專輯:Rumours 謠言
Gold Dust Woman (2004 Remaster)
Rock on, gold dust woman
幹得好哪 金髮姑娘
Take your silver spoon and dig your grave
趕緊從石子下移開頭髮 朝你的戀人揮砍吧
Heartless challenge
Pick your path and then I'll pray
大可各走各的路 期許各自安好
Wake up in the mornin'
日暮西垂的你 起了個大早
See your sunrise, loves to go down
打開了窗戶 眼看愛情就要沒落
Lousy lovers pick their prey
選定目標狩獵 不過玩咖一個
But they never cry out loud, cry out
Well, did she make you cry, make you break down
這樣的她 是否也曾讓你落下男兒淚?
Shatter your illusions of love?
徹底粉碎你 對愛情不切實際的幻想?
And is it over now, do you know how?
Pick up the pieces and go home
把地上的玻璃渣撿乾淨 趕緊滾回家吧
Rock on, ancient queen, follow those who pale in your shadow
幹得好哪 示巴女王 讓凡人都活在你的陰影下
Rulers make bad lovers
後宮三千 統治者用情不專
You better put your kingdom up for sale
你還是在宮殿外掛個吊牌 標價兜售去
Up for sale
Did she make you cry, make you break down
Shatter your illusions of love?
Is it over now? Do you know how?
Pick up the pieces and go home
地上玻璃心掃一掃 趕緊滾回去吧
Did she make you cry, make you break down
這樣的她 是否也曾讓你忘了為愛而活?
Shatter your illusions of love ?
Now tell me, is it over now? Do you know how?
現在的你 有辦法看著我說 『你知道嗎?都結束了』
Pick up the pieces and go home, go home, go home
碎了滿地的心撿一撿 真的受夠了 我們回家吧
Ooh, pale shadow of a woman
噢 她斬去從前的束縛
Black widow
Pale shadow of a dragon
破除迷惘 不再留戀的她
Dust woman
Ooh, pale shadow of a woman
噢 她擺脫不堪的過往
Black widow
Ooh, pale shadow, she's a dragon
噢 擺脫過去陰霾的她 是人中之龍
Gold dust woman
愈挫愈勇的她 是驍勇的英雄