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專輯:Rumours (Super Deluxe) 謠言(超豪華典藏版)





Slipped into the fountains of my emptiness

如同泉湧的空虛 將我蠶食鯨吞

I let teardrops fall, I let them go

我任憑淚水潸然 再用雙手抹去

Stepped into the canyons of my loneliness

寂寞如高聳峽谷 攀登眼前孤高

And I went about as far as I could go

冒著狂風暴雨 單靠意志力生存


Even as I searched for you, I knew

其實我很清楚 就算找到你 

Even if I found you you'd be so cold

幾度溫暖的手 也變得冰冷

Even when I found you now baby I knew

而且 就算我真能見到你

That I'd gone about as far as I could go

屆時的我 已不可同日而語


And if you don't love me now

要是你 不趁現在愛我

You will never love me again

以後 你就再也沒有機會

I can still hear you saying

蕭颯風中依然傳來 你咆哮著

You would never break the chain


I can still hear you saying

我仍能清楚聽見 你嚷嚅著

That if you don't love me now

『要是現在 你不願意愛我

You won't love me again

以後 就別再說你愛過』


I don't mean to beg


But I don't know what else to say

但我不曉得 還有什麼話好說

If you meant what you said

倘若 當時你沒有說謊

You'd have been here yesterday

那麼 昨天你應該有來過

I won't watch you go

我不要 眼睜睜看你走

I won't even try

所以 我寧願別過頭

There you go down the road

毫不猶豫的你 兀自開車離去

But don't look to me to say goodbye

但你可別怔怔望著我 用唇語道別


And if you don't love me now

要是你 不趁現在愛我

You will never love me again

以後 你就再也沒有機會

I can still hear you saying

蕭颯風中依然傳來 你嘟嚷著

You would never break the chain

『你永遠也無法掙脫 這道愛的枷鎖』

I can still hear you saying

我仍能清楚聽見 你嘶吼著

You would never break the chain

『你永遠也無法掙脫 這道愛的枷鎖』

And if you don't love me now

要是現在 你不願意愛我

You won't love me again

以後 就別再說你愛過

You won't love me again

以後你 再也不會愛我


Why don't you love me?

為什麼 你就是不愛我?

I'm down on my knees

我冒著風雨 跪在你家門前

Begging you to please...


Baby don't leave me


Baby don't leave me

求求你 別離開我

Baby please


Baby don't leave me

求求你 別離開我

    創作者 pch 的頭像


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