
專輯:reputation (Taylor’s Version) 舉世盛名 (泰勒絲全新版)


Taylor Swift - Call It What You Want (Lyric Video)


My castle crumbled overnight

我構築的城堡 一夕間就塌了下來

I brought a knife to a gunfight


They took the crown, but it's alright

他們雖奪走我的皇冠 但我絲毫不覺麻煩


All the liars are calling me one

騙子罵我爛人一個時 竟臉色不改

Nobody's heard from me for months

連續幾個月無消無息 我蒸發在地球表面

I'm doin' better than I ever was

我現在過的生活 反而遠遠好過從前




My baby's fit like a daydream

我和他心靈相契 就如同美夢成真

Walkin' with his head down

邊朝這方向走來 邊將頭放低

I'm the one he's walking to


So call it what you want, yeah

隨人去說吧 怎麼做都隨你 耶

Call it what you want to

不論你想怎麼樣 都隨便你


My baby's fly like a jet stream

我的寶貝一飛衝天 噴射機般迅速

High above the whole scene

帶我一同飛翔 遨遊那應許之地

Loves me like I'm brand new

對我的愛 永遠都那麼煥然一新

So call it what you want, yeah

那就隨人去說吧 想怎樣隨你 耶

Call it what you want to

不論你怎麼做 我都不在乎


All my flowers grew back as thorns

我花圃栽植的鮮花 復甦時卻長滿了荊刺

Windows boarded up after the storm

經過狂風暴雨  屋內的窗戶皆被木條封死

He built a fire just to keep me warm

他搬來柴堆鑽木取火 好讓我不因冷凍死


All the drama queens taking swings

那些愛鬧事的社群網紅 多發文試水溫

All the jokers dressing up as kings

那些一點本領也沒有的丑角 以王自稱

They fade to nothing when I look at him

他們譁眾取寵的舉動 在我看見他便失去意義


And I know I make the same mistakes every time

而我非常清楚 我老是犯同樣的錯誤 我永遠學不到教訓

Bridges burn, I never learn

橋燒斷了 我還是一點也沒長進

At least I did one thing right

但至少 我這輩子做對了一件事情

I did one thing right



I'm laughing with my lover, makin' forts under covers

我正和我的愛人歡聲笑語 躲在床罩下從頭築起我們的堡壘

Trust him like a brother


Yeah, you know I did one thing right

沒錯 你就明白 我當時做對了什麼事情

Starry eyes sparkin' up my darkest night

斑斕星眼 熠熠輝光照亮我那暗無天日的夜空


My baby's fit like a daydream

我和他心靈相契 就如同美夢成真

Walkin' with his head down

邊朝這方向走來 邊將頭放低

I'm the one he's walking to


So call it what you want, yeah

隨人去說吧 怎麼做都隨你 耶

Call it what you want to

不論你想怎麼樣 都隨便你


My baby's fly like a jet stream

我的寶貝一飛衝天 噴射機般迅速

High above the whole scene

帶我一同飛翔 遨遊那應許之地

Loves me like I'm brand new

對我的愛 永遠都那麼煥然一新

(Call it what you want, call it what you want, call it)

(不論你想怎麼說 都隨你便 想怎麼樣我不在乎 隨便你)

So call it what you want, yeah

那就隨人去說吧 想怎樣隨你 耶

Call it what you want to

不論你怎麼做 我都不在乎


I want to wear his initial on a chain 'round my neck

我真想配戴他名字第一個字母的首飾 懸掛在我的胸前

Chain 'round my neck


Not because he owns me


But 'cause he really knows me


Which is more than they can say, I

這遠比他們的閒言碎語 還難以言喻 我


I recall late November


Holding my breath, slowly, I said

不由得屏住呼吸 我緩緩開口表明心意

"You don't need to save me


But would you run away with me?"


Yes (Would you run away?)

是的 (願不願意跟我一起走?)


My baby's fit like a daydream

我和他心靈相契 就如同美夢成真

Walkin' with his head down

邊朝這方向走來 邊將頭放低

I'm the one he's walking to


(Call it what you want, call it what you want, call it)

(不論你想怎麼說 都隨你便 想怎麼樣我不在乎 隨便你)

So call it what you want, yeah (Call it what you want to)

隨人去說吧 怎麼做都隨你 耶 (不論你想怎麼樣 都隨便你)

Call it what you want to

不論你想怎麼樣 都隨便你


My baby's fly like a jet stream (Oh)

我的寶貝一飛衝天 噴射機般迅速 (噢)

High above the whole scene

帶我一同飛翔 遨遊那應許之地

Loves me like I'm brand new

對我的愛 永遠都那麼煥然一新

(Call it what you want, call it what you want, call it)

(不論你想怎麼說 都隨你便 想怎麼樣我不在乎 隨便你)

So call it what you want, yeah

那就隨人去說吧 想怎樣隨你 耶

Call it what you want to

不論你怎麼做 我都不在乎


(Call it what you want, call it)

(想怎麼樣我完全不在乎 隨便你)

(Call it what you want, call it what you want, call it)

(不論你想怎麼說 都隨你便 想怎麼樣我不在乎 隨便你)

(Call it what you want, call it what you want, call it)

(不論你想怎麼說 都隨你便 想怎麼樣我不在乎 隨便你)

(Call it what you want, call it what you want, call it)

(不論你想怎麼說 都隨你便 想怎麼樣我不在乎 隨便你)

(Call it what you want, call it what you want, call it)

(不論你想怎麼說 都隨你便 想怎麼樣我不在乎 隨便你)

(Call it what you want, call it what you want, call it)

(不論你想怎麼說 都隨你便 想怎麼樣我不在乎 隨便你)

(Call it what you want, call it what you want, call it)

(不論你想怎麼說 都隨你便 想怎麼樣我不在乎 隨便你)

So call it what you want, yeah

那就隨人去說吧 我不在乎了 耶

Call it what you want to

不論你怎麼說 我都愛定他了

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