專輯:minor 未成年
I missed your 21st birthday
I've been up at home
其實是待在家 整晚都沒睡
Almost tried to call you, don't know if I should
差點沒忍住打給你的衝動 猶豫我究竟怎麼做才對
Hate to picture you half-drunk happy
一想到你喝得微醺半醉的樣子 就讓我討厭
Hate to think you went out without me
更可惡的是 你比我還早忘懷 一腳將我踹開
I'm sorry if you blame me, if I were you, I would
若你責備我 我很遺憾 不過換做是我 大概也會這麼做
Thought you'd see it coming, but you never could
還以為你早有預感 殊不知事情發生當下 你只覺錯愕
I still haven't heard from your family
你溫馨可愛的家庭 至今依然沒消沒息呢
But you said your mom always loved me
儘管分手前 你向我保證你母親會永遠愛我
Sometimes I go blurry-eyed
有時候 我哭得連眼睛也睜不開
Small talk and you tell me that you're on fire
那天巧遇 我們閒聊話家常 聽說你最近過得還不賴
Lights on and it's black and white, I couldn't stay forever
燈光倏地亮起 抽乾這世界的色彩 黑白分明 迫使我不得不離開
I see the look in your eye and I'm biting my tongue
我看見你眼中流露的悲傷 於是我憋著心裡頭的話不講
You'll be the love of my life when I was young
你永永遠遠都會是我最愛的人 只是被我忘在過往
When the night is over
等到天亮了 人也跟著醒了
Don't call me up, I'm already under
別在那個時間打給我 我人那時已經睡了
I get a little bit alone sometimes and I miss you again
我有時候 是會有那麼一點點寂寞 那是想你的心情再度發作
I'll be the love of your life inside your head
我永永遠遠會是你最愛的那個人 住在你腦海裏頭
When the night is over
等到天亮了 人也跟著醒了
Don't call me up, I'm already under
要記得別打給我 我依舊為失去你而心痛
Audrey said she saw you out past twelve o'clock
奧黛麗聲稱 她那天親眼看見你午夜後外出 大街上遊蕩
Just because you're hurting doesn't mean I'm not
可別以為你比我還來得難受 就代表這段感情只有你受傷
If it doesn't go away by the time I turn thirty
假如我都過三十歲了 心中的這份傷痛還是沒淡去
I made a mistake and I'll tell you I'm sorry
那就是我的不對 到那個時候 我會親口向你承認
Sometimes I go blurry-eyed
有時候 我哭得連眼睛也睜不開
Small talk and you tell me that you're on fire
那天巧遇 我們話家常 愛逞強的你說最近過得不賴
Lights on and it's black and white, I couldn't stay forever
燈光倏地亮起 抽乾這世界色彩 黑白分明 崩潰使我不得不離開
I see the look in your eye and I'm biting my tongue
我看見你眼中流露的悲傷 於是我憋著心裡頭的話不講
You'll be the love of my life when I was young
你永永遠遠都會是我最愛的人 只是被我忘在過往
When the night is over
等到天亮了 人也跟著醒了
Don't call me up, I'm already under
別在那個時間打給我 我人那時已經睡了
I get a little bit alone sometimes and I miss you again
我有時候 是會有那麼一點點寂寞 那是想你的心情再度發作
I'll be the love of your life inside your head
我永永遠遠會是你最愛的那個人 住在你腦海裏頭
When the night is over
等到天亮了 人也跟著醒了
Don't call me up, I'm already under
要記得別打給我 我依舊為失去你而心痛