專輯:Midnights 午夜
Taylor Swift - Maroon (Official Lyric Video)
2022/11/27 第一次校正
When the morning came
We were cleaning incense off your vinyl shelf
我們正清掃著黑膠唱片櫃 拂去堆積己久的塵埃
'Cause we lost track of time again
太過忘我 以致於沒留意時間流逝飛快
Laughing with my feet in your lap
我將腿擱在你膝蓋歇息 倆人風生笑談
Like you were my closest friend
"How'd we end up on the floor, anyway?" you say
『我倆怎會聊著聊著 就掉到地板上了?』你納悶地說
"Your roommate's cheap-ass screw-top rosé, that's how"
『怪就怪你室友貪小便宜 總要添購難開的粉紅酒 就是這麼著』
I see you every day now
And I chose you
The one I was dancing with
踏進舞池 同我攜手漫舞
In New York, no shoes
置身紐約高地 赤腳裸足
Looked up at the sky and it was
兩人抬頭仰望天空 而那晚的夜色
The burgundy on my t-shirt
When you splashed your wine into me
那夜你酒杯不經意傾頹 將酒水潑至我身
And how the blood rushed into my cheeks
而血液瞬即竄升至我雙頰處 泛起了陣陣紅暈
So scarlet, it was
如此深邃的紅 像極了
The mark thеy saw on my collarbone
The rust that grew bеtween telephones
也像極了 於舊式電話兩側爬生的斑斑鏽跡
The lips I used to call home
你的唇瓣 我曾管它叫今生的歸宿
So scarlet, it was maroon
如此鮮美豔麗 像極了絳紅
When the silence came
We were shaking, blind and hazy
我們渾身抖顫 因愛情盲目而淚眼朦朧
How the hell did we lose sight of us again?
我們怎會忽略了明擺著的事實 落得這步田地?
Sobbing with your head in your hands
你俯身小聲啜泣 並低頭將臉埋進掌心裡面
Ain't that the way shit always ends?
再他媽偉大的愛情 不都注定要以悲劇作結?
You were standing hollow-eyed in the hallway
你隻身矗立於迴廊處 雙眼空洞失神地盯著前方看
Carnations you had thought were roses, that's us
那日你將康乃馨誤認為玫瑰 贈予於我 而那曾是我們的愛
I feel you, no matter what
無論如何 我希望你知道我為你疼心
The rubies that I gave up
面對紅寶石般純粹的愛 我忍痛放棄
And I lost you
The one I was dancing with
In New York, no shoes
置身紐約高地 赤腳裸足
Looked up at the sky and it was (Maroon)
獨自抬頭仰望天空 而夜色曾是如此 (絳紅)
The burgundy on my t-shirt
When you splashed your wine into me
那夜你酒杯不經意傾頹 將酒水潑至我身
And how the blood rushed into my cheeks
而血液瞬即竄升至我雙頰處 泛起了陣陣紅暈
So scarlet, it was (Maroon)
如此深邃的紅 像極了 (絳紅)
The mark thеy saw on my collarbone
The rust that grew bеtween telephones
也像極了 於舊式電話兩側爬生的斑斑鏽跡
The lips I used to call home
你的唇瓣 我曾管它叫今生的歸宿
So scarlet, it was maroon
如此鮮美豔麗 像極了絳紅
And I wake with your memory over me
我獨自清醒 身上灑滿了與你相戀的心動時分
That's a real fucking legacy, legacy (It was maroon)
那該是多他媽的難能可貴 值得後人景仰的感情 (那便是絳紅)
And I wake with your memory over me
黎明破曉 我睜開眼 而你的身影仍揮之不去
That's a real fucking legacy to leave
若捨得放下真感情 那我他媽可真傻得可以
The burgundy on my t-shirt
When you splashed your wine into me
那夜你酒杯不經意傾頹 將酒水潑至我身
And how the blood rushed into my cheeks
而血液瞬即竄升至我雙頰處 泛起了陣陣紅暈
So scarlet, it was (Maroon)
如此深邃的紅 像極了 (絳紅)
The mark thеy saw on my collarbone
The rust that grew bеtween telephones
也像極了 於舊式電話兩側爬生的斑斑鏽跡
The lips I used to call home
你的唇瓣 我曾管它叫今生的歸宿
So scarlet, it was maroon
如此鮮美豔麗 像極了絳紅
It was maroon
It was maroon
那樣的愛情 曾是絳紅
"The rust that grew bеtween telephones" 寫得極其優美。