
專輯:reputation (Taylor’s Version) 舉世盛名 (泰勒絲全新版)


Taylor Swift - End Game ft. Ed Sheeran, Future


I wanna be your end game


I wanna be your first string


I wanna be your A-Team (Woah, woah, woah)

我會是你隊伍中的關鍵王牌 (喔噢 喔噢 喔噢)

I wanna be your end game, end game

我會是你馳騁情場的告別絕響 終局之戰


Big reputation, big reputation

舉世盛名 聲勢浩蕩的舉世盛名

Ooh, you and me, we got big reputations, ah

噢 你和我連袂出手 我們就能拿下全宇宙 啊

And you heard about me, ooh

想必你也聽說了我的惡名昭著 噢

I got some big enemies (Yeah)

我外頭結了不少世仇死敵 (耶)


Big reputation, big reputation

舉世盛名 揚名國際的舉世盛名

Ooh, you and me would be a big conversation, ah (Git, git)

噢 你若和我勾搭上彼此 勢必會引發媒體熱烈討論 啊 (水喔)

And I heard about you, ooh (Yeah)

而我也耳聞了你的鼎鼎大名 (耶)

You like the bad ones, too



You so dope, don't overdose, I’m so stoked, I need a toast

你酷斃了 但可別先葛屁了 我可是煞到你了 我先來一杯消消火

We do the most, I'm in the Ghost like I'm whippin’ a boat

我什麼都想和你做 我心情就像是開勞斯萊斯 載你到海上兜風

I got a reputation, girl, that don't precede me (Yeah)

我生性聲名遠播 妹子 但這可沒讓我自以為能耍特權 (耶)

I'm one call away whenever you need me (Yeah)

我隨叩隨到 只要有需要 不論你在哪我一定到 (耶)

I'm in a G5 (Yeah), come to the A-Side (Yeah)

我隨便一架噴射機 (耶) 亞特蘭大手指一彈就到 (耶) 

I got a bad boy persona, that's what they like (That's what they like)

我有的是壞痞子街頭風 耍酷使壞 那些女孩們最愛 (酷帥男孩就是她們的愛)

You love it, I love it too 'cause you my type (You my type)

只要你愛 我就愛 因為你正中紅心 就是我的大天菜 (你是我菜)

You hold me down and I protect you with my life (My life, my life)

你儘管把我當靠山 而我會一輩子保護你 你就是我摯愛 (摯愛 一生摯愛)


I don't wanna touch you (I don’t wanna be)

我不希望一碰觸就愛上你 (我不希望只是個)

Just another ex-love (You don’t wanna see)

另一個你不愛的舊歡前任 (你不會希望這樣的)

I don't wanna miss you (I don’t wanna miss you)

我不希望要花時間忘了你 (我不想為失去你而痛苦)

Like the other girls do



I don't wanna hurt you (I just wanna be)

我不希望說這些 會因此傷了你 (我只希望能)

Drinking on a beach with (You all over me)

愜意地喝酒 悠閒躺在海灘 (跟你全身貼緊緊)

I know what they all say (I know what they all say)

別人會怎麼說 這我可是清楚得很 (我知道他們的死性)

But I ain't tryna play



I wanna be your end game (End game)

我多想成為你那班列車的終點站 (終點站)

I wanna be your first string (First string)

我只想當你第一條撩撥的心弦 (第一條心弦)

I wanna be your A-Team (A-Team)

我會是你隊伍中的關鍵王牌 (關鍵王牌)

I wanna be your end game, end game

我會是你馳騁情場的告別絕響 終局之戰


Knew her when I was young, reconnected when we were little bit older

年紀還輕就認識了她 一直到我們年紀稍長 才重新連繫彼此 這關係隨即升溫

Both sprung, I got issues and chips on both of my shoulders

兩人年輕氣盛 那時我情緒管理控管不怎麼優 總對旁人懷恨於心

Reputation precedes me, in rumors, I'm knee-deep

只怪我成名太早 謠言滿天飛 無奈我涉水太深 搆不著地

The truth is, it’s easier to ignore it, believe me

但事實簡單得很 只要不理它就很輕鬆 相信我行不行


Even when we'd argue, we'd not do it for long

就算我們為小事爭論不休 冷戰倒也撐得不怎麼久

And you understand the good and bad end up in the song

而你也明白我遊戲規則 不論發生好事還壞事 都會被寫進歌中

For all your beautiful traits and the way you do it with ease

集結了所有美好特質於一身的你 要人為你傾心 簡直再輕鬆不過

For all my flaws, paranoia, and insecurities

反觀我缺點有夠多 疑心病超重 又老是焦慮發作


I've made mistakes and made some choices, that's hard to deny

我過去犯了不少錯誤 一時糊塗 幹了見不得人的勾當 這點我無法否認

After the storm, something was born on the 4th of July

但暴雨過後總有彩虹 就像孕育自由的國度 國慶日從此誕生

I've passed days without fun, this end game is the one

我早就過了尋歡作樂的年紀 這場終局之戰 就是我的告別作

With four words on the tip of my tongue, I'll never say it

泰勒待會兒說的四個字 我一時忘了 但就算想起 我也絕口不說


I don't wanna touch you (I don’t wanna be)

我不希望一碰觸就愛上你 (我不希望只是個)

Just another ex-love (You don’t wanna see)

另一個你不愛的舊歡前任 (你不會希望這樣的)

I don't wanna miss you (I don’t wanna miss you)

我不希望要花時間忘了你 (我不想為失去你而痛苦)

Like the other girls do



I don't wanna hurt you (I just wanna be)

我不希望說這些 會因此傷了你 (我只希望能)

Drinking on a beach with (You all over me)

愜意地喝酒 悠閒躺在海灘 (跟你全身貼緊緊)

I know what they all say (Yeah)

我對他們的死性可清楚得很 (耶)

But I ain't tryna play



I wanna be your end game (End game)

我多想成為你那班列車的終點站 (終點站)

I wanna be your first string (I wanna be your first string)

我只想當你第一條撩撥的心弦 (我想當你第一條撩撥的心弦)

I wanna be your A-Team (A-Team)

我會是你隊伍中的關鍵王牌 (關鍵王牌)

I wanna be your end game, end game

我會是你馳騁情場的告別絕響 終局之戰


Big reputation, big reputation

舉世盛名 聲勢浩蕩的舉世盛名

Ooh, you and me, we got big reputations, ah

噢 你和我連袂出手 我們就能拿下全宇宙 啊

And you heard about me, ooh

想必你也聽說了我的惡名昭著 噢

I got some big enemies, hey

我外頭結了不少世仇死敵 嘿


Big reputation, big reputation, yeah

舉世盛名 我那揚名國際的舉世盛名 耶

Ooh, you and me would be a big conversation, ah

噢 你若和我勾搭上彼此 勢必會引發媒體熱烈討論 啊

And I heard about you, ooh


You like the bad ones, too



I hit you like bang, we tried to forget it, but we just couldn't

我猛烈的愛將你心貫穿 不論我們左躲右閃 但終究還是沒能忘懷

And I bury hatchets, but I keep maps of where I put 'em

而我埋了兇刀 打算盡釋前嫌 但我可藏好路線圖 隨時能撿回來

Reputation precedes me, they told you I'm crazy

我的惡名昭著無人不曉 不論走到哪 都有人罵我瘋了

I swear I don't love the drama, it loves me

我向天發誓 我不想惹事生非 但壞事總會找上我


And I can't let you go, your handprints on my soul

而我怎麼也不放開你 都怪你那溫熱掌心俘獲了我的心

It's like your eyes are liquor, it's like your body is gold

彷彿你眼眸是灌醉我的酒液 身體還點石成金 將愛化為永恆

You've been callin' my bluff on all my usual tricks (Ooh)

你對我平常的小把戲嗤之以鼻 若對你不起作用 既然如此 (噢)

So here's the truth from my red lips (Ah)

那我只好從我那烈火紅唇 娓娓道出事實 (啊)


I wanna be your end game (End game)

我會是你愛情列車的終點站 (愛的終點站)

I wanna be your first string (Me and you; First string)

我還會是你第一條撩撥的心弦 (我和你在一起 第一條心弦)

I wanna be your A-Team (Be your A-Team now; A-Team)

我會是你隊伍中的關鍵王牌 (快派我當你的王牌吧 關鍵王牌)

I wanna be your end game, end game

我會是你揮別遊戲的終點戰 終局之戰


I wanna be your end game (Oh, I do)

我多想成為你列車的終點站 (噢 我情願)

I wanna be your first string (First string)

我只想當你第一條撩撥的心弦 (第一條心弦)

I wanna be your A-Team (A-Team)

我會是你隊伍中的關鍵王牌 (關鍵王牌)

I wanna be your end game, end game

我會是你馳騁情場的告別絕響 終局之戰


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