙濁的每一刻吸進肺部
It was reckless and we owned it, yeah, yeah
雖然不太負責任 但我們勇於承認 耶 耶
We were high and we were sober
我們在慷慨激昂的同時 也獨善其身
We were on and we were over
我們在交往的同時 也結束了關係
We were young and now I'm older
我們曾年輕得不可一世 雖然我長大了
But I'd do it all again
但我願付出一切 回到那時候
Getting drunk on a train track
喝得爛醉 肉身臥在火車軌道上頭
Way back, when we tried our first cigarettes (oh)
幾百年前 我們試著抽第一根菸 結果不小心嗆咳 (噢)
Ten dollars was a fat stack
那時有十塊錢 就稱得上富有
I'd do it all again (oh)
我只想回到那時候 (噢)
Bomber jacket and a snapback
一身棒球夾克超帥穿搭 潮帽反戴
Your dad's black Honda was a Maybach (oh)
你老爸聲稱他開黑色本田 其實是邁巴赫 (噢)
"Re: Stacks" on the playback
美好冬季07金曲 正單曲循環著
I'd do it all again (oh)
我願付出一切 回到那時候 (噢)
We were lovers on a wild ride
我們這對愛侶 歷經跌宕的旅程
Speeding for the finish line
本想就這麼加速 直奔衝點線
Come until the end of our time, yeah
摔跤翻覆 最後成了別開生面的仇人 耶
Started off as a wildfire
一開始 還像是野火燒得旺盛
Burning down the bridges to our empire
燒毀了一座座橋墩 打造隸屬於我們的帝國
Our love was something they could admire, yeah, yeah
我們的凝戀 也曾是值得後世景仰的情感糾葛 耶 耶
We were high and we were sober
我們在慷慨激昂的同時 也獨善其身
We were on and we were over
我們在交往的同時 也結束了關係
We were young and now I'm older
我們曾年輕得不可一世 雖然我長大了
But I'd do it all again
但我願付出一切 回到那時候
Getting drunk on a train track
喝得爛醉 肉身臥在火車軌道上頭
Way back, when we tried our first cigarettes (oh)
幾百年前 我們試著抽第一根菸 結果不小心嗆咳 (噢)
Ten dollars was a fat stack
那時有十塊錢 就稱得上富有
I'd do it all again (oh)
我只想回到那時候 (噢)
Bomber jacket and a snapback
一身棒球夾克超帥穿搭 潮帽反戴
Your dad's black Honda was a Maybach (oh)
你老爸聲稱他開黑色本田 其實是邁巴赫 (噢)
"Re: Stacks" on the playback
美好冬季的單曲 正單曲循環著
I'd do it all again (oh)
我願付出一切 回到那時候 (噢)